Tuesday, January 24, 2006
PÁG. 64
PÁG. 65
21st Century
Lisboa Século XXI
Cunha Simões
Fernando Corte Real
Laurinha Freitas
Andreia Côrte-Real e Rui Tasso
José de Oliveira
José Patrício
E – mail:
Pedro Lopes
Margarida Cunha Simões
Prima, Ltd.
Apartado 44
2384 – 909 Alcanena
Tel. 249 89 12 53 Fax: 249 8813 97
Page in Internet
Andreia Côrte-real Cunha Simões
Depósito Legal: 152689/00
ISBN – 972-98016-8-1
21st Century Lisbon............................................................................................................................
Trips at half price................................................................................................................................
Portuguese Eccentricies......................................................................................................................
Parque EduardoVII - Terreiro do Paço ...........................................................................................
..............Estátua do Marquês ...........................................................................................................
................Avenida da Liberdade ......................................................................................................
................Restauradores ..................................................................................................................
Praça D. Pedro IV (Rossio)............................................................................................................
Martim Moniz-Areeiro......................................................................................................................
From Igreja da Madalena to the Castelo and return past the Panteão ........................................
................O Castelo .........................................................................................................................
................O fado arrogate Lisbon song status................................................................................
Bairro Alto by Glória lift..........................................................................................................
Praça do Comércio to Belém ..........................................................................................................
................Museu dos Coches .......................................................................................................
................From Picoas to Benfica through Campo Grande..............................................................
Fernando Pessoa's House..................................................................................................................
Estrela - Aqueduto ........................................................................................................................
Parque das Nações .......................................................................................................................
................Queluz .............................................................................................................................
................Cascais.............................................................................................................................. Estoril................................................................................................................................................
A Outra Banda
................Almada..............................................................................................................................................Costa da Caparica..................................................................................................................
................Montijo.............................................................................................................................. Hotels................................................................................................................................................ Residential hotels - Inns....................................................................................................................
Boarding Houses...............................................................................................................................
Restaurants in Lisbon........................................................................................................................
Restaurants at Estoril Coast..............................................................................................................
Restaurants at the Railway Lisboa-Sintra Border........................................................................
Restaurants in Montijo......................................................................................................................
Idyllic Lisbon................................................................................................................................ ................Belvederes......................................................................................................................
................Gardens.......................................................................................................................... Monuments.................................................................................................................................... Palaces............................................................................................................................................
................Lisbon Friends...............................................................................................................
................Swimming pools............................................................................................................
General Information........................................................................................................................
................Medical services................................................................................................................
................Disabled people..................................................................................................................
................Anonymous Alcoholics......................................................................................................
................Addiction............................ ...........................................................................................
................Lost and found...................................................................................................................
................Police cases........................................................................................................................
................Foreigns services................................................................................................................
................Civil aviation......................................................................................................................
................Road traffic services..........................................................................................................
................Rent a car...........................................................................................................................
................Different auto concessionaries trade marks in Lisbon.......................................................
................Rent a motorcycle ...............................................................................................................
................Organized visits.................................................................................................................
................Railway station..................................................................................................................
...............Fluvial station.......................................................................................................................
................24 hours a day open petrol pumps....................................................................................
................Post office ......................................................................................................................... ................Electronic mail..............................................................................................................
...............FNAC card.........................................................................................................................
................Daily newspapers...........................................................................................................
................Weekly papers....................................................................................................................
................Sportive papers...................................................................................................................
................Broadcasting stations.........................................................................................................
................Golf links...........................................................................................................................
................Youth hostels.....................................................................................................................
................Portugal hostels..................................................................................................................
................Tickets sell reservation......................................................................................................
........... ....Theatres..............................................................................................................................
................Fado houses........................................................................................................................
................Music for all tastes.............................................................................................................
................Shopping centers................................................................................................................
................Port wine and other ones....................................................................................................
................Diplomatic representations................................................................................................
................Lisbon charts......................................................................................................................
................Metro ...............................................................................................................................
isbon is the perfect synthesis Portugal. None other city expresses with so much naturalness the people's spirit. It is the big village where the Portuguese of the other places work and mix with a population of the most different colours and sources.
Raided by northern, North Africa and Asiatic peoples, Lisbon won out the wisdom of social intercourse and brotherhood. Off her shores set off the caravels to the discovery of love in unknown lands, hidden by the sea and legends of fear and terror. These challenges excite the Portuguese who is a lamb by love but an enraged and foolhardy lion when hurt.
Through the centuries, Lisbon conquered, little by little, the lands irrigated by the Tejo ' firths that, lazy, lived, casting ashore its waters through the Baixa and Martim Moniz.
In 1147, when of the conquest, the river Valverde was yet the fertilizer of the fields that bordered it. All these arms of water will practically disappear with the Earthquake. Maria I ended for ordering the covering with earth of a whole beach in order to raise there a palace. Still today, the alleys with the names of Boqueirões (v. Boqueirão da Galé) recall us the places through where the lines of water headed towards the sea.
In 1147, Lisbon became Portuguese; in 1555, it was promoted to capital of the kingdom. In 1500, it was already the capital of a fabulous Empire spread through the vast territories of Africa, Brazil, Indies, and Oceania. In 1580, the Spanish who revindicated succession rights occupied it. In 1600, expelled the unwanted relative, rises the hope again. In 1725, it took up again its position of head of a powerful and rich Empire.
Just as in the 16th and 18 the centuries, Lisbon remains a land of manifold languages.
She is situated on the right bank of the river Tagus, expatiate upon it, receives the zephyrs, from its neighbour, the sea, and forms a huge bay, where floating cities and a natural port fit in.
Lisbon is not only river, work or monumentality; it is relaxation, anti-stress, it is natural knowledge, chivalrous and healthy laugher, fruit of the open and truthful Portuguese temperament and also of the sweet clime which made them amiable, naive and sociable. Cold days don't go beyond an utmost of twenty days; therefore the good spirits and the life relish, are some of their main characteristics.
The temperature average draw near the 18 degrees.
When you reach Lisbon, you previously know where to kip and an idea of what you desire visit. If you have not, don't worry. It is well known that the unforeseen is a peculiarity of the Portuguese: They are specialists in coordinate fast solutions for the most difficult and complex problems.
The Serviços de Turismo have a listing with the most different suggestions for your holiday.
As far as we are concerned, and about this matter, we suggest a list of hotels, residential hotels, and guest houses at the most different charges.
I'll give you the telephone numbers, which will answer to all your questions. In Palácio Foz , at Restauradores, tels. 2l 346 38 58; 213463314 and are available from 9 a.m. to 20 p. m. Whether these fail, you'll have the green number 800 296 296. At the Airport, tel. 218494323 and 218493689, available from 6 a. m. to 14 p. m. You have the ICEP (Investimento, Comércio e Turismo de Portugal , tel. 217930103 Fax 2179410826) yet. The Deaf Population has an Interpreter Service available – Campo Grande, 25 – tel. 21 798 80 00.
n order to travel by bus, tram, or lift, I recommend you buying some tickets at Carris kiosks, tobacconists, or other little shops. Ask. You get them at half price than if you buy them on the means of transport. On the Metro , the ten trips tickets are 20% cheaper. However, if your choice falls on a Lisbon Card, you are free of travelling boundless on the Carris means of transport and on the Metro , to enter 25 museums, and have 10 to 50 % reduction at other cultural places. You get it at the posto de Turismo dos Restauradores – Palácio Foz - tel.. 213463314, at the Tourism kiosks of Rua Augusta , Castelo de S. Jorge , Museu de Arte Antiga or at Mosteiro dos Jerónimos . There is a day-ticket for Bus, Lift, and Tram.
If you come up against any problem, ask someone. The Portuguese are always pleased when they can help foreigners, even Portuguese. Foreigner for the Portuguese is a king.
I'll give you a petty example: The transport services, usually, should be complementary to one another in a limited area, i.e. they should specify as to reach the wanted place using the means nearer to one another, but they didn't and they often do not know his own transports stop zone. If this is difficult for an aboriginal, for a foreigner grow thorny. There is nothing else to do but ask around. Confirm at all times.
Whether you are in a hurry and want visit or go to any institution, which is said it was closed under repairs, I advise you to telephone confirming that all is O.K. I tell you why. When it is said that this or that organism are closed for the time being, in Portuguese that can mean a year, a decade or any centuries. A lot of Portuguese are very fond of that but I am sure that the foreigner does not like it at all...
On public transports and enclosed spaces, smoke is forbidden. At restaurants, only people of low condition or addict to it do that.
The streets are more and more clean, but there are many ignorant people throwing papers to the ground, blotting walls and public vehicles.
The horns noise is heard yet. They are the chauffeurs, the drivers of lower condition who exercise this method to attract attentions over their frustrations.
hough they do not seem, Portuguese are bashful and several times unable of taking trivial attitudes, they think nevertheless less fitting. It is what we call exaggerating sense critic and a huge fright of becoming ridiculous; however, when they have university grades they are fond to be treated by doctor. It is another complex which does not hurt anybody and that will go by with time.
Portuguese men and women that dazzled and continue dazzling the world had not special courses. They have had and have life wisdom. I am going to bring up any of them: Gil Vicente, Vasco da Gama, Pedro Álvares Cabral, Camões, Bocage, Florbela Espanca, Alexandre Herculano, Fernando Pessoa, José Saramago.
The men and Portuguese women are very kind and affectionate. Now and again tourist women feel a certain trouble, as they are not accustomed to such courtesy in their own lands, where men think mainly in working or in a small merrymaking with friends, and she avoid speaking with unknowns.
Lisbon is the pattern of the Portuguese home symbolised in the fado : "É uma casa portuguesa concerteza... é concerteza uma casa portuguesa..." It comes then the familiar connection with the football clubs: The Sporting, the Benfica and the Porto. To be a fan of one of this clubs is so far as to be a blood familiar, or more and, even whether the members of the clubs have never met, it is enough to bring up they are fans of Benfica, Sporting or Porto for quite a few years to grow up a unyielding and long-lasting friendship. The link to Porto, Sporting or Benfica, is for all life. Whether they lose or not, the supporters remain faithful till death. A Portuguese can change his party or religion. In what respects the club, nobody recalls the existence of turncoats.
I put down a suggestion: In Lisbon, you never should keep a lot of money in your wallet and avoid crowds and noise. The swindlers operate in groups of three. One of them places himself in front of the victim and the others help him in his "work." Sometimes, one of them simulates to lose a coin in order to distract the audience. Be careful. We don't want to grow in you a bad idea of the Lisbonians, though these situations are frequents in every countries all over the world. You should not practice the charity too. The Lisbon Town Hall and the Government have a good social support service for those who are lacking in living means. Only those who desire to live by theirs wits barely resort to it. There are shelter houses for provisional staying, free meals, and also gratis shower-rooms. Please, do not feed vices. Don't promote the temptation.
Lisbon is the safest city in Europe where it is normal to find a Minister or the Lord Mayor without any concern of bodyguard.
Only a remark plus: Lisbon is a very ancient town, which, fortunately did not suffered the war; on account of that, the streets can, sometimes, seem scantily clean , in spite of the Municipal Services uneasiness. This is not only for the reason that the streets and buildings are antique but also to the rain shortage, so copious in northern lands, granting them, to all appearances, the impression of being so clean as a whistle, that hear is very difficult to preserve, albeit the day after day washing of the streets.
The first raindrops cheerfulness is magisterially expressed in the beautiful poem of João Soares and published by the Le Cri editions in the book "Matin de pluie – septembre- à Lisbonne".
Les premières gouttes de pluie effacent la brume du réveil matinal.
Matin de septembre.
La ville renaît de la nuit dans l'enchantement de tous ses matins.
Auquel s'ajoute l'odeur de la pluie
Dans les rues et la terre,
La lumière, la couleur, les sons, les odeurs
Avivés par la pluie.
Dans cette ville magique,
De gens multiples,
De pierres, terres,
Maisons et bateaux
Lisbonne, Lisbonne
The Lord Mayor describes with the farthest sensibility, all this "magic city" charisma as soon as it receives the first drops of water. Everybody understands. He lives, minute to minute, the anxieties of the city he rules.
Lisbon resembles an amphitheatre with a lot of galleries and many viewpoints from were monuments are in parade and sounds of a healthy and still city are heard, that links the 12th century habits and traditions to the ultra sophisticated 21th century. Everything lives together in a time that passes quickly and walks itself peacefully through Alfama , Castelo, , Mouraria, Madragoa as in the Cruzaders and Arabs period.
The genuine past centuries houses are to be found hear. In the other European capitals, bombs ravaging buildings and consciences have destroyed them. For a long time, the Portuguese have understood they are just irrelevant fruits of the earth changed in people. Lisbon is the city where pleasure, culture, bliss, and safety connect in a fabulous example of fraternity.
In Lisbon, nobody gets tired. You go up by elevator, stroll by bus, tram car or taxi through the surrounding and cosy hills and walk through the stone-paved ways, lanes and stop at the gardens, restaurants, little bars or at the little taverns to relax and relish the Portuguese food.
Another example: Suppose you are in Rua da Prata or Rua Augusta or Rua do Ouro and you want to go from Baixa to Bairro Alto. On your left or on your right you have a transversal, Rua Vitória, you will get on the "tube " and go on the escalator as far as Chiado, one of the smartest zones of Lisbon. The Bairro Alto is over there in two minutes walking.
Another proposal: Never fix yourself in a single restaurant. Risking a disillusion is preferable to loosing the diverse aromas and surprises of diversity. In the variety, it is found, without a shadow of doubt, the charm, and the sublime pleasure.
Lisbon was the capital of an Empire whose king carried, by right, the title of: Senhor de Portugal e dos Algarves, D'Aquém e D'Além Mar em África, do Comércio, e da Navegação da Etiópia, da Arábia, Pérsia e Índia. In all these places, we carried out the adventure of love, trade, and nostalgia. From there, we left and carried about the soul, which make the Portuguese the most consensual people of the world.
The city is divided by areas. You'll choose the one better suits you. If you don't succeed, ask somebody. Ask, not one, but two, three times. Make sure yourself of walking on the desired track. If the worst comes the worst, you must call the organism already suitable in the previous pages.
rom the top of this well arranged and beautiful Park you get a glimpse of Marquês , Avenida da Liberdade with his 1500 meters length and 90 width, Restauradores , Baixa , and, at last, kissing the Praça do Comércio , also called Terreiro do Paço , the Tagus. At the Northwest side of the Park you have the Estufa Fria where the fountains, the lakes, the waterfalls, the grottos, the Estufa Quente, and the Doce shelter and settle exotic and rare plants, arrived from the world over.
In the lakes, besides the fish, take advantage of the waters or of the margins, an immense variety of birds, some of which travel the 26 hectares of the Park to exercise the flight and to fill of tenderness who there walk.
It has esplanades, by the lake and a playground where the time suspends its flight.
The park has the tel. 2133882278. It is served by the buses Nos. 1, 2, 12, 20, 22, 31, 38, 41, 46, 49. The Metro has the following stations: Marquês de Pombal and Parque.
oing out of the Park you'll find Rotunda , ie, Praça Marquês de Pombal. Pedestal and statue reach 36 meter high. The Marquês, Sebastião José de Carvalho e Melo (16699-1782), has been the king's D. José I Minister (1750 -1777). He legislated to his heart's content. He rebuilt Lisbon after the Earthquake which destroyed great deal of the city, in close proximity to two thirds and compelled to disappear by the fire or in the waters uncalculated losses in books, artworks, pieces of furniture, gold and precious stones.
The Marquês didn't cry over spilt milk. He tossed, taking his courage in both hands, to rebuilt Lisbon. He made it commanding over, even with brutality.
On his own initiative he reared instruments which developed not only Lisbon but the whole country: agriculture, trade and industry reached unusual development; he established the following societies: das Vinhas do Alto Douro, Grão Pará , Maranhão and Paraíba , abolished the distinction between new and old Christians, reorganized the instruction, reformed the university etc. etc. etc. In short: he placed Portugal again at the evolved Europe level.
Please, consult História de Portugal in Internet: http//planeta.clix.pt/cunhasimoes.
Very contested, after the king's death, he is exiled to Pombal. A hundred and fifty years after he is pardoned for his inhumanity, he turns a great worth's person concerning the collective welfare and is erected the Marquês' statue with a lion on his left side. Serenity, Strength, Agricultural, Coimbra University Reform allegorical representations, and other elements that symbolise the work, garnish the obelisk yet.
f you go down walking alongside Avenida da Liberdade , you will profit watching the ancient buildings that defy so far the 21st century appeals. Please, enter the business houses you happen to notice alongside your way, watch some of our best thinkers statues and the allegorical monument to Great War deaths. At last, you get Restauradores
he obelisk of Restaurateurs, with his 30 meters high has at the bottom the statues of the Independence and Victory genius. It was inaugurated in April 1882. It stands at the Square centre and reminds the struggles between Portugal and Spain in the 18th century. The Spanish settled 60 years in Portugal (1540-1640), following the Alcácer-Quibir crash and the plague which has decimated scores of thousands Portuguese. Though for the majority of European nations, this fact wouldn't have the least importance, it was a great injury, for the Portuguese, zealous of his undisciplined but agreeable independence. It was a family right imposed by Philippe I and had to finish soon or later. Few but harmful were the Spanish administration years. Despite the fact, Portugal being incorporated in the Iberish Peninsula and having been separated from Galiza, everybody become easily aware of the huge differences between Portuguese and Spanish. The reason is that they have different temperaments: At the beginning the population were very few and mixed with the peoples of all regions of all Europe who came along hear and stayed around due to its clime gentleness. The county was offered to a French earl, Henrique de Borgonha and this one and his followers settled the country with French, Flemish, Scandinavian etc. As the south territories were being occupied, a mixed Moorish and Jewish population was growing in. This different peoples and races whole build a sui generis Portugal where love, brotherhood, the loveliness, and the run of the time are more significant than the real fortunes. It is an unlike country and Lisbon his furthermost pattern.
The injuries between Portugal and Spain are already forgotten. The countries are very fond of each other and, today either peoples respectent their sovereignty of free and cooperant states. Every year we are pleased with Lisbon Spanish flood by Easter time, and that they appreciate the bliss of a few days in Portugal.
The Restauradores have a huge whole of means of transport. Buses: 1 – 2 – 6 – 11 – 12 – 20 – 21 – 22 – 23 – 27 – 31 – 32 – 36 – 38 – 39 – 41 – 44 – 45 – 46 – 49 – 53 – 75 – 83 – 90 – 91 – 101 which run along Avenida and Marquês de Pombal. Metro : Restauradores. Elevador : Glória to join Bairro Alto and elevador of Lavra with connection to Campo dos Mártires da Pátria, also called de Sant'Ana, to S. José and Desterro hospital.
Round the Restauradores, you can get utility and interest spots at your disposal. Southern and opposite to Tagus river you find the Palácio Foz where the Serviços de Turismo are to be found which will give you support and all informations in order to feel self-assured as we have already reported. At the north edge, close to the office block, the Elevador da Glória will carry you to Bairro Alto, Miradouro de S. Pedro de Alcântatara, to monuments and appealing places as the Jardim Botânico, the Museu da Ciência, the Museu Geológico, the Museu Maçónico, the Capela de S. Roque, the Museu Arqueológico do Carmo.
Before going, you'll hear me.
Close before the Palácio Foz, opposite to Avenida top, slightly upwards, you have a, all the year round 24 hours a day open, Post Office. Wandering 200 meters northwards you will find the Largo da Anunciada with another lift; the Elevador do Lavra that would place you close to the jardim do Torel belvedere and Campo dos Mártires da Pátria, known as I have reported by Campo de Sant'Ana where is set up the most renowned statue in the 19th century world, Dr.'s Sousa Martins which, for his wisdom and righteousness towards the most miserable people, is honoured today as a being with supernatural powers.
If you should go up by lift in order to have a high regard for the city from the belvedere and wanted walk to the Baixa , you could do it alongside the Calçada de Sant'Ana, visit the particularly fascinating Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Pena, with a wonderful arched ceiling, extraordinary beauty icons and a amazing decoration, and you must not fail to remember the wood built pulpits.
Going further, down the Calçada de Sant'Ana, you'll find the dwelling where, according to the legend, Camões has died; it stands round the space flanked by this pavement corner and the S. Luís side street. Some meters farther, on a ground floor of the Rua Martin Vaz, a big fado lady was born: Amália Rodrigues. You 'll go further down and, at last, you go past Palácio dos Condes de Almada, called of the Restauração as well. You'll take the opportunity of examining the 17th century portal, the Almadas e Avranches' escutcheon, the courtyard, regarding the 17th century glazed tiles and 16th century chimneys. You are staying now round about 200 meters of distance from the spot where you have got on the elevador do Lavra. You are finding yourself in the Rua das Portas de Santo Antão of which we'll speak 17 or 18 lines below.
As you see is very little. You just need 15 minutes walking.
It is so gentle and inviting that it means it shrinks up, become a child in order to be loosily embraced. We are going to wonder that you have gone up. As we are below close to the elevador da Glória, we'll go, sure, now, across to the other side of the avenue.
Get in Largo da Anunciada, the 200 meters up the post-office we have just mentioned, take the turning on your right. You are standing in Rua das Portas de Sto Antão ; going down you'll find the Átrio do Tronco which point to the arrest of one of the greatest world poets (we have already mentioned the place where he, in all likelihood, got died): Camões (1524-1580). Luís Vaz de Camões was a quarrelsome, incomprehended "genius" by ordinary people what implicated to be several times arrested. In 1552 he ended up going to the Trunk Municipal Prison. Though the body was arrested, in his mind was sprouting the epic poem "Os Lusíadas" and outstandingly beautiful sonnets. Portugal was the sea master and settled in the most distant lands. In 1572 he dedicates "Os Lusíadas" to the king D. Sebastião:
"Vós, poderoso Rei, cujo alto império
O sol, logo em nascendo, vê primeiro,
Vê-o também no meio do hemisfério
E quando desce o deixa derradeiro...".
Portugal had settled in all continents a lot of time earlier than the others nations of Europe.
Going ahead you find next the early cinema Odeon, the Ateneu Comercial de Lisboa created in 1880 to provide the commerce employees with a school. Today, besides the detail you may exercise yourself there in quite a lot of sports you have an excellent warmed swimming pool and a pleasant restaurant-bar, tel. 21 342 13 65, the teatro Politeama , the Coliseu dos Recreios, the Sociedade de Geografia, true culture monument, whose documental assortment concerns, both in colonial field and ethnographic, the countries where Portugal stayed maintaining its sovereignty over more than 200 years. It's an allusion at a worldwide level. The Museum, crucial in the areas of history and ethnography, has unique pieces: beyond Africa and Asia living peoples history, and their magic instruments, any of the stone monuments which pointed out the ownership of the discovered lands, are to be seen. In the Library, besides the most rare books, possesses the Cartographic section, also exclusive in the world.Tel. 21 324 05 80; The Câmara do Comércio, the Igreja de S. Luís dos Franceses with the Bourbons escutcheon and the one of Flor de Lis, the Casa do Alentejo with its Moorish courtyard, the pictures and tiles. Beside smart and very old premises and numerous restaurants at the most different prices.
At night, the street grow full of colour and people who looks for show houses, an appetizing plate and now and then hear any street fadista which sings his fate and waits for any coins.
If you are walking along the street you'll enter Rossio, round the corner, whose matter we are holding right away, but, just before Casa do Alentejo, palácio Alverca , you get Rua do Regedor, very easy to find. Some meters ahead you are facing Praça D. João da Câmara and on its left, where the iniquitous Hole Office Palast was to be found, you'll see the Teatro D. Maria II (1886) built in neoclassic style, decked with six jonic columns. At the tympanum summit, you'll see Gil Vicente statue flanked by both tragedy and comedy Muses Thalia and Melpomene.
On your right side stands the Estação do Rossio with its famous tunnel, the greatest 19th century engineering work. A few minutes would be enough to travel to the fascinating and epic Sintra if you decided to take the train. It serves Campolide, Benfica, Damaia, Amadora, Queluz-Belas, Queluz-Massamá, Barcarena, Cacém, Rio de Mouro, Mercês, Algueirão – Mem Martins, Portela de Sintra and, at last, Sintra. From one end to the other, only 50 comfortable and agreeable minutes. The circulation runs between 6:07 a. m. and 23:07.
e go on with the promenade: You enter the Praça D.Pedro IV, most known as Rossio and whose name birth is due to the fact of being here a meeting point since the 13th century. Here ran the river Valverde and this square you see, flanking several spaces, the teatro D. Maria II frontispiece. The, in 1870 inaugurated, statue of the first Brasil emperor and king of Portugal D.Pedro IV , has, in all, 27,5 meters high. The pedestal is embellished with allegorical figures, which represent the Justice, the Strength, the Prudence, and the Moderation. The statue stands between two smart fountains.
The square breaths beauty, culture, movement, and trade. Here you will find everything: When you enter you have at once the Portugal Telecom , with multiple phone boxes, starting work at 8 o'clock and closing at 23 o'clock; You have next the restaurante Abracabra ; the Farmácia Estáquio; the Residencial Sul; the Tabacaria Bastos; Valentim de Carvalho; the telemóveis T.M.N. The Banco Nacional Ultramarino; the Farmácia Azevedos in the beautiful Metrópele Hotel house; the restaurant Pic Nic.
In this zone has lived one of the greatest writers of the last century: Eça de Queirós signalised with a plaque near the top of the celebrated café Nicola either for its faultless service and because there used to stay another great and unfortunate poet: Bocage (1765-1805).
At its side the Livraria Notícias and the Tabacaria Mónaco; the telemóveis Optimus; the Pensão Santo Tirso; the tabacaria Caravela. And opposite to this one the Multióptica, the Tabacaria Lusitana .
This praça D. Pedro IV or Rossio is a resumé of this mediaeval and contemporary town.
Do you want continuing to see if I am right? Opposite to you, the daily paper book-shop "Diário de Notícias." You walk a little forwards and you'll stop before the beautiful façade, so-called new art, of the Joalharia Ferreira Marques e Filho ; now you go 5 or 6 steps northern. You look to the left, to the right, in front of you. What do you see? History. The Portuguese history materialised spirit: On one side of the Castle, on the opposite side the Carmo ruins and, peeping, in front of the Teatrro D. Maria II, the palácio dos Condes de Almada also called da Restauração for the reason, there had been the meeting point of the 1640 conspirators. Any centuries separating four ages.
Hear where we are is the world of today: the second millennium reflexes and the beginning of the third.
Let's go ahead with the promenade durch the square. What others establishments do we see? The Tendinha; Authentik, the Loja das Meias.
Opposite, the beautiful and stern Hotel International; a Banco Espírito Santo dependence; the Ourivesaria Portugal; the Lotarias "Casa da Sorte"; The Can Can; the Primaz, a cloth's shop; the Camisaria Moderna; the Tabacaria Lusitana; the Maison Louvre; the Pérola do Rossio, tea and café; the Pastelaria Suiça, restaurant and confectioner's; Rabinos; Depósito da Covilhã; the Tecidos do Rossio; André F e Isabel Carvalho; Exclusiv; Top Ross; Mac Donald's; Shop one; Club Balão; Bul Bul; Balão Club, Azevedo Rua.
You have already gone around the square. Whether you want, you carry on eastwards as you were going to drink a cherry brandy to the "Ginjinha". You'll profit to have a look at the Igreja de S. Domingos, ruined by a blaze but impressive yet. After that you carry on southward, enter the Praça da Figueira; at the center stands the D. João I statue, 1385-1433, who, aided by the constable D. Nuno Álvares Pereira headed up the portuguese people in order to impose huge defeats over the Castillian invader.
At Praça da Figueira you'll pick up one of the streets: Fanqueiros, Douradores, Prata, Correeiros, Augusta (this one only for pedestrians), Sapateiros, you must go past under the Arco da Bandeira, glance the "Animatógrafo" attractive work New Art, carry on alongside Rua Áurea (do Ouro) beside you.
At the bottom of rua dos Correeiros you have the Núcleio Arqueológico da Rua dos Correeiros / BCP. Every Thusdays and Saturdays the Banco Comercial Português offers for visitting its archeological findings in that city neighbourhood : R. dos Correeiros Tel. 213211700.
Lets go down the street, as that, and watch the cross-streets as you add a toddle more, the only thing to do after having chosen. Look carefully at the buildings, the shops, the churchs. At the cross-street Santa Justa, that will take you directly to the Bairro Alto and Carm ruins, you dispose of a Estação de Correios and the appealing, new art style, built by the engineer Raúl Mesnier and inaugurated in 1901, Elevador de Santa Justa . D. Nuno Álvares Pereira (1360-1431) ordered the Carmo monastery building at the end of the 14th century. He laid down his unbeatable warrior arms and made his entrance in the Monastery in 1416, as a pious monk, venerated and beatfied in 1918 by the Catholic Church. Today, beyond the imposing gothic ruins, the front, the arches, a Carmo Convent chorus portion, remain five covered chapels and lies here a worthy Museu Arqueológico .
Carry on down towards the Tejo durch the street you'll choose.
Visit the Termas Romanas with the entrance close to the number 77 at Rua da Conceição (cross-street), close to one of the most sought tramways stop, No. 28, since goes round past the Castelo, Igreja de S. Vicente, Feira da Ladra and near the Panteão Nacional.
At last you reach Terreiro do Paço or Praça do Comércio.
Lighted up by the splendorous Portuguese sun and refreshed and flavoured by the river- sea, the Praça do Comércio, mainly known by Terreiro do Paço due to the construction over hear of the Paços da Ribeira, is the city hall and meeting-room always folding in it's arms all times everyone who has just arived.
The square is surrounded by the buildings build under Marquês de Pombal after the Palácio da Ribeira and all the surrounding structure disappearance with the 1755 earthquake.
The Terreiro do Paço is an attractive square with 86 arches. The planning is of the responsibility of the architect Eugénio dos Santos. It stands out the Rua Augusta Arco Triunfal, surmounted with the statues to the Genius and Value, as well as the pillars where the Portuguese soul is sitting: The men, Viriato, a Lusiad leader; D. Nuno Álvares Pereira, an independence hero, Vasco da Gama, the first man to reach India by sea and the Marquês de Pombal who rebuilt Lisboa.
In the centre of the square stands the statue of the king D. José I (1750-1777), a sculptor Machado de Castro's work. It towers 14 meters above the soil and it was the first statue to be melted in Portugal. On the pedestal are to be seen the metaphors of the Fame and of the Triumph and, in relief, a bronze medallion with the Marquês de Pombal effigy.
A Estação dos Correios and some second-hand booksellers are to be found under the arcades, on the Westside, and by the river some flowers and other street sellers according to the season of the year: bathing-suits, umbrellas or clothing.
At columns kay the anchoring–place of other ships till the end of the 14th century, you'll find now the boats to the other side: Barreiro, Montijo, Seixal, and Cacilhas.
From April till October, the Transtejo, tel. 21 882 03 48, Fax: 21 882 03 65 organizes cruises in the Tejo whose starting point is the Praça do Comércio fluvial station.
In Cacilhas you can travel by bus to Costa da Caparica, a huge beach with very soft sand and clear and healthy water.
The cars conveying boats to Cacilhas start from Cais do Sodré.
he Martim Moniz is located at a short distance from Rossio. The square gets the name of the nobleman who, in 1147, aids D. Afonso Henriques to conquer the castle trapping himself at the door to let his fellow soldiers manage to get through it into the castle.
Today there are in this place attractive jets of water and the castellar symbology with towers and stylised helmets. Besides an informative pavilion about Lisbon, tel.218821169 has others with workmanship and cafeterias.
Eastwards you'll find the interesting ermida de Nossa Senhora da Saúde, built in 1506 to protect the inhabitants of the city against the pestilences, which were frequents in Middle Ages and in Modern Ages yet. A lot of these pestilences were brought on by the burials in their own churches. Nossa Senhora da Saúde church has a single nave, good adornment with glazed tiles and striking 17th century pictures.
On either side of the square stand the Trade Centres: Martim Moniz and Mouraria. On the latter, the goods are afforded at very low prices. The mixing amongst Portuguese, Africans, Chinese's and Indians gives livelihood, movement, gracefulness and colour to that place.
Opposite, you'll find the Hospital de S. José placed where the ancient Colégio de Santo Antão stood. In addition to its specific function and an important library, displays an extraordinary collection of glazed tiles.
Going up the Palma street, you'll see at once: the Tourism Travel Agency "Rodarte" Tel. 218881214, Fax. 218880166, banks and post-office. Alongside the Almirante Reis Avenue you'll find out numerous interest grounds, on either side, though, they seem very bashful and hidden in their past. The Bica do Desterro is a curious example of good-looking capitals, walled windows in, and a caravel; the Hospital and Igreja do Desterro of only a nave. The Chafariz do Intendente, showing neoclassic flavour; the Fábrica de Cerâmica Viúva Lamego with its magnificent panels to emoldorate it. The last industry hymn is this factory which Arabs and Jews stood, hear had their potteries where farms, mounts and brooks abounded and the streets names are recalling at every moment the Brick furnace. Through several centuries were exported to other lands the products manufactured over hear. The Igreja dos Anjos where is to point out the golden carving, the 16th century Nossa Senhora da Conceição image, the Calvary and the Lumiar family escutcheon. At rua dos Anjos, the Ermida do Resgate e Senhor dos Perdidos is pointed out for its gilt woodcarving, the worthy high altar, and a motivating glazed tiles collection. The Museu National do Desporto with objects connected to sports and evoking several personalities bound up to it. R. dos Anjos, 77-2.º Esq. tel. 21 357 62 39. The Museu do Banco de Portugal with uninterrupted expositions concerning the money. Av. Almirante Reis, 7 – tel. 21 312 82 81.
t R. da Conceição, close to the Termas Romanas stands the tram 28 stop which goes round typical zones as it goes past Castelo , S. Vicente de Fora , Feira da Ladra , Graça , Martim Moniz.
If you want wondering early Lisbon, get on the tram 28. Examine the steep and bending streets, dot the places you want to know better and after doing the tour come back to Rua da Conceição. Go a little up the street, enter the Igreja da Madalena. It was built at the square with the same name. Observe the Manueline stile portico, go in. Have a high regard for the Cristo do Perdão who has an arm longer than the other in orther to saving the lost repented, examine the whole magnitude.
When you are stepping out of the church, carry on about 150 meters. Look at Igreja de Sto António, where the saint was born in 1195. The minster is a true symphony in marble. Next to the church, you'll find the museum. The Museu Antoniano is devoted to the Sto António's cult. There, are to be found the liturgical households, bibliography (books regarding the saint) and the iconographical explanation (images concerning determined matters): paintings, sculptures, engravings, and ceramics. Lg. Sto António da Sé – tel. 218860447.
Go now into the Sé Catedral, 30 meters up.
The Sé, dates back from the foundation of the nationality. Structurally is a romanic monument. It stands on the foundation of an Arab mosque. It has been restored several times. The sturdy frontage with the archivolts and small columns portal has garnished capitals and a big window that frames the rose window. Survey the styles mixing: Romanic, Gothic, Classic, and Baroque works. Though it can appear as being incredible, the attractiveness is not lost in the confusion. You must look attentively at the central nave with its triforium (contracted gallery), balconies, Bartolomeu Joanes chapel, D. Dinis gothic cloister, D. Afonso IV niche, the tombs and the treasure which guards the holy art objects.
Between the Sé and the Castelo, on the left, stands a Royal Palace, the Limoeiro , turned into prison, lodging nowadays, the Magistracy services. On the left you'll see the Pátio do Carrasco exemplar which conserves all its 16th century draft: the windows chamfered contour, the staircase, with straight verge, addorsed to the wall, a rebounded first floor which rests on a column with octahedral base, shaft and capital. Some meters before stands the TEATRO ROMANO. Rua de S. Mamede , by Caldas.
However, your goal is the castle.
You have to stop by Santa Luzia : Surrounding the church you have got two belvederes over Tejo and over Alfama houses scenery. One of them lies in Santa Luzia's little garden and the other in front of the Portas do Sol, sat on the old Arab wall.
At Portas do Sol you have the Museu de Artes Decorativas Portuguesas da Fundação Ricardo Espírito Santo Silva
Please draw attention to the pieces fitting: the wealthy furniture concerning the 17th and 18th centuries, the painting, the jewelry, the china, tapestry, textiles and ceramics from the 16th to 19th century. This museum has yet the attribute of working as Escola Suerior de Artes Decorativas and Instituto de Artes e Ofícios. Largo das Portas do Sol , 2 – tel. 21 888 1991.
Some steps ahead you'll find the Museu das Marionetas, worldwide coming marionettes collection. Lg. Rodrigues de Freitas , 19 – A – 1º Esq. tel. 218865794.
Whether you walked always straight, you'd reach Graça. The Igreja da Graça , with a Manueline style arch, is shaped with a single nave and eight chapels. We must stress the painting and Dutch tiles, as well as the Senhor dos Passos chapel and the Main-Chapel. The rococo art prevails (characterised by a great ornaments wealth, inlays curved and tangled lines profusion). The belvedere over the city and the castle stay next. Tight to the church stands the cloister with the same name, which, beyond the clock tower, the arcades, the cistern, owns so far a very interesting glazed tile. collection. Further, 400 meters on the left, stands the shed shaped Igreja do Monte and the curious Caldeira de Pedra which appeases, the women who sit down on it and are in process of giving birth to a child, parturitian pains. Not to lost, you have a crib atributed to Machado de Castro, an ivory Indo-Portuguese Crucifix, the carved retables and rococo period Dutch tiles too. About 800 meters ahead stands the beautiful Igreja da Penha de França with a splendorous Miradouro over the city and you can satisfy your curiosity over the renowned Lagarto da Penha that is, after all, a painted alligator on the Church vestry. This is a consequence, on the end of the 16th century, of an António Simões' vote, as he had survived the Alcácer Kibir desaster and a snake that a lisard managed to drive away.
But your goal is the Castle. If you want, go past Lóios, Chão da feira in order to enter the Castle. If you don't feel like, go up one of the streets on your left and there is no doubt. All is indicated and it is there over 100 meters. In case of qualm, you'll ask around.
ll of them, Phoenicians, Carthaginians and Romans have chosen this place as refuge, defense and atack point. Strabo (a Greek historian, 58 B.C.) names it Ulisseam.
The Romans have settled in around for more than 500 years hear, named the village Felicitas Julia and granted it municipality statute what meant that its citizens enjoyed the title of Roman citizens with the inherent privileges that came up of it.
Later settled hear in Goths and Suevi. The Visiogth come by, in turn, and stayed for two centuries and a half.
The Arabs, connoisseur of the Latin clime softness, good waters and people quietness, decided to drive off the Visigoths from the throne and settle in in 716. They changed its name from Olisipo to Lixbuna. They stayed till 1147 when the first Portuguese King, still before Pope's acknowledgment but already profiting it, decided to achieve the conquest of a portion more of Portugal body.
In the Castelo was to be found the Alcáçova or Citadela with its towers surrounding the Royal Palace. One of the towers fulfilled the function of Arquivo Nacional, therefore called Torre do Tombo (created in 1375 by the king D. Fernando ). At the time of the earthquake of 1755, the whole has been completely destroyed. The Torre do Tombo has, happily, little suffered but, even so, all documents have been transferred to S. Bento. Today they are to be found in an archive constructed for that purpose, in the Cidade Universitária zone, not very far from Campo Grande.
Nevertheless, we are in the Castelo. Whether you'll have a look over the town that stretches around, you'll conclude that is petty, pleasant, laced and cosy.
The Castelo inner quarter recalls the early fortified town remnant. It is worthy of a visit as well as the igreja de Santa Cruz whose construction dates back to the year of the conquest.
If you want, go down along the Chão da Feira, past the Pátio D.Fradique, go through the largo do Menino Deus where some houses of the 15th century persist in their standing. Go in the Menino de Deus church that stands 15 meters on your left. The church is octagonal, is plenty of marbles and pictures of famous painters as Vieira Lusitano, André Gonçalves e Manuel Ribeiro. Seize the opportunity of visiting the castle in order to, 400 meters eastwards, come around the Mosteiro de S. Vicente de Fora, at first, the Church with its main chapel covered with marble and, in the limelight, the Baroque altar. The statuary is impressive and the organ, a carved-work, is a fine piece of workmanship. Next you'll do a carefully visit to the monastery. Examine the structure, the cistern, the entrance hall, the ceilings, the fabulous whole of azulejos that meander pretty nearly all the spaces of the building, the vestry, the Bragança House pantheon where are to stress the tombs of D. Carlos I and D. Luís Filipe. Go up the bell-tower. You'll enjoy a dazzling scene.
As you get out, on your right, go past the Campo de Santa Clara in order to go to the Igreja de Santa Engrácia, at the present time Panteão Nacional. It is a pleasing baroque exemplar. There are to be found poets, navigators and presidents: Camões, Vasco da Gama, Sidónio Pais, etc. The building, round, is impressive by its stateliness.
If you'll program your visit for a Tuesday or Saturday, when you go past Campo de Santa Clara you'll find out the renowned Feira da Ladra where you can find everything. The goods are negotiated as if it was an Arabian market. Its a mode of mental exercise and trade shrewdness.
The Arabs or Moors lived here more than 600 years and they deep-rooted so far that the Bairros de Alfama e Mouraria still preserve its features. It was in Alfama, in 1288, that the king D. Dinis created the so-called Estudo Geral, university germ, with the Escolas Gerais annexed and university students residences.
Now, go down past the Igreja de Santo Estêvão side. The church is already an octagonal form of art and interesting marbles little jewel. Watch the landscape at the Miradouro. Carry on down the escadinhas de Santo Estêvão; at the end turn left , go deep through the Bairro de Alfama and prepare yourself to look for all the very very narrow alleys on your right and left. Examine de intricate and the intricacy of the constructions.
Hear is living the past, the tradition and the healthy localism. Alfama enter the future without modifying the ambient and the way of life: clothing hanging down of the windows or buildings balconies, the fado vadio in the streets or in little restaurants, pubs or bars, the saleswomen pregões , the fish or greens market at the doors, Santo António thrones and the roasted sardines during the summer months, people chatting pausingly in the streets without heed to anybody passes by or stops. The street is the office where one brings up all what happens and Alfama the quarter where the people ingenuousness and sympathy does not collide with the progress or the visitors importance.
On 12 June, the popular celebrations draw the whole Lisbon to Alfama. It is a stream of people and sardines. All goes through with the Santo's protection who on 13 insists on visiting all chapels and scours all the quarter escorted by the person in charge in the autarky and many thousands of Lisbonians.
Walk on in direction of rua da Regueira , stepping rightwards. If you march along the left side you'll appear at Rua dos Remédios and by Nossa Senhora dos Remédios chapel whose beautiful Manueline portico loges, cosy, the dove, Espírito Santo symbol. Do not get out this way. Go through the opposite side. Turn left at the little square towards Rua de S. Miguel. Whether the church with this name is open, go in. The golden high altar carving is impressing. If not sit down on the staircase and relax
Go past the church till praça de S. Rafael. Here is a piece of the Moorish wall, look at the very very narrow beco das Barrelas which goes round all the structure, carry on alongside the rua da judiaria 20 meters, detect another interesting piece of wall with gothic windows, where is a little homage to the poet Antonio Botto, go ahead along R. do Terreiro do Trigo , always on your right and 150 meters further you'll find the Arco de Jesus ; go up the little staircase, turn right and reach the Igreja de S. João da Praça. Go throughout the square until you get a yellow house, in front of you, with a veranda on all house width and balcony staircase. You are walking along R. da Adiça. Supposing you went slowly up it, you would be in seven minutes at Santa Luzia belvedere and by Castelo door. But we have already come from there. It's only to see through that Lisbon is a little and soft cake to be covered without effort and with delight. But it's time to let the arguments go. You go alongside the R. Adiça, the Largo S. Rafael and enter the Rua de S. Pedro, where there is a daily mercado de peixe when this one has just been carried from the lota . Carry on. You You are going to disembogue at the Chafariz de Dentro, early horses spring to where men and animals came in order to quench their thirst. Some 300 meters farther is established the Museu Militar. The military history and techniques are here copiously documented together with war and hunt guns collections and yet huge transport cars used for stones transportation for city monuments buildings. The building itself it's a true beauty monument. Lg. de Santa Apolónia – tel.218882131.
Some steps forward you have another very very interesting museum, the Museu da Água. It consists of four nucleus: Aqueduto das Águas Livres, the Mãe de Água das Amoreiras, the Reservatório de Água da Patriarcal and the Estação Elevatória dos Barbadinhos. The museum tells us the EPAL story and Lisbon water supply story.
R. Alviela, 12 tel. 218135522.
But we are at Chafariz de Dentro. Opposite stands the Casa da Guitarra e do Fado , tel. 218823470.
The fado, in its atmosphere, characters and sounds are offered hear in an interesting mode, by means of the audio-visual. You can profit and put your feet up while hearing fados and guitar-concerts.
em sempre um quê de pecado
E algo também divino
Amor que passou é ... fado
O de amanhã é destino"
(Mascarenhas Barreto)
Another of wanderer author:
Os teus beijos são loucos
De beijar e morrer
E os momentos são poucos,
P'ra t'amar e viver
Vivo sonho e loucura
Nos beijos de paixão
É fado, é ternura
È amor do coração.
Tu és a minha alma
Eu não sei mais quem sou
Vivo na rua da Palma
Mas por ti ela voou.
Conserva-me prisioneiro
Nunca me deixes afastar
O teu amor foi o primeiro
Que eu consegui amar.
All this stroll seems enormous. It is not, it is painless. After your break, when you get out, turn left straight to Praça do Comércio, go along Rua Terreiro do Trigo named so on account of the storehouses to shelter this and other cereals. It worked as a public barn. Here , in the Terreiro do Trigo bystreet and behind the Banco Português do Atlântico and in the site of the BCP – Nova Rede stood the warm baths: mineral thermal-water springs, rich in azotes, magnesium, calcium sulphate, calcium carbonate, sodium, potassium and silica that de urban progress polluted and the municipality was obliged to close. The Arabs called Alfama al-hama because of its thermal waters. The square remains with the name Alcaçarias (tanks to wool and tanning wash).
The secret of these waters and the galleries where they flow reaches the bottom of the castle. The galleries should be examined at once in order to one grow aware of its consolidation condition. Just in front of Terreiro do Trigo bystreet you have the Alfândega building. You leave, go past Arco do Rosário that connects Rua da Judiaria where you have already been, walk a little more and you'll see the Chafariz d'el Rei on your right, a creation of the 13th century with numerous modifications through the ages.
It was a very very crowded and pure water spring. The water sprang warm, went through saltpetre and sulphur minerals and cooled off very quickly in the open air. It supplied not only the population but also the fleets which leaved the Tejo under way to the lands over the other side of the sea. It has six water-outlets. In 17th century, on account of the unremitting beating scenes in account of the choice of the water – outlets, was determined, by municipal by-law that the 1st would be utilized by coloured men: Negroes, Mulattoes, Indian men, the 2nd by galley men, the 3rd and 4th by Negro women, Mulattoes and Indian women, the 5th and 6th by white women and lassies.
In the beginning of the 20th century and even until 1960, the Galician (Spanish from Galice) have won fortunes with this water, that apart from their endeavour, it cost nothing. They sold it in the houses which hadn't canalised water yet. Today, some of them and a lot of their descendants, are well-off business men, really respected for their earnest and work capacity.
Between the Chafariz D'El Rei and the Chafariz de Dentro sat the warm waters that we have talked about. Today this water pours directly in the river Tejo . The houses, in this neighbourhood, sat on deep wells, and not rarely the water explodes bubbling and floods the surrounding streets. Lisbon sails side by side with the great transatlantic liners with age wisdom and pleasure. It never runs at full speed. Calm, love and joie de vivre are Lisbonian characteristics.
150 metres ahead, at Campo das Cebolas, you'll find the Casa dos Bicos, built up in 1523 by the bastard son of Afonso de Albuquerque, the Orient Portuguese Empire founder. The earthquake of 1755 has destroyed his higher floors restored in 1981 for the European Art Exposition.
After the examination of this 7th century queer exemplar carry on alongside Rua da Alfândega, scrutinize on the Church of the Conceição Velha, the Manueline portico, the Nossa Senhora da Misericórdia image, the queen D. Leonor (the founder of the misericórdias and D. João II's wife), the king D. Manuel, the Pope Leo X and you'll bear out for that this whole makes the transition between the gothic and the renaissance styles in a so natural way that amazes ourselves both by its beauty and its seeming simplicity of conception.
Next, you arrive to Praça do Comércio. Here, you are going to find the celebrated Café Martinho, renowned as long as for being advanced in years (it was borne in 1782) and yet and mainly because Fernando Pessoa, 1888-1935, the poet who astonished Portuguese, Brazilian and the world which reads him, owing to his thinking geneality and newness, only full acknowledged after his death in 1935, drunk there his coffee and inseparable brandy. But this is the Portuguese genius fate. Matching with him were Camões, Bocage, D. João da Câmara, Duarte Pacheco Pereira and many others who has died in the most merciless misery and today are Portugal glory.
Cheerless destiny of those who the world has not in its pocket.
From Praça do Comércio, you have buses for everywhere. Get on one of them to your hotel or domicile, calm down as at night one of the numerous suggested settings in other sites can fall on your pick up.
He Glória lift (inaugurated in 1885) sits, as I have already aforementioned, next to the Palácio Foz in Restauradores. Get on and arrive in less of four minutes to Bairro Alto.
Please don't go hasty since you are going to start off a lot of confusion.
Begin on your right, just beside, with S. Pedro de Alcântara belvedere and carry on until you'll find here any 15th century houses with gables ended in point and narrow façades.
Please don't go hasty since you are going to do a lot of confusion.
Begin on your right, just beside, with S. Pedro de Alcântara belvedere and carry on until the railing. Look at the city; "touch" the Castelo, Mouraria , Baixa , all is just there. Let run the eyes and dream and astonish yourself. Forget life problems, relearn to live. Follow me that, though old, I love and recycle knowledge further.
Carry on next along Rua S. Pedro de Alcântara, enter the Jardim Botânico da Faculdade de Ciências, Rua da Escola Politécnica (300 metres ahead, without leaving the side where you are walking), the Garden is integrated in the Museu Nacional de História Natural and it is a precious reserve of exotic species: I point out the cycads, fossil group of dinosaurs period, the cacti, the pulpy plants, the bonsai, the ginkgo. They are more than a 1000 plants which are here gathered since 1858, in this earlier Colégio dos Nobres field. Profit and glance the Museu da Ciência. Physics, astronomy, computing and text sciences possess here a very broad and profusely supported by documents range field. Whether the planetary is open, you must not loose it. R. da Escola Politécnica, 56 tel. 213921808.
Alongside this zone go by the buses 15,58,100 and the trams 24 and 25. But Lisbon is so easy to handle that people makes only use of the means of transport to go up the hills or then by those who are in a hurry or those whose tracks are very extended and must profit them to go to emplo yment.
Turn around, get back along the other side of the street, go past the Jardim França Borges, also known as Jardim do Príncipe Real; in the subsoil, by the lake you'll find the Reservatório de Água da Patriarcal; (1864); its shape is octagonal with 31 pillars owing 9,25 meters high and 880 m³ capacity.
Suppose you went down two hundred meters and reached the Museu Geológco, you would see here Tertiary vertebrates collections, reptiles and plants collections, Palaeolithic archaeological pieces and eruptive and metamorphic rocks.
R. Academia das Ciências , 19 tel. 213463915.
The nearby Convento dos Cardeais is a true imagery dainty. The saints sparkle in magnificence.
Tel. 21 342 75 25
R. do Século , 123
But walk it alongside Rua D.Pedro V. Go in the antiquaries. Get back to elevador da Glória. Don't stop, walk on in order to penetrate deep through Bairro Alto but, before entering the streets where the fado dwells, go in Igreja de S. Roque (1555), Largo Trindade Coelho – tel. 213235380/1.
The Church is a wonder, not only owing to the whole of chapels which integrate it but predominantly for its S. João Baptista chapel.
Lisbon as the eight marvel in the world is the considered opinion of Tirso (1571 - 1648) de Molina, one of the greatest Spanish poets and dramatists and this chapel did not exist yet ... Hear please: "El burlador de Sevilha", 11th scene, act one. I don' delay you more than 10 seconds for corroboration of what I am saying.
Rey – Es buena tierra, Lisboa?
D. Gonz. – La mayor ciudad de España:
Y si mandas que diga lo que he visto,
De lo exterior célebre, en un punto
En tu presencia te pondré un retrato.
Rey – Yo gustaré de oillo, dadme silla.
D. Gonz – Es Lisboa una octava maravilla.
The scene continues and Tirso de Molina makes a fascinating description of Lisbon to king Filipe. Portugal was, by right, under the, in Alcácer Kibir missing, Portuguese king's Spanish relatives.
The Igreja de S. Roque has an single nave with four by four grouped galleries over the eight side-chapels, besides the main chapel, of classic structure and little altars towards the transept as well as the main chapel of classic structure too, built in 1628 according to the retable Jesuit model in matched groups of Corinthian pillars in two stages architectonic overlapping. In the superior part has a private room to the Bless Sacrament exposure, normally unseen by means of a picture changeable for each of the liturgical periods.
The light, falling upon the huge profusion of golden carving, glazed tiles, and marbles, raises an artificial volumetric system, giving this space an rare standpoint.
Watch, all eyes, the Chapels:
The Capela de S. Francisco Xavier was built in 1623. A 17th century image of the patron saint stands in the middle of it. The lateral pictures stand for the Pope Paulo III who
sends the first Jesus Company Jesuits to Portugal and the king D. João III saying good-bye to S. Francisco Xavier when he leaved to India in 1541.
Holy Family's Chapel arises since the 17th century. Its decoration is classic, following the main Chapel pattern. Jesus amid the doctors. On the lateral zones, represent the Kings Adoration and the Shepherds Adoration. The Capela de Nossa Senhora da Doutrina, of the same century of the precedent, is covered with golden carving "estilo joanino", being the panelling and altar decorated with marble incrustations.
The of popular feature Capela de S. Roque , decorated with golden carving on a white bottom, is devoted to the church patron who is encircled by S. Sebastião and S.Tiago. The lateral illustration represents the Angel's apparition to S. Roque. The Dutch tiles are from 1584 and match naturalistic and iconographic elements with reference to S. Roque.
The Capela do Santíssimo is encircled by forged iron railings. These 16th century iron railings belonged to Capela de S. Roque. The former was built in 1636, although its decoration reaches the 18th century. This Chapel shelters the Sacred Sacrament, but the central panel praises Nossa Senhora da Assunção.
The Capela de S. João Baptista is an accurate masterpiece. The king D. João V, 1706 – 1750, ordered it in Rome and it is built between 1743 and 1750. It is characterized by a rockery neoclassicism. Its composition includes precious materials as golden bronzes and several marble kinds. The angels and medallions which beautify the ceiling are in Carrara marbles. The lateral pictures and the chapel floor are in mosaic. The chapel has arrived enriched with spectacular cult pieces: priestly garments, liturgical implements, paintings, jewellery, laces and books, which make up the musicological core aggregated to the church itself and are a priceless art and dream compilation.
The Capela de Nossa Senhora da Piedade privileges the Calvary as a theme, and painted angels, on plaster, arrange its base.
The Capela de Santo António, of classical conception alike to the main Chapel, was restored in the 19th century.
The vestry possesses precious and 19th century big jacaranda arks with ivory filets. The walls are padded with Portuguese school paintings with ornamental overlay friezes. The ceiling, decorated in frescos, is a semicircular vault divided into great panels. It dates from the 17th century and has as central topic the Virgin Litany.
The Igreja de S. Roque is yet stressed for the labyrinthine whole of the two outbuildings: the beauty and rationality of the unexpected is fashioned by the architectonical structures, which dazzle for the functionality of the building.
The Museu de S. Roque is installed in this Church. Beyond the plastic arts, with emphasis upon on the 16th, 17th and 18th paintings, includes Baroque jewellery pieces and great wealth and beauty priestly garments.
Lg. Trindade Coelho – Teles. 213235380 / 213235000
Some meters further, towards the westside, sits the Masonic Museum: Clothing, objects and writings connected with the Masonry in Portugal.
Rua Grémio Lusitano, 25 tel. 213424506
By it stands the Santa Casa da Misericórdia.
After leaving the church you have three choices: Whether you go along the left side of the street, then Rua da Trindade as far as Ruínas do Carmo and Santa Justa lift, or alongside the Rua da Misericórdia , go down to The Largo Camões, with the epic's statue on the right side and the poet's Chiado on the left side. Along these 300 meters you'll find quite a lot of second-hand booksellers, or you penetrate deep into Bairro Alto, watch the houses, the streets, hear the people and identify the fado houses. You can do a good leap to the Museu Arqueológico do Carmo, that, besides the gothic church and noteworthy archaeological spoil, is yet the Portuguese Archaeologists Association seat. Lg. do Carmo tel. 13460473.
Go down one of the narrow streets, not as narrow as in Alfama or Mouraria, enter next the calçada do Combro. You'll find there a lift more, of Bica , which can take you down to Rua de S. Paulo, just before the most renowned Pharmacy in Lisbon, the Farmácia Ultramarina, as there has worked one of the most well-known and revered by thousands of Portuguese, owing to his benevolence and erudition, doctor of the last century Dr Sousa Martins. If you go down by lift, as long as the street that lies about 400 meters ahead of Cais do Sodré Railway Station, and even you go past the pharmacy only to feel the atmosphere, the proprietor is very polite and it is never upset with the visitors hustle and bustle; after that visit or visits in the surroundings, return in the same way. Again in Calçada do Combro, you have the striking igreja dos Paulistas and you can still see, near opposite, following the Rua Marechal Saldanha, the Miradouro de Santa Catarina, from where you'll enjoy an relaxing sight over Tejo and you can drink a coffee in the there standing bar. You have yet at this place the Museu da Farmácia: The Pharmacy through History. Early Pharmacies. Marechal Saldanha, 1 tel. 21 340 39 15
You'll do another walk to get back, along your right, you reach the Largo Camões, walk on ahead, 40 meters more and you are standing at Chiado. Take a leap to the Museu do Chiado in order to appreciate sculpture and painting. You'll find there the Portuguese art of 19th and 20th centuries. R. Serpa Pinto, 4-6 tel. 213432148/49. Going back to the square, you have two churches: Loreto e Encarnação . Here you have one of the most renowned cafés in Lisbon, the Brasileira that poets and politicians and playwrights chose as privileged point for not always mild chats. Beside stands a good quality bookstore, the Sá da Costa and a little ahead, you have another centennial: the Bertrand. Carry on going down Rua Garrett to the end of the Rua do Carmo and, besides admiring very fascinating houses as Ourivesaria Aliança, or gloves shop Ulisses, you are going to find the livrarias Portugal and Aillaud, as well as innumerable shops mentioned somewhere else.
Whether you continue going down you'll see you are reaching Rossio and a little up you'll find Restauradores, the place where this trip has begun, nothing tiring at all and which serves as cultural delight and to give movement to the legs.
Supposing you are standing at Praça do Comércio, at a leap, go until the municipality square (1875).
There are guided visits to the City Hall, in the afternoon, every first Saturdays of every month. Tel. 21 322 73 39.
In the City Hall Square, you have a beautiful 17th century Pillory, symbol of the municipal authority. The convicts were chained there and exposed to the public shame. Walk on, observe shops and restaurants. You 'll reach Cais do Sodré. Here you have boats for the "other side," for Cacilhas and trains for Estoril; Cascais, bus, and the tram 15 for Belém and Algés.
I suggest you get on the tramcar 15 and get off at Rocha's Wharf. On your right you have two beautiful buildings; one is the Óbidos count Palace, headquarters of the Cruz Vermelha, the other is the Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga or of the Janelas Verdes . Go up the staircase, rest a little in the garden, admire the movement over the river. Go in the Museum. It is a beautiful repository of Portuguese and foreign art from the 12th to the 19th century: painting, sacred art, sculpture, jewellery, furniture, textile, tapestry. We must point out S. Vicente's panels and the Belém Custody.
It is a true art, beauty and dream lesson: the arts are there represented in its higher and refined degree of elegance, knowledge and inspiration. Don't lose this opportunity to know what of good and beautiful the human being knows how to create and develop. It is an indispensable museum for whom wants to increase his culture and aesthetic taste. R. das Janelas Verdes tel. 213912800.
You'll know that a little further stands the the Museu de Cera illustrating several characters including Portugal history.
Armazém 2, Doca de Alcântara tel. 213979095. Forget, for the time being.
Return to the tram N.º 15 and proceed for Belém. If you want, you can take a leap to the Museu of Palácio Nacional da Ajuda yet. Besides significant decorative art colections, all the palace breathes splendour, beauty, and singular framing. Calçada da Ajuda tels. 213637095 / 3620264
It is the more transports representative museum of the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. From the Real Chairs, the Two-Wheeled Chaises, the Carriages, the Coaches, some of them with paintings and extraordinary ornamentations, it has a set of means of transportation and their equipments that will make you sigh for the earlier times, since you belonged to the high aristocracy, to the diplomatic body or the high clergy, otherwise you must be pleased with donkey's trips, or horse, or oxen car or mulish pulled coach.
Due to the beauty, quality and elegance of the whole group, the museum is an unmatched case all over the world.
Praça Afonso de Albuquerque (Belém) tel. 213610850
When leaving seize the opportunity of giving a peep to the Palácio de Belém, of the Republic President 's residence, royal residence till 1910.
Between the Palace and the Monastery stands the flavour "cathedral": the Belém Pastries House. Go and eat one. You will never forget this "monument."
The Mosteiro dos Jerónimos (1552) is a hymn to the imagination and a majestic symbol of Portugal and Lisbon might, Capital of the World, when its boats, after having been the first to navigate over the seas that nobody had courage to face, they ended for discovering two thirds of the unknown world. Then, they settle down, in remote regions, from east to west, with a very reduced people number. This is only explained by the Portuguese friendly nature and his mixing capacity through marriages with the discovered peoples and, sometimes, rare, conquered.
The best example is the Brazilian people. The sweet, friendly, and affectionate nature of the Brazilians can only be explained by this love, intelligence and softness mixture, that tied, through the melody of the verb and for the eternity, the new to the old continent.
Portugal was the largest naval and commercial power in that age.
The Mosteiro dos Jerónimos is a beautiful architectural book with Gothic motifs. Artists of great imagination and knowledge worked in it: Boitac, João e Diogo de Castilho, Nicolau Chanterenne, Diogo Torralva and João de Rouen.
The south door points out with a figurative work of uncommon beauty.
There, are represented D. Henrique , the ideologist of the marine epic poem, S. Jerónimo's life scenes, the twelve apostles, the 4 church doctors, the Virgen Mary, all framed by beautiful ornamentations.
The west door makes the transition between the Goth and the Renascence: it presents the stable, the Magi and the Announcement. In the lateral niches, king D. Manuel, that ordered the monastery building, queen D. Maria, S. Jerónimo and S. João Baptista . On the Porch, S. Vicente , the Infante Santo , the four Evangelists, and the apostles.
The interior astonishes for the proportion of the naves, the vault and the height of the pillars, excellently cultivated. Its frail, comely aspect dazzles who looks them.
The vault is multinervate just as a colossal palm tree. The transept seems to be overhanging by the sunbeams. Three naves form the Church, in Latin cross.
The high choir with the extraordinary rows of chairs into the wall, for which worked Miguel Angelo, and the Gothic chapel of the apse are true praise songs to the beauty and the art. The main chapel is flanked by a triumphal arch where must be admired two blinding Manueline pulpits. The sacristy is another piece you must not lose. The cloisters are of surprising beauty and charm.
The Chapter Room Window is an astonishment. The cloisters are a near unimaginable ornaments lace in the stone labour.
Linked to the monastery you have the Navy Museum founded by king D. Luís in 1863.
Besides several typical boats, it presents the real brig of 1778 (beginning D. Maria It's reign), a galliot, the hydroplane of South Atlantic Ocean first crossing, nautical letters, artillery pieces.
From the models of the time of the discoveries ships, the great sailing boats of the 18th century, the ones of mixed propulsion of the 19th century, navy ships, galliots and many others. The museum is a constant surprise. Praça do Império tel. 213620010.
In the navy dock. can be visited the D. Fernando and Glória frigate, authentic 19th century sailing boat. Tel. 21 321 75 08.
In the sequence of the Navy Museum stands the Gulbenkian Planetary, which is a delicious trip to the stars world.
You find hear too the Museu Nacional de Arqueologia that, besides the archaeological collection regarding the prehistory, the Romanization, Egyptian antiquities and Portuguese archaeology, stands out an excellent collection of old jewellery found in excavations. Praça do Império tel. 213620000 / 22.
In 1993 was raised up, close to Mosteiro dos Jerónimos , the Centro Cultural de Belém . Tel. 21 361 24 00. It is an imaginative and interesting architectonic assemblage with streets, squares and commercial activities. It works as permanent cultural space; there take place spectacles, conferences, and exhibitions.
Here you'll find the Design Museum.
The art in the time beyond the time and the imagination.
Centro Cultural de Belém – tel. 21 36124 00.
This area is prolific in cultural spaces. Close to here, you'll find the Museu Nacional de Etnologia .
Av. Ilha da Madeira (Restelo) tel. 213015264
Head your steps towards the river; any meters ahead you are going to find the extraordinarily interesting Torre de Belém ; D. Manuel built it between 1515 and 1521. It is bounded by water. Observe the smartness and the beauty of the total. The Manueline tones down in the Roman - Gothic, overflows into the watch towers, the battlements, the cannon holes, columns, the full body of the erect nymph, having a bath in the beach and completely involved by an enormous hawser. She is a symbol of the Portuguese nautical glories that the artist Francisco Arruda knew how to give form, charm, and dream.
If you will want to know what is the nostalgia and materialize her, you have the longing Tower here. She represents the tears, the hopes, the afflictions, the frights of the separation, the happiness of the return, and the dream of the distant lands. We left with the uncertainty and the hope, we returned with the longing . They are like this, the Portuguese. They fall in love with whom treats them well and they recall, longing , the delight they found and left. This is the nostlalgia . The Torre de Belém its ex-libris.
Go past the Padrão dos Descobrimentos (1960). Just as the name indicates is an evocative monument of the discoveries with a beautiful Rose Compass, a South Africa present. From the top of the monument, the view on Lisbon and the Tejo is a dream, fantasy, and reality way.
Somewhat close is the Museu de Arte Popular . It presents "The traditional arts and folklore of the several areas of the country."
It is installed in one of the buildings that were part of the 1940 Portuguese World Exhibition. Av. Brasília tel. 213011675.
You can see, standing in the area, the Museu de Electricidade too. It shows the whole material belonging to the old electric central of Lisbon. It is installed in the Central Tejo building.
Av. Brasília tel. 213631646
In the return you'll get off at Praça do Comércio .
The buses No. 18, 42, 104, 105 take you to the Museu Nacional do Azulejo . It is located in the Convento da Madre de Deus , instituted in 1509 by the queen D. Leonor, D. João II's widow, 1481 – 1495. The Convento da Madre de Deus , where the museum is put up, is an entire harmony beauty and charm whole. We must enhance, in amount and quality, the Dutch tiles.
The main chapel was, in the reign of D. João III , 1521-1557, raised in the upper floor owing to the floods caused by the spring tides of the river. It is a beautiful Baroque copy with paintings of the 16th century.
We must detach the Manueline portal, the gold curving in abundance with the pulpit in joanina curving. The Dutch tiles, André Gonçalves' paintings, the holy water sink, the superb exotic Brazil wood arcaz . The canvas framed by 17th century curving. It is a monumental collection of glazed tiles that dazzles, not only for the amount, but, primarily, for the quality. The vestry and the chapel are true hymns to the beauty. If you want to rest you have a pleasant restaurant with outlook to a winter courtyard that, in Lisbon, has all the time the savour to summer. R. Da Madre de Deus , tel. 21814774/99
lose to Marquês de Pombal and almost in front of the Hotel Sheraton and Maternidade Alfredo Costa, with Metro Picoas as support, stands one of the most interesting museums, Dr. Anastácio Gonçalves, not only for the house that lodges it but for the collection that composes it; valuable and fascinating furniture, porcelains of the Song, Ming, and Wanli dynasties, clocks collections, rugs, coins, medals, bronzes, 19th century Portuguese painting. Everything in an interesting house build by the painter José Malhoa. It has a small café – restaurant. Av. 5 de Outubro , 6 tel. 213540823.
Step then in the area of S. Sebastião da Pedreira. Here stands the Church of the same name. In case of juridical support need and intending to invest in Portugal you'll have good lawyers as for example Dr. Manuel Machado and Associates, tel. 21 383 97 30 and so settle down in the best way, in this country, that will receive you with open arms.
A little more ahead, the Fundação Gulbenkian and the Centro de Arte Moderna.
You ought not lose the visit. The museum owns a fabulous Greco-Roman group art collections, Egyptian art, Far East art, European art, ornamental arts and nucleus Lallique. In a different place, but not very distant, you'll find the Centro de Arte Moderna, José de Azeredo Perdigão that includes 20th century Portuguese art and pop British Art. Av. De Berna , 45 (it has other entrances) tels. 21 7935131 / 21 7950236. If you want a lunch break there and walk in the gardens, you can do it.
Go now in the direction of Benfica. Along the way you'll find one of the best well organized Jardins Zoológcos do Mundo in the world, tel. 21 723 29 20; 2000 kinds of animals, the best Dauphins troop in Europe and many other diversions for children and adults.
Some dozens of meters ahead you'll find the Palácio Beau Séjour , Estrada de Benfica , 368. Here works the Estudos Olissiponenses Cabinet (GEO) , in other words, you can know everything about the city. But the palace and the surrounding garden are small jewels where one longs for resting, mull over and study. Virtually in front, in Quinta dos Loureiros , Bairro Grandella , stays the Biblioteca Museu República e Resistência , installed in a neo-classic façade building and finished off by Masonic symbology. Small repository devoted to the First Republic and Resistance to the Estado Novo. Esrada de Benfica , 419 Tels. 217742402 / 217901127.
Carry on later to the Palácio Marquês da Fronteira (17th century), Largo S. Domingos de Benfica , where the beauty of the gardens and the contents of the palace, with Indo - Portuguese furniture, pictures and tapestries, is something you must not lose.
Now detect a different Lisbon. Start in the direction of Campo Grande. Just at the north top, you are going to find the racetrack, next to the City Museum that gives, with great detail, an account of Lisbon history in its different ages and evolution in the geographical, archaeological, and ethnographic fields. You'll find a true repository of the city history since the prehistoric period. Palácio Pimenta – Campo Grande , 245 tel. 217571725.
Opposite, on the other side of the avenue, you have another museum. Museu Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro. Very different from the preceding ones. The life and the museum patron's work are a hymn to the imagination, the inspiration, and caricature, sometimes simple, others imposing of a society that keeps on hardhearted about human understanding. A very attention-grabbing museum that shelters a superb ceramic set with its characteristic hipper-naturalism, the drawings, the paintings, and master Bordalo Pinheiro's publications. Campo Grande, 382 tel. 217590816.
Take advantage of the place to move forward a little more; make it by bus, No. 1, 3 or 4, you have it close to Bordalo Pinheiro museum; get off three stops ahead and visit the museus do Traje e do Teatro , this in the Palácio das Angejas ; they are close each other. In the Museu Nacional do Teatro , the presented pieces belong to the Theatre and spectacle people and, for that reason, correlated with their art and life. The artistic manifestations are frequent here. Palácio do Monteiro-Mor – Estrada do Lumiar , 10 tel. 217567410. The Museu Nacional do Traje is installed in the Monteiro-Mor palace, which is a reconstruction of the 18th century with tile ashlar-masonry and fresco-painted rooms (in wall painting gender, covered with fresh mortar, with the colours diluted in whitewash water). Several documents and objects concerning the clothes history are a support to an alive museum where are taken weaving courses and there are permanent exhibitions of " Weaving and Manual Stamping Techniques". Palácio do Monteiro-Mor – Largo Júlio de Castilho tel. 217590318.
Return again to Campo Grande. Take always advantage of the buses. You have on a side the garden and the lake of the same name and on the other the Cidade Universitária , the Torre do Tombo , the Biblioteca Nacional .
In Entre Campos , the beautiful monument to the Guerra Peninsular , with a sculptural group where stands out the nine illustrations that surround the Homeland.
You must know that in the cross street, Av. do Brasil, stands the celebrated Laboraório de Engenharia Civil , famous for the proficiency that its technicians have been demonstrating along the years, and the Hospital Psquiátrico Júlio de Matos .
In Av. da República you have at your disposal the Feira Popular , tel. 21 793 44 35, with huge quantities of diversions and a vast group of restaurants.
In Campo Pequeno, observe the graceful form of the Praça de Touros (1890) with its turrets of cupolas similar to those found on the mosques, windows in Arab stamp, and a Bullfighting Museum. The bullfights take place Sundays and Thursdays, since Easter Sunday until the middle of autumn. The involving garden, besides the well looked after flowerbeds, has imposing trees, with jacarandas, black poplars, plane trees. Close to the square stands the Biblioteca Municipal installed in the Palácio as Galveias , magnificent 17th century structure where are standing out Bordalo Pinheiro's glazed tiles , the kings' busts, the renascence niches and the built-in marbles.
Just beside stands the Caixa Geral de Depósitos where Culturgest is to be found and which is intended for the Theatre, the music, the art gallery and exhibitions room. Going up the Avenida da República again, you'll arrive to Saldanha with the duke's of the same name statue.
Here, take advantage of resting and recalling all you have seen, at a piano music sound in Saldanha Atrium.
et on the tram 25 or 28. You have yet the buses Nos. 9 - 20 - 22 - 27 - 38, look over the plan and the houses around. Take benefit to pop in the close street Coelho da Rocha 16. Visit the Centro Cultural Fernando Pessoa. The poet is waiting for you at home. It will show you his writings, his heteronyms horoscopes, the work table, his life. It can happen to be surprised with some conference, poems perusal or any other cultural activity.
Go back to Basílica da Estrela. Look at the temple that dates from 1790, observe the façade of columns topped by the statues of the Faith, Adoration, Freedom and Gratitude. Flanking the set, two bell towers. On the cupola, the dome from where is enjoyed an interesting sight over Lisbon. The temple, with only one nave and lateral chapels, is decorated with Pompeu Botoni and Alexandrine Pedro paintings, houses the founder grave, queen D. Maria I . Tel. 21 396 09 15.
Now take advantage to distend the legs muscles and take a deep breath of the pure air of the only capital in the world still without pollution. Enter the garden in front of you. Relax your body and eyes. The lakes and the bushes invite you to meditation. You will find here the coco-tree, the orchid-tree, jacarandas, dragon-trees, banana-trees and a diversified group of birds that, while you are resting, will delight you with their lovely and nothing noisy trills.
Go down now towards Rato. At the bottom, you'll find the imposing Convento das Trinas , of mannerist portals as well as its precious main chapel of the same contour, the Baroque altar and the Italian - Flemish paintings of the same time. The Holy Trinity nuns have directed the convent. The start of the construction go up to the 17th century (1614) and it was for seclusion of "noble ancestry women".
Go on with the walk, turn left, you'll find the Mãe de Água terminal station for the
waters that fed Lisbon since the middle of the 18th century. Visit it; observe the magnificence and the simplicity of a complicated construction with walls of 5,14 meters wide and a basin with the capacity for 5.500 cubical meters.
Going up the Amoreiras street, you'll find, addorsed to one of the columns of the aqueduct, the Capela de Nossa Senhora de Monserrate , with a pediment and a cross of tiles of the end of the 18th century. With interest, in the interior, has the main chapel with a counter lays on dogs similar to the rustic balconies and the valuable tiles of Rato. Carry on always ahead on the you left side, stop only when the buildings are barring your passage, go up to avenue Marquês da Fronteira, turn left immediately. Three hundred meters ahead you will find in the little farm sidewalk the Aqueduto das Águas Livres that is a splendour and elegance wonder. It comes from Belas. It has more than 59 kilometres and there where it is to be found has an empty space of 65,25 meters height. It is the largest stone arch in empty space known all over the world. Only in this Alcântara valley, the Aqueduct possesses 35 arches, 21 of them with perfect turn and 14 ogivals.
After admiring this song in stone through what the Baroque walked, get on now into a bus and go to rest and meditate in what you saw until arriving the Lisbonian night hour. Have fun.
fter soaking in the perfume of millennial Lisbon, dive in the Parque das Nações and observe Lisbon renewal in the walk for the third millennium.
Here, Lisbon stretches in the future. It receives in its arms the cosiness, the prosperity, and the happiness of all those that living the future comforts know how to preserve Lisbon past from the "other eras."
The Parque das Nações becomes the largest road center of the country. Here, the Buses, the Metro and the trains meet in the interesting Gare do Oriente.
The visit to the Parque das Nações is compulsory for all those who want to see the future and walk in it.
Visit the Oceanário, 21891 70 02 and the Pavilhão do Conhecimento , tel. 21 891 98 98 and you will see if I am right or not.
rue holy temple of the Romanic, Sintra is a place that transforms all of the visitors in kings, princes and princesses, all living the beauty and the seduction of a time present in the buildings and in the involving memory.
It was conquered in 1147 by D. Afonso Henriques, first king of Portugal, and it seems that it was yesterday yet. Everything is the very same thing, in other words, with the little additions and progress laces.
In the heart of Sintra rises, since the Middle Ages, the Palácio Nacional with two imposing chimneys that remember the time past, the inhabitants' ostentatatious life, dreaming over the paths of the suspended gardens, through Diana's courtyards, the Bath and the Lion, or, in the interior, the room of the swans, the room of the Coats of arms, the room of the magpies, the Manuelina wing, the yard of Mecca or compunctious at the Gothic chapel at the time when a king, D. Afonso VI (it reigned from 1556 to 1667) lost the throne, and his wife in favour of his brother and lost the freedom being prisoner (from 1667 to 1683) in this golden prison where is to be found the most impressive Mudejar tiles collection in the world.
Sintra is the discovery: the Castelo dos Mouros , the Palácio da Pena , true hymn to the medieval revivalism and the romantic dream of a past where the stillness and the quiet love was the common coveting. The Arab door, the furniture, the frescos, and the paintings give idea of the life in that time. The line belongs to the architects Possidónio Silva and baron Von Eschwege. D. Fernando de Saxe Coburg-Gotha, queen D. Maria II's husband, buil it on the ruins of an old monastery of what remains an interesting chapel.
Besides the whole museum that is Sintra in its ensemble, from Monserrate to Palácio dos Seteais , Palácio do Ramalhão , you can still visit the Casa museu Ferreira de Castro or the Colecção Berardo , in the old casino and enigmatic world of the occult in the Quinta da Regaleira where the indoctrinating well and celestial worlds Terrace will transport you into the world of the interrogations.
Sintra is Patrimony of the Humanity.
If you'll choose to go to Sintra by train, the railway station is Rossio. The trip lasts about 50 minutes and, soon, in the next station, Campolide, don't let pass watching some arches of the Aqueduto das Águas Livres .
More information: Tel.: 219231157
ueluz is your palace (17th century). The visitor goes to Queluz in order to visit this jewel of the crown (now of the Republic). It is a hymn to the dream. From the gardens, where the god of the sea, Neptune, pontificates before the façade of the ritual, the big Channel, the splendorous statuary, the tiles and the fountains, to the building.
Who already has travelled over the Baroque places: S. Vicente , Santa Engrácia , the fachada Brasileira , the Teatro Ginásio , the Aqueduto das Águas Livres , has here in Palácio de Queluz the true illusion of an enlarged space beyond the real size of the building.
The interior dazzles for the wealth and for the taste: from the Throne room, D. Quixote's room, the paintings and the rounded ceiling, the Robillon pavilion, the Lions staircase, the golden carving, the mirrors, the crystal candelabrums, all in the right place and everything without time. Dazzling the centuries.
If you'll take the train in Rossio station, get out in Queluz-Belas.
t is the high aristocratic simplicity carried to the utmost. Everything is calm, clean,
organized and free from unnecessary violations. The life didn't stop. The fishermen are still living there as they did since the 12th century. Everything is processed with arrogance. The beauty and the amenity of the climate influences the amenity among the people.
In Cascais, the small houses of very Portuguese flavour are mixed with original small palaces and the set caresses the bay, enters it, or mix up with it without useless aggressions. Earl Castro Guimarães' House is one of those examples. Today, library and Museum is worthy of a visit.
The Citadel houses the Nossa Senhora da Vitória small chapel with 18th century glazed tiles and interesting Baroque carving.
The sacred art lover visitor has, in a short space, the Convento dos Capuchinhos , the Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Assunção the Igreja de Nossa senhora dos Navegantes , the Igreja da Misericórdia and the Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Guia.
On the way to the most West point of Europe, meets the Boca do Inferno . Hear, the sea and the earth hug each other violently. A little ahead, a beach of fine sand but turbulent sea: the Praia do Guincho .
Supposing you are going to travel by train, you must make for Cais do Sodré station.
Further information: Tel. 214868204
rm-in-arm with Cascais, Estoril benefits of the same climate and of the same limpidity of the sky and the waters. It is also the shelter of who wants to work without the turbulence of the great cities although it possesses all of the diversions and pastimes you can desire: Golf courses, Racetrack, Tennis, Sail, Swimming, and Casino. You have only to choose.
Estoril is still salutary waters, and a ranch of beaches: S. João , S. Pedro and Monte Estoril . Everything here unites for the pleasure and for the rest and health of the body. For those who, besides the spiritual pleasure, privilege also the pleasure of the culture, a Igreja de Santo António , with its images, the golden cut and Dutch tiles, is favourable to a thoughtful meditation.
If you'll travel by train, you must go to Cais do Sodré station .
Further information: tel. 214463813
afra is its monastery, although Santo André's church, with its Romanic and affected to the Gothic style porch, deserves a visit.
The Convento de Mafra was raised in praise of God and to the men's perspiration; about 52000 men have been, in maximum, working there and its edification lasted 13 years. It was built over a surface of 40000 square meters, it has 5200 doors and windows, 880 rooms, 300 cells and two 70 meters high towers. Its carillons are among the most famous in the world: they have 93 bells; 46 in the north tower and 47 in the south tower. The largest get to weigh 10000 kilos. They were the pride of the court whenever they played compositions whose sonority and beauty impressed everybody. The bells of the hours are other weight monuments; 12000 kilos each and the clapper stays at the derisive 293 kilos; and I'm forgetting the six fabulous organs. Everything proportional to that magnificence and beauty monster where the statuary, the painting, the religious ornaments don't engage a place of smaller importance.
What dazzles me is the library: 3500 unusual volumes where the knowledge is hidden of the glance of many that do not arrive there. The nearby enclosure of exuberant fauna and flora, is the place where the body runs after the spirit have grown satiated and dazzled with so much magnificence and simplicity. King D. João V (1706 - 1750) built for the future and this one is not still enough long to give merit to such great labour.
Everything is of everyone. Dive into the culture and absorb the pure air of a healthy soil and monument.
We are all citizens of the same world. To understand that it is the only thing which is missing out. Portugal can well be the beginning of love.
More information: tel. 261812023
n the left river border of Tejo, a very old and prosperous populations bloom.
You can travel by boat or bus No. 52 - 53.
Travel to Cacilhas and admiring by boat the Lisbon that stretches on the borders of the Tejo is an unforgettable vision.
The trip little more has that a symbolic price and who passes in Lisbon should not lose the opportunity of this trip of less than 10 minutes in the Tejo crossing.
In Cacilhas, you'll have at your service countless transports to the nearby beaches that are to reach in a few minutes.
In the Bom Sucesso church, examine the Dutch tiles of the ends of the 18th century.
The restaurants at the Tejo edge or in the streets that go up to Almada are a different choice for whom wants to enjoy the involving flavours of the lands that look at Lisboa .
lmada and Cacilhas are linked, so that they are practically mixing each other but, Almada grew massively as benefits of the connection across the river and through the bridge built in 1966. Cacilhas doesn't have through where to flee. It lives of the reputation of enjoying the greatest Lisbon scene and wharf of departures and arrivals. Even the transport boats have coveted its the name. They are the Cacilheiros .
Almada, besides the Misericórdia church, 16th century, and its Santiago church, where it is said being buried Fernão Mendes Pinto, 1509-1583, the "Peregrinação" adventurer and writer whose facts by him lived seemed unbelievable. Today we are sure they have been factual. However, their fellow - citizens judging that some of those narratives were pure invention, made fun of him playing with the name, when doing the pun: Fernão are you lying? – Yes.
It is the Monument to Cristo-Rei that raises the attentions for Almada, otherwise the small and nice Cacilhas would be always the point of reference of all the ones that visit the capital and intend to go to the other side. The monument was raised by a vote done by the Portuguese Bishopric, in case of Portugal didn't enter in World War II.
he gold that sprouted at the fertile mine of Adiça till the 19th century became 15 fertile quilometres of sand and pure waters in Costa da Caparica. It is towards here that every year, dozens of thousands of holiday-makers go to enjoy the well-being where unite pleasure for the air of the forest, the taste of the white sand and a sea as far as the eye can see and of pleasures.
Through hear "would we follow the map" whether the book didn't was Lisboa and its borders.
Further information: tel. 212900071
close the possible survey circuit with Montijo. To travel till Montijo means to enjoy of a walk a little longer for, more meditative: we can review the departure of the sailors to the discovery of the infinite and where the view of Lisbon and where the bridges sway over the river is other monuments to rediscover.
Montijo was world of fishermen and salt-workmen; today it became a prosperous city where the cork factories, the preparation of meats, the rations, and the fertilizers must be stressed.
It was point of compulsory passage for the South, having been put there in 1533, by Correio-Mor-Luís Afonso , the headquarters of the South Post.
Its foundation is very old, as it is testified by means of the rendered services to the kingdom and republic. The Mosteiro de S. Francisco ruins date from 1475. St. Sebastian's or Mercy church dates from 1533. The parish church comes from the 16th century. The main chapel is Manueline and a good part of it is panelled with18th century glazed tiles.
Take advantage of the trip for there enjoying a lunch of one of the specialities: Caldeirada à Pescador , the Enguias Fritas com Açorda , the Lombinhos de Porco com Açorda or Entrecosto com Migas .
Extra information: tel. 212310962
(por ordem alfabética )
Alfa Lisboa hotel – Av . C. Bordalo Pinheiro – Tel. 217262121
Alif – Campo Pequeno, 51 – Tel. 217952464
Altis – R. Castilho , 11 – Tel. 213142496
Altis Park Hotel – Av. Eng. Arantes e Oliveira, 9 Tel. 21843 42 00
Amazónia – Trav. Fábrica dos Pontes , 12 – Tel. 21 387 70 06
Americano – R. 1.º de Dezembro, 73 – Tel. 213474979
As Janelas Verdes, R. Janelas verdes, 47 – Tel. 21 396
A. S. Lisboa – Av. Almirante Reis, 188 – Tel. 21 842 93 60
Avenida Palace – R. 1.º de Dezembro, 123 – Tel. 213460151
Avenida Alameda – Av. Sidónio Pais, 4 – Tel. 21 353 21 86
Barcelona – R. Laura Alves, 10 – Tel. 21 795 42 70
Berna – Av. Sidónio Serpa, 13, Tel – 21 781 43 00
Borges – R. Garret, 108 - tel. 213461951
Botânico – R. Mãe de Água, 16 – 20 – Tel. 21 342 03 92
Britânia – R. Rodrigues Sampaio, 17 – Tel. 21 315 50 16
Casa S. Mamede – R. Escola Politécnica 159 – Tel. 2963166
Capitol – R. Eça de Queiroz, 24 – Tel. 21 353 68 11
Continental – R. Laura Alves, 9 – Tel. 217935005
Diplomático – R. Castilho, 74 – Tel. 21 383 90 20
Da Lapa – R. do Pau da Bandeira, 4 – Tel. 213950005
Da Torre – R. dos Jerónimos, 8 Belém – Tel. 21 363 62 62
D. Afonso Henriques – R. Cristóvão Falcão, 8 – Tel. 216146574
Dom Carlos – Av. Duque de Loulé, 121 – Tel. 21351 25 90
D. Manuel I – Av. Duque D'Ávila, 1890 – Tel. 213576160
Dom Pedro – Av. Eng. Duarte Pacheco – Tel. 213896600
Dom Rodrigo – R. Rodrigo da Fonseca, Tel. 21386 38 00
Eduardo VII – Av. Fontes P. de Melo, 5 – Tel. 21356 88 00
Embaixador – Av. Duque de Loulé, Tel. 21 795 11 57
Excelsior – R. Rodrigo Sampaio, 172 – Tel. 213537151
Executive Inn, - Av. Conde Valbom, 56 - Tel. 21 795 11 57
Fénix – Pç. Marquês de Pombal , 8 – Tel. 21 386 21 21
Flamingo – R. Castilho, 4 – Tel. 21 386 21 91
Flórida – R. Duque de Palmela, 32 – Tel. 21 357 61 45
Holiday Inn - Av. Dr. A. J. De Almeida, 28 - Tel. 21793 5222
Holiday Inn Continental - R. Laura Alves, 9 - Tel. 21 793 5005
Íbis Saldanha – Av. Casal Ribeiro, – 23 Tel. – 21 319 16 90
Íbis Malhoa – Av. José Malhoa, Lt. H – Tel. – 21 723 57 00
Impala – R. Filipe Folque, 49 -Tel. - 213148914
International – R. da Betesga, 3 – Tel. - 213466401
Jorge V – R. Mouzinho da Silveira, 3 – Tel. – 21356 25 25
Lapa Palace – R. Pau da Bandeira, 4 – Tel. - 213949494
Lisboa – R. Barata Salgueiro, 5 – Tel. - 213554131
Lisboa Penta – Av. dos Combatentes Tel. - 217264554
Lisboa Plaza – Travessa do Salitre , 7 – Tel. – 21 321 82 18
Lisboa Regency Chiado – R. Nova do Almada, 114 – Tel. – 21 325 61 00
Lisboa Tejo – Poço do Borratém, 4 – Tel. – 21 886 61 82
Lutécia – Av. Frei Miguel Contreiras, 52 – tel. 21 8403121
Madrid – R. Conde Redondo, 24 – Tel. – 21 319 17 60
Marquês de Pombal – Av. da Liberdade, 243 – Tel.21 3197900
Marquês de Sá – Av. Miguel Bombarda, 130 Tel. – 21 791 10 14
Mélia Confort – Av. Duque de Loulé, 45 Tel. - 213532108
Meliá Confort Oriente – Pq. das Nações Tel. – 21 893 00 00
Méridien – R. Castilho, 149 Tel. - 213830900
Metrópole – Pç. D. Pedro IV , 30 Tel. – 21 321 90 30
Metropolitan L. Hotel – R. Soeiro P. Gomes, 2 Tel. – 21 798 25 00
Miraparque – Av. Sidónio Pais, 12 – Tel. 21 352 42 86
Mundial – R. Tel. - R. D. Duarte, 4 Tel. – 21 884 20 00
Nacional – R. Castilho, 34 Tel. – 21 355 44 33
Nazareth – Av. António Augusto de Aguiar, 42Tel. – 21 354 20 16
Novotel Lisboa – Av. José Malhoa, Lt 1642 Tel. – 21 726 60 22
Orion Eden – Pç. Restauradores , 18 Tel. – 21 321 66 00
Presidente – R. Alexandre Herculano, 13 – Tel. - 213173570
Príncipe – Av. Duque D'Ávila, 201 – Tel. – 21 353 61 51
Príncipe Real – R. da Alegria, 53 – Tel. - 213460116
Portugal – R. João das Regras, 4 – Tel. - 218877581
Quality Lisboa – Campo Grande, 7 – Tel. – 21795 75 55
Radison – Av. Mar. Craveiro Lopes, 390 – Tel. – 21758 67 87
Real Parque – Av. Luís Bívar, 67 - Tel. – 21 319 90 00
Real Residência – R. Ramalho Ortigão, 41 – Tel. – 21 382 29 00
Reno – Av. Duque D'Ávila, 169 – Tel. – 21 313 50 00
Rex – R. Castilho, 169 – Tel. – 21 388 21 61
Ritz – R. Rodrigo da Fonseca, 88 – Tel. – 21 383 20 20
Roma – Av. de Roma, 33 – 1700 Lisboa – Tel. – 21796 77 61
Sheraton – R. Latino Coelho, 1 – Tel. – 21357 57 57
Sofitel – Av. da Liberdade, 123 – 125 – Tel. – 21 322 83 00
Suíço Atlântico – R. da Glória, 3 – Tel. - 214621713
Tivoli – Av. da Liberdade, 185 – Tel. – 21 31989 00
Tivoli Jardim – R. Júlio César Machado, 7 – Tel. - 213539971
Veneza - Av. da Liberdade, 189 – Tel. - 21352 26 18
Vip – R. Fernão Lopes, 25 – Tel. - 213521923
Zurique - R. Ivone Siva, 18 - Tel. - 21 781 40 00
York House - R. Janelas Verdes, 32 - Tel. – 21 396 24 35
(for alphabetical order)
América – R. Tomás Ribeiro, 47 – Tel. – 21 352 11 57
Astória – R.Braamcamp, 10 – Tel. – 213860491
Avenida Alameda – – R. Av. Sidónio Pais, 4 – Tel. – 213532186
Caravela – R. Ferreira Lapa, 38 – Tel. – 21 353 90 11
Delta – R. Ilha do Pico, 3 – Tel. – 21 352 13 00
Dinastia – R. D. João V, 7 – Tel. –21 388 54 20
Dom João –– R. José Estêvão, 43 – Tel. – 21 314 41 71
Dos Anjos – R.Andrade, 16 – Tel. – 21 355 54 89
Dublin – R. de Santa Marta, 45 – Tel. – 21 355 54 89
Estrela de Arganil – Av. Almirante Reis, 88, 1.º Tl.218123259
Flor dos Cavaleiros – R. dos Cavaleiros, 58 – Tel. – 21 8872286
Florescente – R. Portas de Santo Antão, 99 – Tel. – 21342 66 09
Fonte Luminosa – Al. D. Afonso Henriques, 70 – 6 – Tl.21 342 66 09
Gerês – Caçada do Garcia , 6 – 1º. – Tel. – 21 881 04 97
Glória – Trav. da Glória , 22 – A – Tel. – 213460557
Horizonte – Av. Antº. Augusto de Aguiar, 42 – Tel. – 213539526
Imperador – Av. 5 de Outubro, 55 – Tel. - 213524884
Infante – Av. Almirante Reis, 4 – Tel. – 21 885 32 46
Insulana – R. da Assunção, 52 – Tel. – 21 342 31 31
Lar – Pç. Sá Carneiro, 4 – Tel. 21 849 31 50
Luena – R. Pascoal de Melo, 9 – Tel. – 21 355 82 46
Nova Silva – R. Vítor Cordon, 11 – Tel. – 213424371
O Paradouro – Av. Almirante Reis, 106 – Tel. - 21 815 32 56
Restauradores – Pç. dos Restauradores , 13-4º. – Tl. – 213466106
Santa Catarina – R. Dr. Luís de Almeida e Albuquerque, 6 – Tel. - 213466106
Santa Rita – Av. Ant. A. de Aguiar, 21-5º. – Tel. - 213547109
Senhora do Monte – Calçada do Monte , 39 – Tel.- 21 886 60 02
Parque Verde – Pq. Florestal de Monsanto – Tel. – 21760 20 61
Pátria – Av. Duque d'Ávila, 42 – Tel. – 21 3150620
Pax – R. José Estêvão, 20 – Tel. – 213561861
13 da Sorte – R. do Salitre, 13 – Tel – 213531851
(for alphabetical order)
Alcobia – R. Poço do Borratém, 15 – Tel. – 21 886 5171
Almirante Reis – Av. Almirante Reis, 98 – Tel. – 21 813 80 60
Arco do Bandeira – R. dos Sapateiros, 226 – 4º. Tl. – 213423478
Areeiro – Pç. Francisco de Sá Carneiro, 3 – 2º. – Tel. – 21848 70 02
Brasília – R. Alexandre Herculano, 29, 2º. – Tel. – 21 352 79 23
Cidre – Trav. Nova de S. Domingos, 9 – 4º. – Tel. – 213426757
Coimbra e Madrid – Pç da Figueira, 3 – Tel. – 21 342 17 60
Duas Nações – R. da Vitória, 41 – Tel. – 21 346 07 10
Duque – Calçada do Duque, 53 – Tel. – 21 346 34 44
Estrela – R. dos Bacalhoeiros, 8 – 1º. – Tel. – 21 886 95 06
Estrela de Tomar – Poço do Borratém, 13 – Tel. – 218884849
Globo – R. Teixeira, 37 – Tel. – 21 346 22 79
Ibérica – Pç da Figueira, 10 – 2º. – Tel. – 21 886 57 81
Imperial – Pç . dos Restauradores, 78 – Tel. – 21 342 01 66
Iris – R. da Glória, 2A – Tel. – 21 342 21 57
João da Praça – R. João da Praça, 97 – Tel. – 21 886 25 91
Luar – R. das Gáveas, 101 – Tel. – 21 346 09 49
Londres – Praça D. Pedro IV – Tel. – 21 346 22 03
Josefina – Av. Almirante Reis, 52 – Tel. – 21 815 24 93
Madeirense – R. da Glória a, 22 – Tel. – 21 342 58 59
Ninho de Águias – R. Costa do Castelo, 74 – Tel. – 21 886 70 08
Norte – R. dos Douradores, 159 – Tel. – 21 887 89 41
Sevilha – Pç da Alegria, 11 – Tel. – 21 346 95 79
Santo Tirso – Rossio, 18 – 3º. – Tel. – 21 347 01 63
Varandas – R. dos Bacalhoeiros, 8 – 2º. – Tel. – 21 887 05 19
(for alphabetical order)
The price of the meals, in Lisbon, is very lower than the one practiced in other European capitals. What, sometimes, turns them higher than the usual is the first course composed of what we name the entrances , the desserts, or the wines. It is in these delicacies that one should be careful if intend to have a quality meal but at a low price.
A Aldeia – Av. Columbano Bordalo Pinheiro – Tel. – 21 726 21 21
A Baiúca – Rua da Barroca, 86 – Tel. – 21 342 13 86
A Baiuca – R. de S. Miguel, 20 – Tel. – 21 886 72 84
A Brilhante – Portas de Santo Antão, 105 – Tel. – 21 346 03 46
A Caçoila – Alameda Roentgn, 7 (Qta dos Inglesinhos) – Tel. – 21 716 57 00
A Calçada – Calçada da Ajuda, 107 – Tel. – 21 363 26 78
Adega da Condessa – R. da Condessa, 52 – Tel. – 213463207
Adega da Tia Matilde – R. da Beneficência, 77 – Tel. – 21 797 21 72
Adega do Atum – R. dos Bacalhoeiros, 8 C – Tel.- 21 887 03 19
Adega do Ribatejo – R. Diário de Notícias, 23 – Tel. - 21 3466 83 43
Adega Tagarro –R. Luís Soriano, 21 – Tel.- 21 346 46 20
Adega Triunfo – R. Dos Bacalhoeiros, 129 – Tel. - 21 886 98 40
Alcântara Café –R. Maria Luísa Holstain, 15 – Tel. - 21 362 1226
Além-Montes – Trav. de Santa Marta, 4-A – Tel. - 21 315 77 43
Alfacinha –R. dos Remédios, 181 – Tel. - 21 886 49 22
Al Mariado – R. S. João da Praça, 103 – Tel. 21 886 16 87
Alpendre – R. Augusto Rosa, 32 – 34 – Tel. 21886 24 21
Amigo António – R. S. João da Praça, 76/82 – Tel. 21886 65 37
A Morgadinha de Alfama – R. da Regueira, – Tel. 21 886 54 24
Âncora – R. dos Caminhos de Ferro, 48 – Tel. 21 887 30 57
Antigo Retiro Quebra-Bilhas – Campo Grande, 312 – Tel. 21 759 00 93
A. Pedro e Isaura – Trav . do Oleiro, 13 – Tel. 21 396 69 45 – (Fados)
Arco da Sé – R. S. João da Praça, 128 –Tel. – 21 887 26 69
Arco Iris – R. S. João da Praça, 17 A –Tel. – 91 993 07 58 – (Fados
As Zebras do Combro – Clç. do Combro, 51 –Tel. – 21 346 21 10
Ano Novo – R. dos Correeiros, 109 –Tel. – 21 342 66 70
Atum 245 – Av. Da Liberdade, 245, Lj . 9 –Tel. – 213522077
À Vossa Mercê – Trav. das Mercês, 16 –Tel. – 213467345
A Travessa – Trav. das Inglesinhas, 28–Tel. – 213902034
Bachus - Largo da Trindade, 9 –Tel. – 21 342 28 28
Bambino d'Oro – R. Frei Carlos, 11 A – 1600 –Tel. – 217959293
Barca dos Corvos – Campo das Cebolas, 15 –Tel. – 21 887 25 35
Barracão de Alfama – R. de S. Pedro, 16 –Tel. – 21 886 63 59
Bem Me quer – R. de S. Miguel 23/25 –Tel. – 21 887 65 35
Bessa – R. dos Douradores, 206 – 210 –Tel. – 21887 38 32
Bica do Sapato – Av. Infante D. Henrique, Armazém B Cais da Pedra –Tel. – 21 881 03 20
Bota Alta – Travessa da Queimada, 35 - –Tel. – 21342 39 59
Brasuca – R. João Pereira da Rosa, 7 –Tel. – 21 342 85 42
Café – Café R. de Cascais, 57 –Tel. – 21361 03 10
Café da Lapa – R. S. João da Mata, 30 –Tel. – 21396 26 83
Café da Ponte – Doca de Santo Amaro, Armazém 18 –Te. – 21 395 66 69
Café de S. Bento – R. de S. Bento, 1212 –Tel. – 21 395 29 11
Café Inn – Av. de Brasília, 311 –Tel. – 21 362 62 48
Café Jardim – Doca Jardim do Tabaco –Tel. – 21 882 42 41
Café Martinho da Arcada – Pç. do Comércio –Tel. – 21 886 62 13
Café Paraíso – R. João de Oliveira Miguens, 42 –Tel. – 21 395 59 77
Cafreal – R. Portas de Sto. Antão, 71 –Tel. – 21 346 84 47
Cais d'Alfama – Lg. Chafariz de Dentro, 24 –Tel. – 21 8873274
Cais da Ribeira – Cais do Sodré, Armazém A –Tel. – 21 342 36 11
Cais de Belém – R. Vieira Portuense, 64 –Tel. – 21 362 1537
Cana Verde - R. Jardim do Tabaco, 134 a 140 –Tel. – 21 886 77 59
Canas – R. de Alcântara, 14 A –Tel. – 21 363 63 60
Casa do Leão – Castelo de S. Jorge –Tel. – 21 887 59 62
Castelo Mourisco – R. Stª. Cruz do Castelo, 3A –Tel. – 21 8867852
Celta – R. Gomes Freire, 148 –Tel. – 21 357 30 69
Celta & Iberos – Doca de Sto. Amaro Armz 7 –Tel. – 213976037
Central das Beiras – R. Terreiro do Trigo, 36 – Tel. 218867669
Central do Jardim do Tabaco – R. Jardim do Tabaco, 118 a 122 –Tel. – 21 886 72 63
Cervejaria Alemã – R. do Alecrim, 23 –Tel. – 21 342 29 16
Cervejaria Chiado – R. da Misericórdia, 114 –Tel. – 21 347 87 60
Cervejaria Portugal – R. da Palma, 206 Cervejaria - Tel. 21 396 25 44
Cervejaria Portugália – Av. Almirante Reis, 117 –Tel. – 21 314 00 02
Cervejaria Ribadouro – Av. da Liberdade, 155 –Tel. – 21 354 94 11
Cervejaria Solmar – R. das Portas de Sto. Antão, 106 –Tel. – 21 324 33 71
Cervejaria Trindade – R. da Trindade, 20 - C –Tel. – 21 342 35 06
Casa da Comida – Travessa das Amoreiras,1 –Tel. – 213885376
Casa Jervis – R. de S. Bento, 107 –Tel. – 21 395 74 34
Casa México – Av. D. Carlos I, 140 –Tel. – 21 396 55 00
Casa Nostra – Trav. do Poço da Cidade, 60 – Tel. 21 342 59 31
Café Império, Av. Almirante Reis, 205 – Tl. – 21 847 6052
Cesteiro – R. dos Correeiros, 223-225 – Tel. – 21 342 87 31
Chaparral – R. dos Arameiros, 9 – Lisboa – Tel. – 21 887 02 83
Chimarrão – Prç. do Chile, 8 - A – Tel. – 21 847 65 67
Chimarrão – Campo Pequeno, 79 – Tel. – 21 793 97 64
Chimarrão – Av. de Roma, 90 – D – Tel. – 21 840 07 84
Chocomel – R. do Comércio, 14 – Tel. – 21 887 79 95
Churrasco – R. Portas de Sto. Antão 83 – Tel. – 21 342 30 59
Churrasqueira Sto. António – R. dos Bacalhoeiros, 133 – Tel. – 21 887 08 77
Club T – Ed. Espelho D'Água - Av. Brasília – Tel. – 21 301 66 52
Cide – R. Caminhos-de-Ferro, 98/98 A – Tel. – 21 886 13 26
Clara – Campo dos Mártires da Pátria, 49 – Tel. – 21 885 30 53
Clube Empresários – António Clara – Av. da República, 38 – Tel. – 21 796 63 80
Cocheira Alentejana – Trav. do Poço da Cidade, 19 – Tel. – 21 346 48 68
Coelho da Rocha – R. Coelho da Rocha, 104 – Tel. – 21 3900831
Comida de Urso – R. do Monte Olivete, 63 – Tel. – 21 395 15 83
Comodoro – Pç. D. João da Câmara, 20 – Tel. – 21 346 49 46
Consenso – R. Academia das Ciências, 1 – Tel. – 21 343 13 13
Conventual – Praça das Flores, 45 – Tel. – 21 390 91 96
Cozinheira do Alfaiate – Beco do Melo – Tel. – 21 887 80 04
D'Avis – R. do Grilo, 96 – 98 – Tel. – 21 968 13 54
Delhi Palace – R. da Padaria, 18 – Tel. – 21 888 42 03
Doca de Santo – Doca de Sto. Amaro – Tel. – 21 396 35 35
Doca 6 – Doca de Sto. Amaro, Armazém 6 – Tel. – 21 95 79 05
Dois Arcos – R. dos Douradores, 163 – Tel. – 21 887 96 89
Dom Garfo – R. da Lapa, 36 – Tel. – 21 395 09 40
Dom Sopas – R. da Madalena, 48 – Tel. – 21 886 62 53
Da Madalena – R. da Madalena, 62 – Tel. – 21 886 99 72
Derbi – R. Portas de Sto. Antão, 125 – Tel. – 21 346 70 89
Dona Papa – R. da Madalena – Tel. – 21 886 89 67
Dragão de Alfama – R. Guilherme Braga, 8 – Tel. – 21 886 67 37
El Gordo – R. De S. Boaventura, 16-B – Tel. – 21 886 77 37
Ena Pai – R. dos Correeiros, 180 – Tel. – 21 46 44 29
Espalha Brasas – Doca de Sto. Amaro Armz 12 – Tel. – 21 396 20 59
Espelho d'Água – Avenida de Brasília, – 1200 Lisboa – Tel. – 21 301 73 73
Estrela da Sé – Lg. Stº. António da Sé, 4 – Tel. – 21 887 04 55
Estrela do Minho – R. dos Bacalhoeiros, 137 – Tel. – 21 886 96 26
Fidalgo – R. da Barroca, 27,31 – Tel. – 21 342 29 00
Farah's Tandoori – R. de Santana à Lapa, 73 B – Tel. – 21 390 92 19
Farinelli – Rocha Conde de Óbidos, Armazém 114 – Tel. – 21 390 01 11
Flor da Sé – Lg. de Santo António, 10 – Tel. – 21 887 57 42
Flor dos Arcos – Lg. do Chafariz de Dentro, 11/12 – Tel. – 21 886 73 55
Floresta do Mirante – R. do Mirante, 53 A – Tel. – 218134908
Flu-Fla – R. Sto. António, 1 – Tel. – 21 887 62 23
Forno Velho – R. do Salitre, 42 – Tel. – 21 353 37 06
Frei Papinhas – R. D.Francisco Manuel de Melo, 32 A – – Tel. – 21 385 87 57
Galera – R. dos Bacalhoeiros, 24 D – Tel. – 21 87 24 89
Grill D. Fernando – R. Castilho, 11 – Tel. – 21 314 24 96
Grill Passarola – Av. dos Combatentes – Tel. – 21 726 40 54
Jardim do Marisco – Doca do Jardim do Tabaco – Tel. – 21 882 42 42
Já Sei – Avenida Brasília, 202 – Tel. – 21 301 91 62
João do Grão – R. dos Correeiros, 220 – Tel. – 21 342 47 57
Joshua's Shoarma Grill – Jardim do Tabaco – Tel. – 21 460 09 34
Kashmir – R. Dr. Barros Gama, 15-B – Tel. – 21 849 41 13
La Brasserie de L'Entrecôte – R. do Alecrim, 119 342 83 43
Lanterna Verde – R. S. João da Praça, 45 – Tel. – 21 888 45 09 – (Fados)
La Valentina – R. dos Bacalhoeiros, 4 A – Tel. – 21 886 98 60
La Trattoria – R. da Artilharia Um, 79 – – Tel. – 21 385 30 43
Lautasco – Beco do Azinhal, 7 – Tel. – 21 886 01 73
Lua Dourada – R. dos Armeiros, 21 – Tel. – 21 887 48 48
Lugre – R. dos Bacalhoeiros, 26A – Tel. – 21 887 08 54
Maçã Verde – R. Caminhos-de-ferro, 84 – Tel. – 21 886 87 80
Malandrice – R. João Freitas Branco, 40 – Tel. – 21 726 56 54
Mão de Ferro – R. da Padaria, 12 e 14 – Tel. – 21 886 94 51
Marisqueira Cais do Sodré – R. da Cintura, Armazém A – Tel. – 21 342 21 05
Marisqueira Popular – R. dos Correeiros, 207 – Tel. – 21 342 11 62
Marítima das Colunas – Lg. Chafariz de Dentro, 16 e 17 – Tel. – 21 886 48 57
Martinho da Arcada – Praça do Comércio – Tel. – 21 886 62 13
Matola do Rio – Trav. do Almargem, 4 – A 888 26 34
Massima Culpa – R. da Atalaia, 35 – Tel. – 21 342 01 21
Mercado de Sta. Clara – Campo de Sta. Clara – Tel. – 21 887 39 86
Mercado do Peixe – Estrada de Pedro Teixeira – Tel. – 213636942
Mesón del Asador – Doca Jardim do Tabaco – Tel. – 21 887 71 56
Minhoto – Trav . Terreiro do Trigo, 8/8 A – Tel. – 218865491
Mirante – R. do Mirante, 45 – Tel. – 21 414 34 54
Moderna – R. dos Correeiros, 230 – Tel. – 21 342 85 80
Monsanto – R. dos Condes de Monsanto, 1 A – Tel. – 21 887 20 63
Morgadinha da Estefânia – R. D. Estefânia, 95 – Tel. – 21 354 23 51
Muito Bom – Av. Santos Dumont, 63 – Tel. – 21 7976965
Nariz de Vinho Tinto – R. do Conde, 75 – Tel. – 21 395 30 35
Natrj – Av. Da Igreja, 65 – Tel. – 21 797 38 88
Nau S. Gabriel – Praça Ilha do Faial, 6 – Tel. – 21 353 33 62
Nova Europa – Estrada de Benfica, 287 – Tel. – 21 774 17 76
Novo Bonsai – R. da Rosa, 248 – Tel. – 213462515
O Aviz das A – Amoreiras Shop, lj 2058 – Tel. – 213851888
O Beco – R. de S. Miguel, 87 – Tel. – 21 887 49 14 (Fados)
O Bem Prado – R. Gilberto Rola, 2 – Tel. – 21 393 01 24
O Bomdia – R. da Misericórdia, 78 – Tel. – 21 354 13 39
O Cabacinha – Lg do Limoeiro, 9 – Tel. – 21 888 46 70
O Cacilheiro – Cais da Rocha do Conde de Óbidos – Tel. – 21 397 96 39
O Cantinho do Museu – R. Caminhos de Ferro, 136 – Tel. – 21 886 91 34
O "118" – R. da Cruz de Sta. Apolónia, – Tel. – 21 812 91 09
O Cofre – R. dos Bacalhoeiros, 2C e D – Tel. – 21 886 89 35
OFazFigura – R. do Paraíso, 15 B – Tel. – 21 86 89 81
O Fernando – R. dos Bacalhoeiros, 103 – Tel. – 21 887 87 55
O Fumeiro – R. da Conceição da Glória, 25 – Tel. – 21 347 42 03
O Funil – Av. Elias Garcia, 82 – A – Tel. – 21 796 60 77
O Guedes – Terminal Contentores Alcântara, 80 – Cais da Rocha – Tel. – 21 395 56 49
O Lugre - – R. dos Bacalhoeiros, 26 – Tel. – 21 – Tel. – 21 887 08 54
O Madeirense – Amoreiras Shop Center – Tel. – 21 381 31 47
O Muni – R. dos Correeiros, 177 – Tel. – 21 342 89 82
Nau S. Gabriel – Pç. Ilha do Faial, 6 – Tel. – 21 353 33 62
O Nobre – R. das Mercês, 71 A – Tel. – 21 363 38 27
O Nosso Lar – R. dos Remédios, 83 – Tel. – 21 886 93 72
O Novo da Conceição Velha – R. da Alfândega, 98 – Tel. – 21 887 29 93
Número 1 – R. D. Francisco Manuel de Melo, 44 – Tel. – 21 383 14 71
O Paraíso da Calçada – Calçada do Forte, 26 – Tel. – 21 886 86 09
O Pereira de Alfama – R. Guilherme Braga, 22 – Tel. – 21 887 72 99 (Fados)
O Polícia – Av. Conde Valbom, 125 – Tel. – 21 796 35 05
Pabe – R. Duque de Palmela, 27 – Tel. – 21 353 56 75
Painel de Alcântara – R. do Arco, 7/13 Alcântara – Tel. – 21 396 59 20
Palmeirinha do Bar – R. da Conceição, 32 – Tel. – 21 87 91 54
Pap'Açorda – R. da Atalaia, 5 – Tel. – 21 346 48 11
Papagaio da Serfina – Pq. Recreativo da Serafina – Tel. – 21 774 28 88
Parreirinha de Alfama – Beco do Espírito Santo, 1 – Tel. – 21 886 82 09 (Fados)
Parreirinha de S. Vicente – Cç. de S. Vicente, 54 – Tel. – 21 886 88 93
Parreirinha do Rato – Lg. do Rato, 11 – Tel. – 21 385 64 36
Páteo do Colombo – C. Colombo , Lj. 20081 – Tel. – 21 711 11 51
Páteo 13 – Calçada de Sto. Estêvão, 13 – Tel. – 218882325
Patrono – Lg. Chafariz de Dentro, 20 – Tel. – 21 886 88 87
Pirilampo – R. dos Sapateiros, 170 - – Tel. – 21 346 16 12
Pizza Pazza – R. Portas de Sto. Antão, 42 – Tel. – 213424188
Praça da Sé – Trav. do Almargem , 4 – Tel. – 218869069 (Fados)
1º DE JANERO – R. S. João da Praça, 13 – Tel. – 21886278
Pastelaria Mexicana – Av. Guerra Junqueiro, 30 – Tel. – 21 848 61 17
Pastelaria Suiça – Pç. D. Pedro IV, 100 – Tel. – 21 342 40 90
Panorâmico – R. Castilho, 169 – Tel. – 213882161
Parreirinha do Rato – Lg. do Rato, 11 – Tel. – 213856436
Pasta Caffé – Doca Sto. Amaro, Armazém 11 – Tel. – 21 397 96 08
Páteo Alfacinha – R. do Guarda Jóias,44 – Tel. – 21 364 21 71
Pessoa – R. dos Douradores, 190 – Tel. – 213874250
Porcão - Cintura do Porto de Lisoa – Santos – Tel. – 21 397 53 58
Príncipe do Calhariz – Calçada do Combro, 28 – Tl. – 213420971
1º de Maio – R. da Atalaia, 8 – Tel. – 21 342 68 40
Quinta dos Frades – R. Luís de Freitas Branco, 5-D – Tel. – 21 759 89 80
Rama Yana – R. Marcos de Portugal, 2 – Tel. – 21 395 04 75
"Retiro del Castilho" – R. da Padaria, 34 – Tel. – 21 887 26 49
Rodrigues e Valinho – R. de S. João da Praça , 33 – Tel. – 21 886 96 85
Rosa dos Mares – R. de Belém, 110 – Tel. – 21 364 92 75
Roseiral – Jardim Zoológico – Tel. – 21 726 02 59
Saddle Room – Prç . José Fontana, 17 C – Tel. – 21 3523157
Salsa Latina – Gare Marítima de Alcântara – Tel. – 21 395 05 05
Santa Luzia – Miradouro de Santa Luzia – Tel. – 21 886 39 68
Santo António – R. dos Bacalhoeiros, 133 – Tel. – 21 887 08 77
Santo António de Alfama – Beco de S. Miguel, 7 – Tel. – 218881328
Sandokan – R. dos Caminhos de Ferro, 90 B 7 – Tel. – 218864372
S. Caetano – R. S. Caetano, 27 – Tel. – 21 397 47 92
São Jerónimo – R. dos Jerónimos, 12 – Tel. – 213648796
S. Miguel D'Alfama – R. S. Miguel, 9-15 – Tel. – 218869170
Ser – Veja – Ria – Av. João XXI, 80-C – Tel. – 796 19 90
7 Mares – Doca de Santo Amaro – Armazém 3 – Tel. – 21 395 11 24
Sinal Vermelho – R. das Gáveas, 89 – Tel. – 21 346 12 52
Solar dos Nunes – R. dos Lusíadas, 68 - – Tel. – 213647359
Solar dos Bicos – R. dos Bacalhoeiros, 8 A – Tel. – 218869447
Solar do Vez – Campo das Cebolas, 48 – Tel. – 218870794
Sol e Mar – R. da Alfândega, 92 – Tel. – 218873503
Spazio Evazione – Av. Brasília – Tel. – 21 362 42 32
Sr. Peixe – Parque das Nações - Tel – 21 3888406
Sua Excelência – R. do Conde, 34 – Tel. – 21 3903614
Tágide – Lg Academia das Belas Artes, 18 – Tel. – 21 342 07 20
Tapadinha – Calçada da Tapadinha, 41 – A – Tel. – 21 3640482
Tasquinha da Adelaide – R. do Patrocínio, 70 – Tel. – 213962239
Tavares Rico – R. da Misericórdia, 35 – Tel. – 21 342 11 12
Taverna Imperial – Pç . dos Restauradores, 16 – Tel. – 21 346 94 91
Taberna do Julião – Lg. Do Peneireiro – 5 – 5 A – Tel. – 218872271
Taverna D'el Rei - Lg. Do Chafariz de Dentro, 14 – Tel. – 218876754
Taverna do Embuçado – Beco dos Curtumes, 10 – Tel. – 218865088 (Fados)
Taverna do Obélix – R. António Saúde, 3 – Tel. – 21 778 58 79
Telepizza – R. Portas de Sto. Antão, 41 – Tel. – 0808200031
Tertúlia do Tejo – Doca de Sto. Amaro, Pav. 4 – Tel. – 21 395 55 52
Tolan – R. dos Remédios, 134/136 – Tel. – 218872234
Trevo da Madalena, 64 – Tel. – 218869972
Tunel d'Alfama – R. dos Remédios, 132 – Tel. – 218865545
Tun Fon – Av. Fontes Pereira de Melo, 6-C - – Tel. – 213577685
Ultramar – R. de S. Julião, 74 – Tel. – 21 887 96 46
Unidos do Minho –R. dos Correeiros, 215 – Tel. – 213421597
Varanda de Lisboa –Rua Dom Duarte, 4 – Tel. – 218863101
Verdemar – R. Portas de Sto Antão, 142 – Tel. – 21 346 44 01
Versailles – Av. República, 15 A – Tel. – 213546340
Vila Graça – R. Damasceno Monteiro, 0 –B – Tel. – 218870830
Via Latina – Doca do Bom Sucesso – Tel. – 21 301 71 18
Vossamercê – R. dos Correeiros, 216 – Tel. – 213466572
XL – Calçada da Estrela, 57 – Tel. – 21 395 61 18
York House – A Confraria – R. J Verdes, 32-1º. – Tel. – 213962435
Zé do Ferro – Calçada da Pampulha, 31 – Tel. – 213960015
Zonadoca – Doca de Sto. Amaro – Armazém 7 A – Tel. – 21 397 20 10
Zeno – Doca de Sto. Amaro – Armazém 15 – Tel. – 21397 39 48
Suppose you continue unhappy after this lot of fanned restaurants out, and prefer to do your own meal, nothing better than to apply to the Cozinhomania, R. 4 de Infantaria , 35 and prepare your own plate attended by accredited cook. Don't forget to call before as there are a lot of people craving for an entrance in the culinary secrets. Here is the telephone number: 213860820
(for alphabetical order)
A Choupana – Av. Marginal – 5579 – S. João do Estoril – Tel. 21 468 30 99
Albatroz – R. Frederico Arouca, 100 – Cascais – Tel. 21 483 28 21
Eduardos – Largo das Grutas, 3 – Cascais – Tel. 21 483 19 01
Hotel Estoril Sol Grill – Parque Palmela – Cascais – Tel. 21 483 22 73
João Padeiro – R. Visconde da Luz, 12 – Cascais – Tel. 21 483 02 32
Mónaco – Avenida Marginal – Caxias – Paço de Arcos – Tel. 21 443 23 39
O Pereira – R. da Bela Vista, 92 – Tel. 21 483 12 15
O Pipas – Rua das Flores, 18 – Tel. 21 486 45 01
O Pescador – R. das Flores, 10 B – Cascais – Tel. 21 483 20 54
Porto de Santa Maria – Praia do Guincho – Cascais – Tel. 21 487 02 40
(for alphabetical order)
Adraga – Praia da Adraga – Almoçageme – Tel. 219280028
Alcobaça - R. das Padarias, 7 – Sintra – 219231651
Apeadeiro – Av. Miguel Bombarda, 3 – Sintra – Tel. 21 923 18 04
A Tasca do Manel – Lg . Dr. Vergílio Horta, 5 - Sintra – Tel. 21 923 02 15
Barrete Saloio – R. Luís de Camões, 28 – Bucelas Tel. 219644004
Caneira – Av. Gl. Barnabé A. Ferreira – Negrais – Pêro Pinheiro – Tel. 219670905
Cantinho da Paparoca – R. da Biquinha, 5 – Sintra – Tel. 96 2635474
Casa da Avó – R. Visconde de Monserrate, 46 – Sintra – Tel. 21 923 12 80
Cintália – Lg. Afonso de Albuquerque, 2 – Tel. 21 924 22 99
Cozinha Velha – Palácio Nacional de Queluz – Queluz – Tel. 214356158
L'Oxirás – Av. Adriano Júlio Coelho – Sintra – Tel. 219241672
O Tunel – R. João de Deus, 86 – Tel. 21 923 13 86
Parreirinha – R. João de Deus, 45 – Sintra – Tel. 21 923 12 07
Pátio do Garrett – R. Maria Eugénia Reis F. Navarro, 7 – Sintra – Tel. 21 92 433 80
Tacho Real – R. da Ferraria, 4 – Sintra – Tel. 21 923 52 77
Xintara – R. Visconde de Monserrate, 48/50 – Sintra – Tel. 21 924 42 71
(for alphabetical order)
Aldeia Gallega – R. Conde Paçô Vieira – Tel. 21 232 21 25
A Casa do Pescador – R. Agost. Fortes, 22 – Tel. 21 231 21 24
Atasca – R. da Cruz – Tel. 21 2302968
A Forja – R. José Joaquim Marques, 155 – Tel. 21 2132 27
A fragata – Av. João XXIII – Tel. 21 231 33 74
A Lota do Peixe – R. Dr. António Oliv. Feio, 15 – Tl. 21 232 09 10
A Nossa Adega – R. Joaquim Marques, 132 – Tel. 21 230 34 95
A Pontinha – Av. Dos Pescadores, 40 – Tel. 21 230 15 31
Bela Pizza – R. do Baixo Alentejo, 13 – Tel. 21 231 52 03
Bom Sucesso – Av. Dos Pescadores, 95 – Tel. 21 231 39 09
Delfos – R. das Papoilas, 344 – Tel. 21 230 16 17
Dom Jorge – R. D. Jorge Mestre Santiago, 6 – Tel. 21 231 21 84
Estrela do Norte – R. Miguel Bombarda, 15 – Tel. 21 231 15 20
Gilson – Praceta da Cidade de Braga, 101 – Tel. 21 231 52 56
Happy Burger – R. das Papoilas, 366 – Tel. 21 231 04 75
Ilhéu – R. Sacadura Cabral, 59 – Tel. 21 231 47 36
Imperial – R. José Joaquim Marques, 114 – Tel. 21 231 03 88
Marítimo – R. Cidade de Évora, 78 – Tel. 21 231 70 80
Montiagri - Av. de Olivença – Tel. 21 231 35 84
Nascer do Sol – Av. Corregedor Rod. Dias, 1 – Tel. 21 231 17 88
O Catraio – R. Manuel Neves N. de Almeida – Tel. 21 231 05 68
Octávius – R. do Hospital – Tel. 21 230 28 50
O Grilo – R. José Joaquim de Almeida – Tel. 21 231 25 96
O Lavrador – R. Eça de Queiróz – Tel. 21 231 32 02
O Marquês – R. José Ferreira Pio, 26 B – Tel. 21 230 29 04
O Pescador - Av. dos Pescadores, 132 – Tel. 21 230 29 61
O Taipinhas – R. das Taipas, 10 C – Tel. 21 231 76 61
O Veleiro – Traseiras da R. Sacadura Cabral, 3 – Tel. 21 23222577
Paraiso – Av. dos Pescadores, 56 - – Tel. 21 230 03 58
Sempre em Festa –R. Almirante C. dos Reis, 128 – Tel. 21 231 20 82
Tá na Hora – R. Miguel Pais, 57 – Tel. 21 232 08 03
Tasca da Avenida – Av. dos Pescadores, 67 – Tel. 21231 26 79
Tas'coela – R. Gago Coutinho, 113 – Tel. 21 231 13 40
Ti Maria e Lucas – R. Miguel Bombarda, 10 – Tel. 21 232 1971
Victor – Largo da Caldeira, 5 – Tel. 21 232 13 88
Lisbon is a reliquary of millennial culture with organisms sowed through the city and always giving fruits all over the year. Here you'll find: The museums, the libraries, the theatres, the movies, the gardens, the belvederes and the academies.
In case of doubts you can make a call.
Write the book keeping us company.
To contemplate Lisbon from a towering point is to contemplate the temple of the love.
I remind you some of the points:
Alto da Serafina - Parque Florestal de Monsanto - Bus 24
Graça - Largo da Graça - Tram 28
Ascensor de Sta. Justa - R. de Santa Justa - Metro Baixa-Chiado
Penha de França - Largo da Penha de França - Bus 107
Santa Luzia - Lgo das Portas do Sol - Tram 28 and Bus 37
Santa Catarina -Alto de Santa Catarina - Tram 28 and Ascensor da Bica
R. S. Pedro de Alcântara - Bus 58, 100; Tram 24, Elevador da Glória
Senhora do Monte - R. da Senhora do Monte à Graça - Tram 28
Parque Eduardo VII - Pç. Marquês de Pombal - Buses:1-2-11-12-18-20-21-22-23-27-31-32-36-38-41-42-44-45-46-48-49-51-53-75-83-90-91-101; Tram 24; Metro: Rotunda and Parque
Jardim da Estrela (Guerra Junqueiro) - Largo da Estrela - Buses: 9-20-22-27-38; Trams: 24-25
Jardim Zoológico - Estrada de Benfica - Buses: 15-16-16 C-26-31-31A-41-46-54-55-58-63-68; Metro: Sete Rios
Jardim do Príncipe Real (França Borges) - Praça do Príncipe Real - Buses: 15-58-100; Trams: 24-25
Jardim Botânico da Faculdade de Ciências - R. da Escola Politécnica - Buses: 15-58-100
Jardim da Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian - Av. de Berna - Buses: 16-18-26-31-41-42-46-51-56 - Tram: 24; Metro: S. Sebastião-Palhavã
Jardim Braamcamp Freire - Campo Mártires da Pátria - Buses: 23-03-100; Elevador : Lavra
Jardim do Castelo de S. Jorge - Castelo de S. Jorge - Bus 37; Trams 12-28
Jardim Henrique Lopes de Mendonça - Pç. José Fontana - Buses: 20-22-27-30-32-53. Metro
Jardim Alfredo Keil - Praça da Alegria - Buses: 1-2-9-11-15-21-31-32-36-39-41-44-45-46-58-90-100; Trams: 24-25 - Metro : Avenida
Jardim Afonso de Albuquerque - Pç. Afonso de Albuquerque - Buses:14-27-28-29-43-49-51 - Tram: 15
Jardim Botânico da Ajuda - Calçada da Ajuda - Buses: 14-27-29-32-42-60.
Jardim Boto Machado - Campo de Santa Clara - Buses: 12-35-107 - Tram: 28
Jardim do Campo Grande - Campo Grande - Buses: 12-35-107
Quinta das Conchas - Alameda das Linhas de Torres - Buses: 1-7-7A-17B-36
Mata de Alvalade -Av. Almirante Gago Coutinho - Buses: 5-8-10-19-21-22-31-44-45-50-55-57-68-83-103.
Mata da Madre de Deus -Largo da Madre de Deus -Buses: 42-59
Parque Florestal de Monsanto - Serra de Monsanto -Buses: 11-14-23-24-29-43-48.
Of the 74 or 75 more significant green spaces, I leave you a dozen and a half, a part of the whole they represent. Take advantage of them and breathe long and soundly.
Casa dos Bicos - R. dos Bacalhoeiros - Buses: 9-25-25A-28-35-39-39A-46-59-90-104-105-107.
Igreja da Conceição Velha - R. da Alfândega - Buses: 1-2-7-9-11-13-14-25-25A-28-32-35-39-39A-40-43-44-45-46-59-60-80-81-83-90-100-104-105-107; Trams: 15-17-18.
Convento do Carmo - Largo do Carmo - Buses: 15-100 - Trams: 24-25-28 Elevador: Santa Justa
Sé Patriarcal - Largo da Sé - Bus: 37 – Tram – 28
Castelo de S.Jorge - R. de Sta Cruz do Castelo - Bus: 37 - Trams – 12-28
Igreja de S. Vicente de Fora - Largo de S. Vicente - Bus:12 -Tram:28
Igreja de Sta. Engrácia -Campo de Santa Clara - Buses: 12-35-107
Igreja de S. Roque - Lg. Trindade Coelho - Buses: 15-100-24-25 - Elevador da Glória
Basílica da Estrela - Pç . da Estrela - Buses: 9-20-22-27-38; Trams: 25-28.
Aqueduto das Águas Livres - Calçada da Quintinha - Buses: 2-13-56.
Mosteiro dos Jerónimos - Pç. do Império Buses:27-28-29-43-49-51 - Tram: 15
Centro Cultural de Belém - Buses:27-28-29-43-49-51 - Tram: 15
Padrão dos Descobrimentos - Av. Brasília -Buses: 27-28-29-43-49-51; Tram 15
Torre de Belém - Torre de S.Vicente de Belém - Buses: 29-43
Palácio da Ajuda -Largo da Ajuda - Autocarros: 14-32-42-60 -Tram: 18
Palácio dos Marqueses de Fronteira - Lg . S. Domingos de Benfica - Buses: 16-16C-46-54-58-63-68.
Palácio de S. Bento - Pç. de S. Bento -Buses: 6-13-27-49-100 - Tram: 28
In Lisbon there is no lack of libraries. They are more than eighty, not including some twenty Itinerant, with twenty Files, and forty Documentation centres more.
Nobody can complain about want for information. In Lisbon only is ignorant who wants to be it.
There is no quarter without one of these houses where, gratuitously, you can enrich the knowledge and to make the spirit dream.
I leave you, as an example, the cream of the libraries:
Arquivos Nacionais – Torre do Tombo - Tel. 21 793 72 12
Alameda da Universidade
Biblioteca Nacional -Tel. 21 789 20 00 - Campo Grande, 83
Biblioteca Municipal Central - Tel. 21 797 13 26 - Palácio das Galveias
A lot of museums are free on Sundays between 10 and 14 hours and others during the whole day. You'll find there, for sale, copies of old pieces at inviting prices.
The main ones were integrated in the text and in the circuits, but I leave you a roll and general summary for fast consultation.
Museu Antoniano - Iconography, bibliography and liturgical furnitures –
Tel. 21 757 17 25
Museu Arpad Szenes / Vieira da Silva - The two painters' production - Tel. 21 388 00 44
Pç. das Amoreiras, 56
Museu da Água da EPAL - Patrimony and history of the Lisbon water supply.
Tel. 21 815 36 21 - R. do Alviela, 12
Museu Dr. Anastácio Gonçalves :
19th century Portuguese painting, china, furniture, jewellery store, tapestry, glasses, bronzes, medal, coins.
Tel. 21354 08 23 – Av. 5 de Outubro, 6
Museu Calouste Gulbenkian :
Egyptian art, Greco-Roman, Far East art, of the east Islamic, European, Ornamental art.
- Tel. 21 782 30 00 - Av. de Berna, 45
Museu da Carris : Trams, buses, pictures and varied documentation about the life of
this, very organized, carrier - Tel. 21 361 30 00 – R. 1º. de Maio, 101
Museu da cidade:
The history and the evolution of the city of Lisbon Tel. 21 757 17 25 – Campo Grande, 245
Museu da Farmácia - Tel. 21 340 06 85 - R. Marechal Saldanha
Museu da Liga dos Combatentes : Matter connected with the Great War: masks, helmets, weaponry - Tel. 21 346 82 45 – R. João pereira da Rosa, 18
Museu da Marinha
Several models of ships and respective equipment. – Tel. 21 362 00 10 – Pç. do Império
Museu da Música
Interesting representative instruments of the western instrumental panorama.
Tel. 771 09 90 – R. João Freitas Branco
Museu da Rádio
Very old receivers, stricken in years clocks, that diffused the hourly signs, acetates and magnetic tools in thread and ribbon. – Tel. 21395 07 62 – R. do Quelhas, 21.
Museu das Comunicações - Permanent exhibitions of the Stamps National Collection and of the Communicating Worlds. Communications History and the new technologies.
Tel. 21 393 50 00 – R. do Instituto Industrial, 16
Museu de Cera - Characters and facts of the History of Portugal – Tl. 21 397 9095
Doca de Alcântara – Armazém 2
Museu de Ciência : Science progress through the ages - Tel. 21 392 18 08 -R. da Escola Politécnica
Museu de Electricidade : Old material of the electric headquarters of Lisbon – Tel. 21 363 16 46 – Av. Brasília.
Museu do Chiado : The expression of the Portuguese art in the 19th and 20th centuries: Romantism, Naturalism, Modernism, Neo - Realism, Surrealism, Abstraccionism, with a nucleus of French art. – Tel. 21 343 21 48 – R. Serpa Pinto, 4
Museu do Centro Centífico e Cultural de Macau - Colections from the Neolithic to the actuality. Tel. 21 361 92 56 - R. da Junqueira, 30
Museu do Design - Glasses, jewelry store, furniture, utilitarian objects
– Tel. 21 361 24 00
Museu-Escola of the Fundação Ricardo do Espírito Santo Portuguese Ornamental Arts: Furnituure, textile, jewellery, painting, ceramic and porcelain of the 16th to the 19th century - Tel. 21 888 19 91 – Lg. Portas do Sol, 2
Museu Geológico - Tertiary vertebrates, fossils of plants and reptiles, metamorphic eruptive rocks, archaeological pieces of the Palaeolithic. - Tel. 21 346 39 15 – R. Academia das Ciências.
Museu João de Deus – Stuff collection that belonged to the poet João de Deus. - Tel. 21 396 81 65 – Av. Álvares Cabral, 69
Museu Maçónico - Tel. 21 342 45 06 – R. do Grémio Lusitano, 25
Museu Mestre João da Silva – Sculpture, jewelry store, numismatic, medals. – Tel. 21 396 13 96. – R. Tenente Raul Cascais, 11
Museu Militar - Facts of the History of Portugal Collections, with many temporary exhibitions. Tel. 21 884 25 69 – Lg . do Museu de Artilharia.
Museu da Musica - Musical value instruments with interest. – 21 771 09 90 – R. João de Freitas Branco.
Museu Nacinal de Arte Antiga : Portuguese and foreign art collections between the 12 th and 19 th century. – 21 391 28 00 – R. das Janelas Verdes.
Museu Nacional do Azulejo - Exceptional centre since the 15th century till our days. - Tel. 21 814 77 47.
Museu Nacional do Teatro - pieces related with linked characters to the life art.
Museu Nacional do Traje - Clothes, textile, accessories, dolls, toys. Tel. 21 759 03 18 –
Lg. Latino Coelho
Museu Nacional dos Coches - Old carriages largest and most majestic collection all over the world and respective equipments.
Call before the visit.
Academia das Ciências de Lisboa - R. Academia das Ciências, 19 – Tel. 21 342 24 42.
Academia Portuguesa de História - Lg. da Rosa, 5 – Tel. 21 882 03 00
Palácio da Mitra – R. do Açúcar – Tel. 21 868 57 11
Areeiro – Av. De Roma. – Tel. – 21 848 67 94
Ateneu - R. Portas de Sto. Antão, 110 – Tel. 343 09 47
Campo Grande – Tel. 217957945
Olivais – Av. Dr. Francisco Luís Gomes – Tel. 21 851 46 30
Penha de França , 2 Calçada Poço dos Mouros – Tel. 21 812 50 00
Parque Eduardo VII – Tel. 213860540
Elevador da Glória - Links the Restauradores Square to Bairro Alto.
Elevador da Lavra – Links the Anunciada Square to the Mártires da Pátria Square. It is situated opposite to the Glória lift.
Elevador de Sta. Justa – Links the Santa Justa street to the Carmo Monastery.
Bica Lift – Links S. Paulo street to Bairro Alto.
Tel. 21 288 40 25
Farmácias de serviço : Tel.118
Bombeiros : Tel. 21 342 22 22
Polícia – Tel. 21 346 61 41
URGÊNCIAS (ambulâncias, bombeiros, polícia) – Tel. 112
SOS criança – Tel. 21 793 16 17
Socorro a náufragos – Tel. 21 442 75 42
Aeroporto – Tel. 21 849 43 23
Comboios – General information – Tel. 21 888 40 25
Cota Câmbios ( Everyday open besides Sunday) – Rossio 41 – Tl. 21 322 04 80
Metro – Tel. 21 350 01 15
Câmara Municipal – Tel. 21 798 80 00
Direcção Geral de Turismo – Av. António Augusto de Aguiar, 86 – Tel. 213575015
Defesa do Consumidor – Tel. 21 357 39 08
Loja do Cidadão – Tl. 808 241 107 – Tl. 21 86201 95 – Tl. 21 322 59 99
Instituto de Emprego e Formação Profissional – Tel. 21 722 70 00 – Av. José Malhoa,
Enatur – Tel. 218489070 / 218442000
Direcção Geral dos Edifícios e Monumentos Nacionais – Tel. 21 881 70 00 – Pç.
do Comércio, Ala Oriental
Casa Pia – Tel. 21 362 00 66 – Av. do Restelo, 1
Santa Casa da Misericórdia – Tel. 21 323 50 00 – Lg. Trindade Coelho
Câmara de Comércio e Indústria Portuguesa – Tel. 213427179 – R. Portas de Santo
Antão, 89
Ordem dos Advogados – Lg. S. Domingos, 14, 1º. – Tel. 218863614
In Lisbon there are countless chemist's. In case of being closed, night or day, they have in the door the indication of the pharmacy which is in service. In what concerns hospitals, you can appeal:
S. José - Tel. - 21 884 10 00
Santa Maria – Tel.21 790 1200
Estefânia - Tel. – 21312 66 00
Pulido Valente - Tel. – 217548000
Santa Marta - Tel. – 21 359 40 00
Hospital Britânico , R. Saraiva de Carvalho, 49 – Tel. – 213955067 /- Tel. – 21 3976329
Secretariado Nacional de Reabilitação – R. Conde de Valbom, 63 – Tel. – 21- 217936517 Fax. 217965182
R. Eugénio Salvador, Lt. R – 4 Lj A – Tel. – 21 716 29 69
CAT - TAIPAS – Taipas, 20 – Tel. – 213240870
CAT - XABREGAS – Xabregas, 62 - – Tel. – 218610470
CAT - RESTELO – Av. do Restelo, 36 – Tel. – 213030600 Fax. 213424094
Whether you'll forget or lose some personal object, try the luck in Prç. Cidade Salazar, Lote 180 r/c - Olivais Sul. Tel. 218535403.
Lost objects in the Underground Railway: tel. 21 342 77 07 Metro Marquês de Pombal.
The police have a personal department to assist tourists' complaints.
Governo Civil de Lisboa – R. Capelo, 13 (ao Chiado)
Tel.21 314 31 12 / 2171552 68
Aeroporto de Lisboa - Tel. 21 841 37 00
T A P – Air Portugal – 218416990
Air France – Tel. 21 7900202
Alitalia – Tel. 213536141
British Airways – Nº verde
Iberia – Tel. – 213558119
KLM – Tel. – 218476354
LADA – Tel. – 217932701
Lufthansa – Tel. – 213573852
Sabena – Tel. – 213465572
SAS – Tel. – 213473061
Sata – Tel. – 213539511
Swissair – Tel. – 213471111
TWA – Tel. – 213147141
VARIG – Tel. – 213539153
ACP (avarias ) – Tl. – 219425095
BRISA (Autoestradas ) – Tel. – 214448500
ANTRAL (Taxis) – General information: 21 357 39 08
Autocoope – Tel. – 21793 27 56
Centtures – Tel. – 21 483 60 30
Rádio Táxis - – Tel. – 21 811 90 00
Retalis – Tel. – 218155061
Táxis Lisboa – Tel. – 21 356 38 31
Teletáxis – Tel. – 21 811 10 00
Unidos de Lisboa – Tel. – 218147353
Alamo – Tel. 21 793 27 56
Auto Jardim– Tel. 218462916
Avis rent-a-car– Tel. 21346 26 76
Budget – Tel. 21 994 24 02
Eurodollar – Tel. 219405240
Eurocar – Tel. 21 940 77 90
Guerin – Tel. 213882724
Hertz – Tel. 213557301
Paneuropa – Tel. 21 356 34 01
Tupi – Tel. 217971377
Alfa Romeu – Tel. 21 915 81 00
B.M.W. – Tel. 21 940 76 50
Citröen – Tel. 21 353 41 31
Daihatsu – Tel. 21 387 81 31
Fiat – Tel. 21 388 51 51
Honda – Tel. 21 915 00 54
Hyuandai – Tel. 21 854 11 33
Lãncia – Tel. 21 388 51 51
Mercedes – Tel. 21 915 10 10
Nissan – Tel. 21 854 11 33
Opel – Tel. 21 440 75 00
Peugeot – Tel. 21 416 66 11
Porsche – Tel. 21 352 32 71
Renault – Tel. 21 836 10 00
Rover – Tel. 21 940 60 00
Saab – Tel. 21 956 49 00
Seat – Tel. 21 445 56 60
Subaru – Tel. 21 854 11 33
Suzuki – Tel. 21 956 49 00
Toyota – Tel. 21 940 76 00
Volvo – Tel. 21 353 95 91
Gesrent – Tel. 213852722
Abreu – Tel. 21 415 63 40
Cityrama – Tel. 21 3558569
Grayline – Tel. 213522594
Miltours – Tel. 21 392 03 69
Portugal Tours – Tl. 213160399
Transtejo – Tel. 218875058 / 89
Express Buses Network - Buses for the whole country and abroad - Tel. 21 354 54
39 - Av. Casal Ribeiro, 18 (Arco Cego) Metro
Renex – Rede de Expressos para Norte e Sul – Tel. 218874864
Belos – Vila Fresca, Azeitão – Tel. 217264415
Barraqueiros – Campo Grande, 5 – Tel. 217951447
Praiamar Expresso – Campo Grande, 30 – Tel. 217974600
Stagecoach – R. Capitão Rey Vilar, 383, Avide – Tel. 21 483 20 55
Santa Apolónia – (trips for the center and north of Portugal) – Tel. 21 888 40 25
Barreiro (trips towards south: Alentejo, Algarve) - Tel. 212073028
Cais do Sodré (trips on the Estoril railway, Cascais) – Tel. 21 347 01 81
Rossio (trips on the Sintra railway) – Tel. 21 343 37 47
Transtejo - Tel. 21 882 03 48 – Fax – 21 882 03 65
Almeida Navarro – R. da Palma, 256 (Almirante Reis)
Miranda e Ferrão – Av. António Serpa, 22 (Campo Pequeno)
MOBIL – Av. Almirante Gago Coutinho (Areeiro)
PRAÇA DO COMÉRCIO – It is open from Monday to Friday from 8.30 a. m. to 18.30 p. m. Here you can receive your mail since it is sent with the mention POSTA RESTANTE , Central dos Correios , Praça do Comércio 1100 Lisboa.
International Informations - Praça dos Restauradores, 177
Airport – Tel. 21 843 50 50
In the Park of the Nations, in the Pavilion of the Knowledge, you'll have free Internet, but if you do not intend to move that side you'll have at your disposal the Ciber paid.
Ciber Chiado – Largo do Picadeiro, 10 s/l Tl. 213466722
Ciber 25 – Teatro Taborda, Costa do Castelo, 75 Tl. 21 886 57 86
Espaço Ágora – R. Cintura, armazém. Tel. 21 394 01 70
Forum Picoas – Av. Fontes Pereira de Melo – Tel.213522292
Net Lisboa Café – R. Pe. Francisco, 24 , 24 Tel. 21397 18 24
Planet Megastore – Av. da República, 41B Tel. 21792 8 100
The great majority of the telephonic cabins works with telephonic cards or multibanco cards. There are cabins of coins too but that is not advisable for the foreigner due to the great number of coins to be used. You can rent a portable telephone: Tels. 213870808 or 218464033; You have the Oni, tel. 800221050, Jazztell, tel. 800301030, Interoute, tel. 213191900, Novis, Tel. 808211010, card. Go banana and Portugal Telecom, tel. 215002000 cards yet.
Associação Portuguesa de Tradutores – R. de Ceuta 4b, Garagem 5 – Linda – a – Velha Tel. 214198255
Rota das Letras - translater - Publishers - R. dos Bacalhoeiros, 24 – 1º. Esq. Tel. 2188221288 Fax 218821291
Armazéns do Chiado - The culture has discount with a small card. – R. do Crucifixo, 103 – Tl. 21 322 18 00
Diário de Notícias - Av. da Liberdade, 266 – Tel. 21 318 75 00
Correio da Manhã - Av. João Crisóstomo, 72 – Tel. 21 318 52 00
Público – R. Agostinho Neto, Lt 6 – Tel. 21 750 10 00
Expresso - R. Duque de Palmela, 37 – Tel. – Tel. 21 311 40 00
Independente - R. António Pedro, 111 – 2º. – Tel. 21 311 85 01
Semanário - Sacadura Cabral, 26 – Tel. 21 415 79 00
A Bola - Tv . da Queimada, 23-2º. – Tel. 21 346 39 81
O Jogo - R. Tenente Espanca, 35 – 5º. – Tel. 21 795 21 17
Record - Tv. dos Inglesinhos, 3 –1º – Tel. 21 321 49 00
RÁDIO RENASCENÇA – R. E. Capelo, 5 – 2º. – Tel. 21 323 92 00
R.D.P . – Av. Eng. Duarte Pacheco, 5 – Tel. 21 388 42 34
Rádio Capital – Av. Óscar M. Torres, 11, 3º.~
R.T.P. – Av. 5 de Outubro, 197 - – Tel. 21 794 60 00
S. I . C. - Estrada Outorela 2795 – Carnaxide – Tel. 21 417 95 50
Lisbon Sport Club – Tel.21 431 00 77
Club de Campo de Aroeira – Tel. 21 297 13 14
Quinta da Beloura – Tel. 21 924 00 21
Monsanto Camping Municipal Park: Tel. 21 76 231 05. Bus 43
Portuguese Federation of Camping and Caravanning – General information. Tel. 21 812 69 00. Fax. 21 762 31 00.
Bus 43, 50
R. Andrade Corvo, 46 Tel. 213532696 – Metro : Picoas
Associação de Pouadas de Juventude - General information and booking.
Tel. 21 313 88 20 – fax 21 352 86 21, Av . Duque d'Ávila, 137.
Av. Sta. Joana Princesa, 10 – Tel. 21 844 20 01
Abep – Praça dos Restauradores – Tel.21347 58 24
Carpediam – Tel. 21303 13 70
Discoteca Bimotor – Amoreiras Shopping , loja 2044 - Tel.213831133
Fnac – Centro Comercial Colombo
Roma Megastore – Av. da República, 62 – Tel. – Tel. 21 346 03 09
Ticket Line – Centro Comercial Vasco da Gama – Tl. 218919898
Valentim de Carvalho – R. do Carmo, 28 – Tel. 21324 15 70
Virgin Megastore – Pç. dos Restauradores, 17 – Tl. 213460309
ABERTO – Pç de Espanha – Tel. 21 797 09 69
CORNUCÓPIA – Ten Raul Cascais – Tel. 21 396 15 15
DONA MARIA II – Pç D. Pedro IV – Tel. 21 347 22 46
MARIA MATOS – Av. Frei Miguel Contreiras, 52 – Tel. 21 849 70 07
POLITEAMA – R. Portas de Sto. Antão, 109 – Tel. 21 343 03 27
SÃO CARLOS – R. Serpa Pinto, 9 – Tel. 21 346 84 08
SÃO LUÍS – R. António Maria Cardoso, 40 – Tel. 21 346 12 60
TRINDADE – R, Nova da Trindade – Tel. 21 342 32 00
VILLARET – Av. Fontes Pereira de Melo, 30 – Tel. 213538586
ALVALADE – Av. de Roma, 100 – Tl.21 849 76 821
AMOREIRAS – Av. Engº. Duarte Pacheco – Tel. 213831275
CINEMATECA PORTUGUESA – R. Barata Salgueiro – Tel. 21 354 60 85
EUROPA – R. Francisco Metrass, 28 – Tel. 21 396 00 70
LONDRES – Av. Roma, 7 – Tel. 21 840 13 13
MONUMENTAL – Av. Praia da Vitória, 71– Tel. 21 353 18 56
NIMAS –Av. 5 de Outubro, 42 – Tel. 21 357 43 62
QUARTETO – R. Flores de Lima, 16 – Tel. 21 797 13 78
SÃO JORGE –Av. da Liberdade, 175 – Tel. 21 357 91 44
Adega Machado – R. do Norte, 91– Tel. 21 322 46 40
Adega Mesquita – R. do Diário de Notícias, 107 – Tel. 21 321 92 80
Adega do Ribatejo – R. Diário de Notícias, 23– Tel. 213468343
Arcadas do Faia – R. da Barroca, 54 – Tel. 213426742
A Severa – R. das Gáveas, 51 – Tel. 21 342 83 14
A Taverna D'el Rei – Lg. Do Chafariz de Dentro, 14 – 15 – Tel. 21 887 67 54
Clube do Fado – R. S. João da Praça 92 – 94 – Tel. 218852704
Cristal - Travessa da Queimada, 9 – Tel. 213426787
Fado Nó Nó – R. do Norte, 47– Tel. 213429989
Faia – R. da Barroca, 54-56– Tel. 21 343 67 42
Forte Dom Rodrigo – R. de Birre, 961 – Tel. 21 487 13 73
Lisboa à Noite – R. das Gáveas, 69 – Tel. 21 346 02 22
Luso – Travessa da Queimada,10 – Tel. 21 342 22 81
Nonô – R. do Norte, 47 – 49 – Tel. 21 886 79 22
O Canto do Camões – Tv. da Espera, 38 – Tel. 21 346 54 64
O Forcado - R. da Rosa, 221 – Tel. 21 346 85 79
Parreirinha de Alfama – Beco do Espírito Santo, 1 – Tel. 21 886 82 09
Os Ferreiras – R. S. Lázaro, 150 – Tel. 21885 08 51
Solar do Fado – R. Cç. da Memória, 57 A – Tel. 21 346 44 51
Sr. Vinho – R. do Meio-à-Lapa, 18 – Tel. 21 397 26 81
Taverna do Embuçado - Beco dos Curtumes, 10 – Tl. 21 8865088
Timpanas – R. Gilberto Rola, 24 – Tel. 21 390 66 55
Voz do Operário – R. Voz do Operário, 13 – Tel. 21 886 21 55
The House of the Fado and the Portuguese Guitar is a Museum where you can hear the different fado types and see or remember its first times. – Largo do Chafariz de Dentro, 1 Tel. 218823470.
Absoluto – R. D. Luís, 15 – Tel. 21 395 50 09
Ad Lib – R. Barata Salgueiro, 28 – 7º. – Tel. 21 365 17 17
Alcântara Mar – R. da Cozinha Económica, 11 – Te. 21 363 64 32
A Lontra – R. de S. Bento, 155 – Tel. 21 369 10 83
Blues Café – R. da Cintura do Porto de Lisboa, Armazém H – Tel. 21 395 70 85
Benzina – Trv. De Teixeira Júnior, 6 – Tel. 21 363 39 59
Cais S – R. Doca de Sto. Amaro, Armazém 1 – Tel. 21 395 81 10
Dock's Club – R. da Cintura do Porto de Lisboa, Armazém H – Tel. 21 395 08 56
Frágil – R. da Atalaia, 126 – Tel. 21 396 95 78
Gartejo – R. João de Oliveira Miguens, 38 – Tel. 21 395 59 77
Incógnito – R. do Poiais de S. Bento, 37 – Tel. 21 390 87 55
Indochina – R. Cintura do porto de Lisboa
Kapital – R. 24 de Julho, 68 – Tel. 21 395 71 01
Kings and Queens – R. da Cintura do Porto de Lisboa – Tel. 21 397 76 99
Kremlin – Escadinhas da Praia, 5 – Tel. 21 390 87 68
Plateau – Escadinhas da Praia, 3 – Tel. 21 396 51 16
Portas Largas – R. da Atalaia, 105 346 63 69
Três Pastorinhos – R. da Barroca, 111 – Tel. 21 346 43 01
Ultramar – Rocha do Conde de Óbidos – Tel. 21 396 18 86
A Capela – R. da Atalaia, 45
Arroz Doce – R. da Atalaia, 45 – Tel. 21 346 26 01
Bar 106 – R. de S. Marçal, 106 342 73 73
Bar da Graça – Tv. da Parreira, 43 –Tel. 21 836 37 44
Bar do Rio – R. Armazém 7 – Tel. 21 346 72 79
Brica Bar – R. Cecílio de Sousa, 84 342 89 71 G
British Bar – R. Bernardo Costa, 52 – Tel. 21 342 23 67
Café Central – Av. 24 de Julho, 112 – Tel. 21395 61 11
Café Diário – R. Diário de Notícias, 3 – Tel. 21 343 24 34
Café Suave – R. Diário de Notícias, 6 – Tel. 21 347 11 44
Casa de Loucos – R. da Barroca, 30 – Tel. 21 342 71 49
Cerca Moura – Lg. Das Portas do Sol, 4 – Tel. 21 887 48 59
Cervejinhas – Av. 24 de Julho, 90 – Tel. 21 360 80 50
Chapitô– R. Costa do Castelo, 7 – Tel. 21 887 28 25
Décibel – Av. 24 de Julho, 116 –– Tel. 21 396 17 29
Doca 6 – Armazém 6 – Santo Amaro – Tel. 21 397 99 04
D. Pedro V – R. D. Pedro V, 14 342 78 42
Finalmente – R. da Palmeira, 38 – Tel. 21 347 26 52
Foxtrot – Tv. de Santa Teresa, 28 – Tel. 21 395 26 97
Fremitus – R. Da Atalaia, 78 34336 32
Gringo's Café – Av. 24 de Julho, 116 – Tel. 21396 09 11
Hennessy's Irish Pub – R. Cais do Sodré, 38 343 10 64
Lux – R. Gustavo Matos Sequeira, 42 882 08 90
M.A.J.O.N.G. – R. da Atalaia, 3 342 10 39
Memorial – R. Gustavo de Matos Sequeira, 42 – Tel. 21 396 88 91
Nova– R. da Rosa, 261– Tel. 21 346 28 34
O Esboço – R. do Vigário, 10 887 78 93
Opera – R. Trv. Das Mónicas, 65 – Tel. 21 886 23 18
Pavilhão Chinês – R. D. Pedro V, 89 – Tel. 21 34247 29
Paulinha – Av. 24 de Julho, 82 – Tel. 21 396 47 83
Primas – R. da Atalaia, 154– Tel. 21 342 59 25
Procópio – Escadinhas de S. Francisco, 21 A – Tel. 213852851
República das Bananas– R. da Madalena, 106
Santo Amaro Café – R. Armazém 9 – Tel. 21 397 99 04
Snob Bar – R. do Século, 8 – Tel. 21 346 37 23
Soul Factory Bar – R.das Salgadeiras
Sudoeste – R. da Barroca, 129 – Tel. 21 346 16 72
Tatoo – R. de S. Marçal, 15 – Tel. 21 397 10 59 G
T Club – Av. Brasília – Tel. 2301 66 53.
Trumps – R. da Imprensa Nacional, 104 – Tel. 213971059 G
Web C@fé – R. do Diário de Notícias, 126 – Tel. 21 342 11 81
Work in Progress – R. da Bica Duarte Belo, 47 – Tel. 21 886 6532
Xafarix – Av. D. Carlos I, 59 – Tel. 21 396 74 67
Álcool Puro – Av. D. Carlos, 59 – Tel. – 21 396 74 67
Anos 60 – Lg. Do Terreirinho, 21 887 34 44
Até Qu'Enfim – R. das Janelas verdes, 2 – Tel. – 21 396 39 59
Banana Power – R. de Cascais, 51-2º – Tel. – 21 363 18 15
B'leza – Lg. Conde Barão, 50 – Tel. – 21 396 37 35
Café Be Bop – R. Luz Soriano, 18 – Tel. – 21 342 16 26
Café Targus – R. Diário de Notícias, 40 – Tel. – 21 347 64 03
Casa do Brasil – R. S. Pedrode Alcântara, 63 – 1º Dt. - Tel. - 213471580
Havana – Doca de Sto. Amaro, Armazém 5 – Tel. – 21 397 98 93
Hot Club de Portugal – Pç da Alegria, 59 – Tel. – 21 346 73 69
Jamaica – R. do Carvalho – R. do Remolares – Tel. – 21 342 18 59
Ó Glíns Irish Pub – R. dos Remolares, 8 – Tel. – 21 342 18 99
Ritz Club – R. da Glória, 57 – Tel. – 21 346 59 98
Rock City – R. Cintura do Porto de Lisboa, Armazém 225 – Tel. – 21 342 86 40
Salsa Latina – Gare Marítima de Alcântara – Tel. – 21 395 05 50
Speakeasy – R. Cais da Rocha do Conde de Óbidos – Tel. – 21 3864257
Tertúlia – R. do Diário de Notícias, 60 – Tel. – 21 346 27 04
(for alphabetical order)
Alvalade – Pç. de Alvalade – Tel. 217955224
Amoreiras – Av. Engº. Duarte Pacheco – Amoreiras – Tel. 213810200
Atrium Saldanha – Pç. Duque de Saldanha,1 – Tel. 213192150
Colombo – Av. Lusíade – Tel. 217160250
Espaço Chiado – R. da Misericórdia, 12/20 – Tel. 213472560
Galerias Monumentais – Praça Duque de Saldanha – Tel. 213150531
Galerias Saldanha – Av. Fontes Pereira de Melo, 42 E – Tel. 213510100
Grandes Armazéns do Chiado – R. do Carmo – R. Nova do Almada
Imaviz – Av. Fontes Pereira de Melo, 35 – Tel. 213555530
Libersil – Av. da Liberdade, 38 – Tel. 21 3467746
Vasco da Gama – Parque das Nações – Tel. 218955245 Fax 8955252
Only the gods know the secret of the nectar and the Douro men receive inspiration to produce the best wine of the world.
We don't want to deprive you of that drink where the glamour and the flavour of Portugal is going in a simple bottle.
Houses where you can find a good Port wine and other to the most several prices:
Casa Macário – R. Augusta, 272 – Tel. 21 342 09 00
Coisa do Arco do Vinho – (Centro Cultural de Belém) –– Tel. 21 364 20 31
Casa Pereira – R. Garrett, 38 – Tel. 21 342 66 94
Espírito do Vinho – R. Borges Carneiro, 38 – Tel. 21 887 20 31
Ferreira & Silva, Lda. – R. S. João da Praça, – Tel. 21 886 95 49
Manuel Tavares – R. da Betesga, 1 – Tel. 21 342 42 09
Napoleão – R. dos Fanqueiros, 70 – Tel. 21 887 20 42
Napoleão – R. da Misericórdia, 121 – Tel. 21 342 71 82
Napoleão – Av. de Roma, 8 – Tel. 21 848 12 40
Napoleão – R. Engº. Vieira da Silva, 14 – Tel. 21 314 16 04
Napoleão – R. Luís Augusto Palmeirm, 2-D – Tel. 218403679
Napoleão – R. Cavaleiro de Oliveira, 13 – Tel. 218403679
Solar do Vinho do Porto – R. de S. Pedro de Alcântara, 45 – Tel. 21 342 33 07
Before going to a Diplomatic Representation, telephone.
África do Sul – Av. Luís Bívar, 10 – Tel. 213535041
Alemanha – Campo dos Mártires da Pátria, 38 – Tel. 213523961
Angola – Av. da República, 68 – Tel. 7967041 - Fax - 213158805
Argélia – Av. Duarte Pco. Pereira, 58 – Tel. 213016356 – Fax - 3010393
Argentina – Av. João Crisóstomo, 8 – Tel. 217977311 / 217959225
Austrália – Tel. 2113510750 (13-14 p. m.)
Áustria – R. das Amoreiras, 70 – Tel. 213874161
Bélgica – Praça Marquês de Pombal, 14 – Tel. 213549263
Brasil – Estrada das Laranjeiras, 144 – Tel. 2172677777 / 213473565
Cabo Verde – Av. do Restelo, 33 – Tel. 21 301 52 71 – Fax – 301 53 08
Canadá – Edifício MCB, Av. da Liberdade, 144 – Tel. 213474892
China – R. António Saldanha, 42 – Tel. 213011947 / 213021733
Checa – R. Pero de Alenquer – Tel. 213010487 – Fax - 3010629
Coreia – Av. Miguel Bombarda, 36 – 7º. – Tel. 217937200
Croácia –R. D. Lourenço de Almeida, 24 – Tel. 2130221033 / 2130221053
Dinamarca –R. Castilho, 14 C – Tel. 213545099
Egipto – Av. D. Vasco da Gama, 8 – Tel. 213018301 – Fax - 213017909
Eslovénia – Av. da Liberdade, 49 – 6º. – Tel. 213423301 – Fax 213423305
Espanha - R. do Salitre, 1 – Tel. 213472381 / 213472792
Finlândia – R. Miguel Lupi, 12 – Tel. 213473501
França – R. Santos – o – Velho, 5 – Tel. 21608121 / 213956056
Grécia – R. Alto do Duque, 13 - – Tel. 213016991
Guiné Bissau – A Alcolema, 17 – Tel. 213030440 – Fax - 213030450
Holanda – Avª Infante Santo, 43-5º. – Tel. 213961161
Índia – R. Pero da Covilhã, 16 – Tel. 213017291 – Fax -213017291
Irlanda – R. da Imprensa à Estrela,1 – Tel. 213961569
Israel – R. António Enes, 16 – Tel. 213570251
Itália – Largo do Conde de Pombeiro, 16 – Tel. 213546144 / 213520862
Japão – R. Mouzinho da Silveira, 11 – Tel. 213523485
Juguslávia –Av. das Descobertas, 12 – Tel. 213015311
Líbia – Av. das Descobertas, 24 – Tel. 213016301 – Fax - 213012378
Luxemburgo – R. das Janelas Verdes, 43 – Tel. 213962781
México –R. Castilho, 50 – 4º. Esq. – Tel. 213860792 / 217977594
Moçambique – Av. de Berna, 7 – Tel. 217971994 – Fax - 217932720
Noruega – Av. Dom Vasco da Gama, 1 (Belém) – Tel. 213015344
Nova Zelândia – Tel. 213574134
Paquistão – Av. da República, 20 – 1º. – Tel. 213538446
Reino Unido – R. de S. Domingos à Lapa, 37 – Tel. 213961191 / 213954082
Roménia – R. S. Caetano, 5 – Tel. 213972648
Suécia – R. Miguel Lupi, 12 – Tel. 213955224
Suíça – Trv. Do Patrocínio, 1 – Tel. 213973121
Tailândia – A Alcoema, 12 – Tel. 213014848 / 2130115051
Turquia – Av. das Descobertas, 22 – Tel. 213028910
URSS – R. Visconde de Santarém, 59 - – Tel. 218460512 / 218461521
USA – Av. das Forças Armadas - – Tel. 217266600 / 217265562
Venezuela – – Tel. 213871567 / 213861648
Pg. 139 do ORIGINAL:
Top of the foregoing map of the page 138
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O Metro
The Metro has 4 lines: the "Azul – Gaivota" , " connects the Baixa to Pontinha.
The "Amarela - Girassol" goes from Rato to Campo Grande.
The "Verde - Caravela " links Campo Grande to Cais do Sodré. The "Vermelha" " connects Alameda to the East Station and the Parque das Nações .
Do you want a bok?
Telefone: 249 881 397
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Carta: Cunha Simões
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21st Century
Lisboa Século XXI
Cunha Simões
Fernando Corte Real
Laurinha Freitas
Andreia Côrte-Real e Rui Tasso
José de Oliveira
José Patrício
E – mail:
Pedro Lopes
Margarida Cunha Simões
Prima, Ltd.
Apartado 44
2384 – 909 Alcanena
Tel. 249 89 12 53 Fax: 249 8813 97
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Andreia Côrte-real Cunha Simões
Depósito Legal: 152689/00
ISBN – 972-98016-8-1
21st Century Lisbon............................................................................................................................
Trips at half price................................................................................................................................
Portuguese Eccentricies......................................................................................................................
Parque EduardoVII - Terreiro do Paço ...........................................................................................
..............Estátua do Marquês ...........................................................................................................
................Avenida da Liberdade ......................................................................................................
................Restauradores ..................................................................................................................
Praça D. Pedro IV (Rossio)............................................................................................................
Martim Moniz-Areeiro......................................................................................................................
From Igreja da Madalena to the Castelo and return past the Panteão ........................................
................O Castelo .........................................................................................................................
................O fado arrogate Lisbon song status................................................................................
Bairro Alto by Glória lift..........................................................................................................
Praça do Comércio to Belém ..........................................................................................................
................Museu dos Coches .......................................................................................................
................From Picoas to Benfica through Campo Grande..............................................................
Fernando Pessoa's House..................................................................................................................
Estrela - Aqueduto ........................................................................................................................
Parque das Nações .......................................................................................................................
................Queluz .............................................................................................................................
................Cascais.............................................................................................................................. Estoril................................................................................................................................................
A Outra Banda
................Almada..............................................................................................................................................Costa da Caparica..................................................................................................................
................Montijo.............................................................................................................................. Hotels................................................................................................................................................ Residential hotels - Inns....................................................................................................................
Boarding Houses...............................................................................................................................
Restaurants in Lisbon........................................................................................................................
Restaurants at Estoril Coast..............................................................................................................
Restaurants at the Railway Lisboa-Sintra Border........................................................................
Restaurants in Montijo......................................................................................................................
Idyllic Lisbon................................................................................................................................ ................Belvederes......................................................................................................................
................Gardens.......................................................................................................................... Monuments.................................................................................................................................... Palaces............................................................................................................................................
................Lisbon Friends...............................................................................................................
................Swimming pools............................................................................................................
General Information........................................................................................................................
................Medical services................................................................................................................
................Disabled people..................................................................................................................
................Anonymous Alcoholics......................................................................................................
................Addiction............................ ...........................................................................................
................Lost and found...................................................................................................................
................Police cases........................................................................................................................
................Foreigns services................................................................................................................
................Civil aviation......................................................................................................................
................Road traffic services..........................................................................................................
................Rent a car...........................................................................................................................
................Different auto concessionaries trade marks in Lisbon.......................................................
................Rent a motorcycle ...............................................................................................................
................Organized visits.................................................................................................................
................Railway station..................................................................................................................
...............Fluvial station.......................................................................................................................
................24 hours a day open petrol pumps....................................................................................
................Post office ......................................................................................................................... ................Electronic mail..............................................................................................................
...............FNAC card.........................................................................................................................
................Daily newspapers...........................................................................................................
................Weekly papers....................................................................................................................
................Sportive papers...................................................................................................................
................Broadcasting stations.........................................................................................................
................Golf links...........................................................................................................................
................Youth hostels.....................................................................................................................
................Portugal hostels..................................................................................................................
................Tickets sell reservation......................................................................................................
........... ....Theatres..............................................................................................................................
................Fado houses........................................................................................................................
................Music for all tastes.............................................................................................................
................Shopping centers................................................................................................................
................Port wine and other ones....................................................................................................
................Diplomatic representations................................................................................................
................Lisbon charts......................................................................................................................
................Metro ...............................................................................................................................
isbon is the perfect synthesis Portugal. None other city expresses with so much naturalness the people's spirit. It is the big village where the Portuguese of the other places work and mix with a population of the most different colours and sources.
Raided by northern, North Africa and Asiatic peoples, Lisbon won out the wisdom of social intercourse and brotherhood. Off her shores set off the caravels to the discovery of love in unknown lands, hidden by the sea and legends of fear and terror. These challenges excite the Portuguese who is a lamb by love but an enraged and foolhardy lion when hurt.
Through the centuries, Lisbon conquered, little by little, the lands irrigated by the Tejo ' firths that, lazy, lived, casting ashore its waters through the Baixa and Martim Moniz.
In 1147, when of the conquest, the river Valverde was yet the fertilizer of the fields that bordered it. All these arms of water will practically disappear with the Earthquake. Maria I ended for ordering the covering with earth of a whole beach in order to raise there a palace. Still today, the alleys with the names of Boqueirões (v. Boqueirão da Galé) recall us the places through where the lines of water headed towards the sea.
In 1147, Lisbon became Portuguese; in 1555, it was promoted to capital of the kingdom. In 1500, it was already the capital of a fabulous Empire spread through the vast territories of Africa, Brazil, Indies, and Oceania. In 1580, the Spanish who revindicated succession rights occupied it. In 1600, expelled the unwanted relative, rises the hope again. In 1725, it took up again its position of head of a powerful and rich Empire.
Just as in the 16th and 18 the centuries, Lisbon remains a land of manifold languages.
She is situated on the right bank of the river Tagus, expatiate upon it, receives the zephyrs, from its neighbour, the sea, and forms a huge bay, where floating cities and a natural port fit in.
Lisbon is not only river, work or monumentality; it is relaxation, anti-stress, it is natural knowledge, chivalrous and healthy laugher, fruit of the open and truthful Portuguese temperament and also of the sweet clime which made them amiable, naive and sociable. Cold days don't go beyond an utmost of twenty days; therefore the good spirits and the life relish, are some of their main characteristics.
The temperature average draw near the 18 degrees.
When you reach Lisbon, you previously know where to kip and an idea of what you desire visit. If you have not, don't worry. It is well known that the unforeseen is a peculiarity of the Portuguese: They are specialists in coordinate fast solutions for the most difficult and complex problems.
The Serviços de Turismo have a listing with the most different suggestions for your holiday.
As far as we are concerned, and about this matter, we suggest a list of hotels, residential hotels, and guest houses at the most different charges.
I'll give you the telephone numbers, which will answer to all your questions. In Palácio Foz , at Restauradores, tels. 2l 346 38 58; 213463314 and are available from 9 a.m. to 20 p. m. Whether these fail, you'll have the green number 800 296 296. At the Airport, tel. 218494323 and 218493689, available from 6 a. m. to 14 p. m. You have the ICEP (Investimento, Comércio e Turismo de Portugal , tel. 217930103 Fax 2179410826) yet. The Deaf Population has an Interpreter Service available – Campo Grande, 25 – tel. 21 798 80 00.
n order to travel by bus, tram, or lift, I recommend you buying some tickets at Carris kiosks, tobacconists, or other little shops. Ask. You get them at half price than if you buy them on the means of transport. On the Metro , the ten trips tickets are 20% cheaper. However, if your choice falls on a Lisbon Card, you are free of travelling boundless on the Carris means of transport and on the Metro , to enter 25 museums, and have 10 to 50 % reduction at other cultural places. You get it at the posto de Turismo dos Restauradores – Palácio Foz - tel.. 213463314, at the Tourism kiosks of Rua Augusta , Castelo de S. Jorge , Museu de Arte Antiga or at Mosteiro dos Jerónimos . There is a day-ticket for Bus, Lift, and Tram.
If you come up against any problem, ask someone. The Portuguese are always pleased when they can help foreigners, even Portuguese. Foreigner for the Portuguese is a king.
I'll give you a petty example: The transport services, usually, should be complementary to one another in a limited area, i.e. they should specify as to reach the wanted place using the means nearer to one another, but they didn't and they often do not know his own transports stop zone. If this is difficult for an aboriginal, for a foreigner grow thorny. There is nothing else to do but ask around. Confirm at all times.
Whether you are in a hurry and want visit or go to any institution, which is said it was closed under repairs, I advise you to telephone confirming that all is O.K. I tell you why. When it is said that this or that organism are closed for the time being, in Portuguese that can mean a year, a decade or any centuries. A lot of Portuguese are very fond of that but I am sure that the foreigner does not like it at all...
On public transports and enclosed spaces, smoke is forbidden. At restaurants, only people of low condition or addict to it do that.
The streets are more and more clean, but there are many ignorant people throwing papers to the ground, blotting walls and public vehicles.
The horns noise is heard yet. They are the chauffeurs, the drivers of lower condition who exercise this method to attract attentions over their frustrations.
hough they do not seem, Portuguese are bashful and several times unable of taking trivial attitudes, they think nevertheless less fitting. It is what we call exaggerating sense critic and a huge fright of becoming ridiculous; however, when they have university grades they are fond to be treated by doctor. It is another complex which does not hurt anybody and that will go by with time.
Portuguese men and women that dazzled and continue dazzling the world had not special courses. They have had and have life wisdom. I am going to bring up any of them: Gil Vicente, Vasco da Gama, Pedro Álvares Cabral, Camões, Bocage, Florbela Espanca, Alexandre Herculano, Fernando Pessoa, José Saramago.
The men and Portuguese women are very kind and affectionate. Now and again tourist women feel a certain trouble, as they are not accustomed to such courtesy in their own lands, where men think mainly in working or in a small merrymaking with friends, and she avoid speaking with unknowns.
Lisbon is the pattern of the Portuguese home symbolised in the fado : "É uma casa portuguesa concerteza... é concerteza uma casa portuguesa..." It comes then the familiar connection with the football clubs: The Sporting, the Benfica and the Porto. To be a fan of one of this clubs is so far as to be a blood familiar, or more and, even whether the members of the clubs have never met, it is enough to bring up they are fans of Benfica, Sporting or Porto for quite a few years to grow up a unyielding and long-lasting friendship. The link to Porto, Sporting or Benfica, is for all life. Whether they lose or not, the supporters remain faithful till death. A Portuguese can change his party or religion. In what respects the club, nobody recalls the existence of turncoats.
I put down a suggestion: In Lisbon, you never should keep a lot of money in your wallet and avoid crowds and noise. The swindlers operate in groups of three. One of them places himself in front of the victim and the others help him in his "work." Sometimes, one of them simulates to lose a coin in order to distract the audience. Be careful. We don't want to grow in you a bad idea of the Lisbonians, though these situations are frequents in every countries all over the world. You should not practice the charity too. The Lisbon Town Hall and the Government have a good social support service for those who are lacking in living means. Only those who desire to live by theirs wits barely resort to it. There are shelter houses for provisional staying, free meals, and also gratis shower-rooms. Please, do not feed vices. Don't promote the temptation.
Lisbon is the safest city in Europe where it is normal to find a Minister or the Lord Mayor without any concern of bodyguard.
Only a remark plus: Lisbon is a very ancient town, which, fortunately did not suffered the war; on account of that, the streets can, sometimes, seem scantily clean , in spite of the Municipal Services uneasiness. This is not only for the reason that the streets and buildings are antique but also to the rain shortage, so copious in northern lands, granting them, to all appearances, the impression of being so clean as a whistle, that hear is very difficult to preserve, albeit the day after day washing of the streets.
The first raindrops cheerfulness is magisterially expressed in the beautiful poem of João Soares and published by the Le Cri editions in the book "Matin de pluie – septembre- à Lisbonne".
Les premières gouttes de pluie effacent la brume du réveil matinal.
Matin de septembre.
La ville renaît de la nuit dans l'enchantement de tous ses matins.
Auquel s'ajoute l'odeur de la pluie
Dans les rues et la terre,
La lumière, la couleur, les sons, les odeurs
Avivés par la pluie.
Dans cette ville magique,
De gens multiples,
De pierres, terres,
Maisons et bateaux
Lisbonne, Lisbonne
The Lord Mayor describes with the farthest sensibility, all this "magic city" charisma as soon as it receives the first drops of water. Everybody understands. He lives, minute to minute, the anxieties of the city he rules.
Lisbon resembles an amphitheatre with a lot of galleries and many viewpoints from were monuments are in parade and sounds of a healthy and still city are heard, that links the 12th century habits and traditions to the ultra sophisticated 21th century. Everything lives together in a time that passes quickly and walks itself peacefully through Alfama , Castelo, , Mouraria, Madragoa as in the Cruzaders and Arabs period.
The genuine past centuries houses are to be found hear. In the other European capitals, bombs ravaging buildings and consciences have destroyed them. For a long time, the Portuguese have understood they are just irrelevant fruits of the earth changed in people. Lisbon is the city where pleasure, culture, bliss, and safety connect in a fabulous example of fraternity.
In Lisbon, nobody gets tired. You go up by elevator, stroll by bus, tram car or taxi through the surrounding and cosy hills and walk through the stone-paved ways, lanes and stop at the gardens, restaurants, little bars or at the little taverns to relax and relish the Portuguese food.
Another example: Suppose you are in Rua da Prata or Rua Augusta or Rua do Ouro and you want to go from Baixa to Bairro Alto. On your left or on your right you have a transversal, Rua Vitória, you will get on the "tube " and go on the escalator as far as Chiado, one of the smartest zones of Lisbon. The Bairro Alto is over there in two minutes walking.
Another proposal: Never fix yourself in a single restaurant. Risking a disillusion is preferable to loosing the diverse aromas and surprises of diversity. In the variety, it is found, without a shadow of doubt, the charm, and the sublime pleasure.
Lisbon was the capital of an Empire whose king carried, by right, the title of: Senhor de Portugal e dos Algarves, D'Aquém e D'Além Mar em África, do Comércio, e da Navegação da Etiópia, da Arábia, Pérsia e Índia. In all these places, we carried out the adventure of love, trade, and nostalgia. From there, we left and carried about the soul, which make the Portuguese the most consensual people of the world.
The city is divided by areas. You'll choose the one better suits you. If you don't succeed, ask somebody. Ask, not one, but two, three times. Make sure yourself of walking on the desired track. If the worst comes the worst, you must call the organism already suitable in the previous pages.
rom the top of this well arranged and beautiful Park you get a glimpse of Marquês , Avenida da Liberdade with his 1500 meters length and 90 width, Restauradores , Baixa , and, at last, kissing the Praça do Comércio , also called Terreiro do Paço , the Tagus. At the Northwest side of the Park you have the Estufa Fria where the fountains, the lakes, the waterfalls, the grottos, the Estufa Quente, and the Doce shelter and settle exotic and rare plants, arrived from the world over.
In the lakes, besides the fish, take advantage of the waters or of the margins, an immense variety of birds, some of which travel the 26 hectares of the Park to exercise the flight and to fill of tenderness who there walk.
It has esplanades, by the lake and a playground where the time suspends its flight.
The park has the tel. 2133882278. It is served by the buses Nos. 1, 2, 12, 20, 22, 31, 38, 41, 46, 49. The Metro has the following stations: Marquês de Pombal and Parque.
oing out of the Park you'll find Rotunda , ie, Praça Marquês de Pombal. Pedestal and statue reach 36 meter high. The Marquês, Sebastião José de Carvalho e Melo (16699-1782), has been the king's D. José I Minister (1750 -1777). He legislated to his heart's content. He rebuilt Lisbon after the Earthquake which destroyed great deal of the city, in close proximity to two thirds and compelled to disappear by the fire or in the waters uncalculated losses in books, artworks, pieces of furniture, gold and precious stones.
The Marquês didn't cry over spilt milk. He tossed, taking his courage in both hands, to rebuilt Lisbon. He made it commanding over, even with brutality.
On his own initiative he reared instruments which developed not only Lisbon but the whole country: agriculture, trade and industry reached unusual development; he established the following societies: das Vinhas do Alto Douro, Grão Pará , Maranhão and Paraíba , abolished the distinction between new and old Christians, reorganized the instruction, reformed the university etc. etc. etc. In short: he placed Portugal again at the evolved Europe level.
Please, consult História de Portugal in Internet: http//planeta.clix.pt/cunhasimoes.
Very contested, after the king's death, he is exiled to Pombal. A hundred and fifty years after he is pardoned for his inhumanity, he turns a great worth's person concerning the collective welfare and is erected the Marquês' statue with a lion on his left side. Serenity, Strength, Agricultural, Coimbra University Reform allegorical representations, and other elements that symbolise the work, garnish the obelisk yet.
f you go down walking alongside Avenida da Liberdade , you will profit watching the ancient buildings that defy so far the 21st century appeals. Please, enter the business houses you happen to notice alongside your way, watch some of our best thinkers statues and the allegorical monument to Great War deaths. At last, you get Restauradores
he obelisk of Restaurateurs, with his 30 meters high has at the bottom the statues of the Independence and Victory genius. It was inaugurated in April 1882. It stands at the Square centre and reminds the struggles between Portugal and Spain in the 18th century. The Spanish settled 60 years in Portugal (1540-1640), following the Alcácer-Quibir crash and the plague which has decimated scores of thousands Portuguese. Though for the majority of European nations, this fact wouldn't have the least importance, it was a great injury, for the Portuguese, zealous of his undisciplined but agreeable independence. It was a family right imposed by Philippe I and had to finish soon or later. Few but harmful were the Spanish administration years. Despite the fact, Portugal being incorporated in the Iberish Peninsula and having been separated from Galiza, everybody become easily aware of the huge differences between Portuguese and Spanish. The reason is that they have different temperaments: At the beginning the population were very few and mixed with the peoples of all regions of all Europe who came along hear and stayed around due to its clime gentleness. The county was offered to a French earl, Henrique de Borgonha and this one and his followers settled the country with French, Flemish, Scandinavian etc. As the south territories were being occupied, a mixed Moorish and Jewish population was growing in. This different peoples and races whole build a sui generis Portugal where love, brotherhood, the loveliness, and the run of the time are more significant than the real fortunes. It is an unlike country and Lisbon his furthermost pattern.
The injuries between Portugal and Spain are already forgotten. The countries are very fond of each other and, today either peoples respectent their sovereignty of free and cooperant states. Every year we are pleased with Lisbon Spanish flood by Easter time, and that they appreciate the bliss of a few days in Portugal.
The Restauradores have a huge whole of means of transport. Buses: 1 – 2 – 6 – 11 – 12 – 20 – 21 – 22 – 23 – 27 – 31 – 32 – 36 – 38 – 39 – 41 – 44 – 45 – 46 – 49 – 53 – 75 – 83 – 90 – 91 – 101 which run along Avenida and Marquês de Pombal. Metro : Restauradores. Elevador : Glória to join Bairro Alto and elevador of Lavra with connection to Campo dos Mártires da Pátria, also called de Sant'Ana, to S. José and Desterro hospital.
Round the Restauradores, you can get utility and interest spots at your disposal. Southern and opposite to Tagus river you find the Palácio Foz where the Serviços de Turismo are to be found which will give you support and all informations in order to feel self-assured as we have already reported. At the north edge, close to the office block, the Elevador da Glória will carry you to Bairro Alto, Miradouro de S. Pedro de Alcântatara, to monuments and appealing places as the Jardim Botânico, the Museu da Ciência, the Museu Geológico, the Museu Maçónico, the Capela de S. Roque, the Museu Arqueológico do Carmo.
Before going, you'll hear me.
Close before the Palácio Foz, opposite to Avenida top, slightly upwards, you have a, all the year round 24 hours a day open, Post Office. Wandering 200 meters northwards you will find the Largo da Anunciada with another lift; the Elevador do Lavra that would place you close to the jardim do Torel belvedere and Campo dos Mártires da Pátria, known as I have reported by Campo de Sant'Ana where is set up the most renowned statue in the 19th century world, Dr.'s Sousa Martins which, for his wisdom and righteousness towards the most miserable people, is honoured today as a being with supernatural powers.
If you should go up by lift in order to have a high regard for the city from the belvedere and wanted walk to the Baixa , you could do it alongside the Calçada de Sant'Ana, visit the particularly fascinating Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Pena, with a wonderful arched ceiling, extraordinary beauty icons and a amazing decoration, and you must not fail to remember the wood built pulpits.
Going further, down the Calçada de Sant'Ana, you'll find the dwelling where, according to the legend, Camões has died; it stands round the space flanked by this pavement corner and the S. Luís side street. Some meters farther, on a ground floor of the Rua Martin Vaz, a big fado lady was born: Amália Rodrigues. You 'll go further down and, at last, you go past Palácio dos Condes de Almada, called of the Restauração as well. You'll take the opportunity of examining the 17th century portal, the Almadas e Avranches' escutcheon, the courtyard, regarding the 17th century glazed tiles and 16th century chimneys. You are staying now round about 200 meters of distance from the spot where you have got on the elevador do Lavra. You are finding yourself in the Rua das Portas de Santo Antão of which we'll speak 17 or 18 lines below.
As you see is very little. You just need 15 minutes walking.
It is so gentle and inviting that it means it shrinks up, become a child in order to be loosily embraced. We are going to wonder that you have gone up. As we are below close to the elevador da Glória, we'll go, sure, now, across to the other side of the avenue.
Get in Largo da Anunciada, the 200 meters up the post-office we have just mentioned, take the turning on your right. You are standing in Rua das Portas de Sto Antão ; going down you'll find the Átrio do Tronco which point to the arrest of one of the greatest world poets (we have already mentioned the place where he, in all likelihood, got died): Camões (1524-1580). Luís Vaz de Camões was a quarrelsome, incomprehended "genius" by ordinary people what implicated to be several times arrested. In 1552 he ended up going to the Trunk Municipal Prison. Though the body was arrested, in his mind was sprouting the epic poem "Os Lusíadas" and outstandingly beautiful sonnets. Portugal was the sea master and settled in the most distant lands. In 1572 he dedicates "Os Lusíadas" to the king D. Sebastião:
"Vós, poderoso Rei, cujo alto império
O sol, logo em nascendo, vê primeiro,
Vê-o também no meio do hemisfério
E quando desce o deixa derradeiro...".
Portugal had settled in all continents a lot of time earlier than the others nations of Europe.
Going ahead you find next the early cinema Odeon, the Ateneu Comercial de Lisboa created in 1880 to provide the commerce employees with a school. Today, besides the detail you may exercise yourself there in quite a lot of sports you have an excellent warmed swimming pool and a pleasant restaurant-bar, tel. 21 342 13 65, the teatro Politeama , the Coliseu dos Recreios, the Sociedade de Geografia, true culture monument, whose documental assortment concerns, both in colonial field and ethnographic, the countries where Portugal stayed maintaining its sovereignty over more than 200 years. It's an allusion at a worldwide level. The Museum, crucial in the areas of history and ethnography, has unique pieces: beyond Africa and Asia living peoples history, and their magic instruments, any of the stone monuments which pointed out the ownership of the discovered lands, are to be seen. In the Library, besides the most rare books, possesses the Cartographic section, also exclusive in the world.Tel. 21 324 05 80; The Câmara do Comércio, the Igreja de S. Luís dos Franceses with the Bourbons escutcheon and the one of Flor de Lis, the Casa do Alentejo with its Moorish courtyard, the pictures and tiles. Beside smart and very old premises and numerous restaurants at the most different prices.
At night, the street grow full of colour and people who looks for show houses, an appetizing plate and now and then hear any street fadista which sings his fate and waits for any coins.
If you are walking along the street you'll enter Rossio, round the corner, whose matter we are holding right away, but, just before Casa do Alentejo, palácio Alverca , you get Rua do Regedor, very easy to find. Some meters ahead you are facing Praça D. João da Câmara and on its left, where the iniquitous Hole Office Palast was to be found, you'll see the Teatro D. Maria II (1886) built in neoclassic style, decked with six jonic columns. At the tympanum summit, you'll see Gil Vicente statue flanked by both tragedy and comedy Muses Thalia and Melpomene.
On your right side stands the Estação do Rossio with its famous tunnel, the greatest 19th century engineering work. A few minutes would be enough to travel to the fascinating and epic Sintra if you decided to take the train. It serves Campolide, Benfica, Damaia, Amadora, Queluz-Belas, Queluz-Massamá, Barcarena, Cacém, Rio de Mouro, Mercês, Algueirão – Mem Martins, Portela de Sintra and, at last, Sintra. From one end to the other, only 50 comfortable and agreeable minutes. The circulation runs between 6:07 a. m. and 23:07.
e go on with the promenade: You enter the Praça D.Pedro IV, most known as Rossio and whose name birth is due to the fact of being here a meeting point since the 13th century. Here ran the river Valverde and this square you see, flanking several spaces, the teatro D. Maria II frontispiece. The, in 1870 inaugurated, statue of the first Brasil emperor and king of Portugal D.Pedro IV , has, in all, 27,5 meters high. The pedestal is embellished with allegorical figures, which represent the Justice, the Strength, the Prudence, and the Moderation. The statue stands between two smart fountains.
The square breaths beauty, culture, movement, and trade. Here you will find everything: When you enter you have at once the Portugal Telecom , with multiple phone boxes, starting work at 8 o'clock and closing at 23 o'clock; You have next the restaurante Abracabra ; the Farmácia Estáquio; the Residencial Sul; the Tabacaria Bastos; Valentim de Carvalho; the telemóveis T.M.N. The Banco Nacional Ultramarino; the Farmácia Azevedos in the beautiful Metrópele Hotel house; the restaurant Pic Nic.
In this zone has lived one of the greatest writers of the last century: Eça de Queirós signalised with a plaque near the top of the celebrated café Nicola either for its faultless service and because there used to stay another great and unfortunate poet: Bocage (1765-1805).
At its side the Livraria Notícias and the Tabacaria Mónaco; the telemóveis Optimus; the Pensão Santo Tirso; the tabacaria Caravela. And opposite to this one the Multióptica, the Tabacaria Lusitana .
This praça D. Pedro IV or Rossio is a resumé of this mediaeval and contemporary town.
Do you want continuing to see if I am right? Opposite to you, the daily paper book-shop "Diário de Notícias." You walk a little forwards and you'll stop before the beautiful façade, so-called new art, of the Joalharia Ferreira Marques e Filho ; now you go 5 or 6 steps northern. You look to the left, to the right, in front of you. What do you see? History. The Portuguese history materialised spirit: On one side of the Castle, on the opposite side the Carmo ruins and, peeping, in front of the Teatrro D. Maria II, the palácio dos Condes de Almada also called da Restauração for the reason, there had been the meeting point of the 1640 conspirators. Any centuries separating four ages.
Hear where we are is the world of today: the second millennium reflexes and the beginning of the third.
Let's go ahead with the promenade durch the square. What others establishments do we see? The Tendinha; Authentik, the Loja das Meias.
Opposite, the beautiful and stern Hotel International; a Banco Espírito Santo dependence; the Ourivesaria Portugal; the Lotarias "Casa da Sorte"; The Can Can; the Primaz, a cloth's shop; the Camisaria Moderna; the Tabacaria Lusitana; the Maison Louvre; the Pérola do Rossio, tea and café; the Pastelaria Suiça, restaurant and confectioner's; Rabinos; Depósito da Covilhã; the Tecidos do Rossio; André F e Isabel Carvalho; Exclusiv; Top Ross; Mac Donald's; Shop one; Club Balão; Bul Bul; Balão Club, Azevedo Rua.
You have already gone around the square. Whether you want, you carry on eastwards as you were going to drink a cherry brandy to the "Ginjinha". You'll profit to have a look at the Igreja de S. Domingos, ruined by a blaze but impressive yet. After that you carry on southward, enter the Praça da Figueira; at the center stands the D. João I statue, 1385-1433, who, aided by the constable D. Nuno Álvares Pereira headed up the portuguese people in order to impose huge defeats over the Castillian invader.
At Praça da Figueira you'll pick up one of the streets: Fanqueiros, Douradores, Prata, Correeiros, Augusta (this one only for pedestrians), Sapateiros, you must go past under the Arco da Bandeira, glance the "Animatógrafo" attractive work New Art, carry on alongside Rua Áurea (do Ouro) beside you.
At the bottom of rua dos Correeiros you have the Núcleio Arqueológico da Rua dos Correeiros / BCP. Every Thusdays and Saturdays the Banco Comercial Português offers for visitting its archeological findings in that city neighbourhood : R. dos Correeiros Tel. 213211700.
Lets go down the street, as that, and watch the cross-streets as you add a toddle more, the only thing to do after having chosen. Look carefully at the buildings, the shops, the churchs. At the cross-street Santa Justa, that will take you directly to the Bairro Alto and Carm ruins, you dispose of a Estação de Correios and the appealing, new art style, built by the engineer Raúl Mesnier and inaugurated in 1901, Elevador de Santa Justa . D. Nuno Álvares Pereira (1360-1431) ordered the Carmo monastery building at the end of the 14th century. He laid down his unbeatable warrior arms and made his entrance in the Monastery in 1416, as a pious monk, venerated and beatfied in 1918 by the Catholic Church. Today, beyond the imposing gothic ruins, the front, the arches, a Carmo Convent chorus portion, remain five covered chapels and lies here a worthy Museu Arqueológico .
Carry on down towards the Tejo durch the street you'll choose.
Visit the Termas Romanas with the entrance close to the number 77 at Rua da Conceição (cross-street), close to one of the most sought tramways stop, No. 28, since goes round past the Castelo, Igreja de S. Vicente, Feira da Ladra and near the Panteão Nacional.
At last you reach Terreiro do Paço or Praça do Comércio.
Lighted up by the splendorous Portuguese sun and refreshed and flavoured by the river- sea, the Praça do Comércio, mainly known by Terreiro do Paço due to the construction over hear of the Paços da Ribeira, is the city hall and meeting-room always folding in it's arms all times everyone who has just arived.
The square is surrounded by the buildings build under Marquês de Pombal after the Palácio da Ribeira and all the surrounding structure disappearance with the 1755 earthquake.
The Terreiro do Paço is an attractive square with 86 arches. The planning is of the responsibility of the architect Eugénio dos Santos. It stands out the Rua Augusta Arco Triunfal, surmounted with the statues to the Genius and Value, as well as the pillars where the Portuguese soul is sitting: The men, Viriato, a Lusiad leader; D. Nuno Álvares Pereira, an independence hero, Vasco da Gama, the first man to reach India by sea and the Marquês de Pombal who rebuilt Lisboa.
In the centre of the square stands the statue of the king D. José I (1750-1777), a sculptor Machado de Castro's work. It towers 14 meters above the soil and it was the first statue to be melted in Portugal. On the pedestal are to be seen the metaphors of the Fame and of the Triumph and, in relief, a bronze medallion with the Marquês de Pombal effigy.
A Estação dos Correios and some second-hand booksellers are to be found under the arcades, on the Westside, and by the river some flowers and other street sellers according to the season of the year: bathing-suits, umbrellas or clothing.
At columns kay the anchoring–place of other ships till the end of the 14th century, you'll find now the boats to the other side: Barreiro, Montijo, Seixal, and Cacilhas.
From April till October, the Transtejo, tel. 21 882 03 48, Fax: 21 882 03 65 organizes cruises in the Tejo whose starting point is the Praça do Comércio fluvial station.
In Cacilhas you can travel by bus to Costa da Caparica, a huge beach with very soft sand and clear and healthy water.
The cars conveying boats to Cacilhas start from Cais do Sodré.
he Martim Moniz is located at a short distance from Rossio. The square gets the name of the nobleman who, in 1147, aids D. Afonso Henriques to conquer the castle trapping himself at the door to let his fellow soldiers manage to get through it into the castle.
Today there are in this place attractive jets of water and the castellar symbology with towers and stylised helmets. Besides an informative pavilion about Lisbon, tel.218821169 has others with workmanship and cafeterias.
Eastwards you'll find the interesting ermida de Nossa Senhora da Saúde, built in 1506 to protect the inhabitants of the city against the pestilences, which were frequents in Middle Ages and in Modern Ages yet. A lot of these pestilences were brought on by the burials in their own churches. Nossa Senhora da Saúde church has a single nave, good adornment with glazed tiles and striking 17th century pictures.
On either side of the square stand the Trade Centres: Martim Moniz and Mouraria. On the latter, the goods are afforded at very low prices. The mixing amongst Portuguese, Africans, Chinese's and Indians gives livelihood, movement, gracefulness and colour to that place.
Opposite, you'll find the Hospital de S. José placed where the ancient Colégio de Santo Antão stood. In addition to its specific function and an important library, displays an extraordinary collection of glazed tiles.
Going up the Palma street, you'll see at once: the Tourism Travel Agency "Rodarte" Tel. 218881214, Fax. 218880166, banks and post-office. Alongside the Almirante Reis Avenue you'll find out numerous interest grounds, on either side, though, they seem very bashful and hidden in their past. The Bica do Desterro is a curious example of good-looking capitals, walled windows in, and a caravel; the Hospital and Igreja do Desterro of only a nave. The Chafariz do Intendente, showing neoclassic flavour; the Fábrica de Cerâmica Viúva Lamego with its magnificent panels to emoldorate it. The last industry hymn is this factory which Arabs and Jews stood, hear had their potteries where farms, mounts and brooks abounded and the streets names are recalling at every moment the Brick furnace. Through several centuries were exported to other lands the products manufactured over hear. The Igreja dos Anjos where is to point out the golden carving, the 16th century Nossa Senhora da Conceição image, the Calvary and the Lumiar family escutcheon. At rua dos Anjos, the Ermida do Resgate e Senhor dos Perdidos is pointed out for its gilt woodcarving, the worthy high altar, and a motivating glazed tiles collection. The Museu National do Desporto with objects connected to sports and evoking several personalities bound up to it. R. dos Anjos, 77-2.º Esq. tel. 21 357 62 39. The Museu do Banco de Portugal with uninterrupted expositions concerning the money. Av. Almirante Reis, 7 – tel. 21 312 82 81.
t R. da Conceição, close to the Termas Romanas stands the tram 28 stop which goes round typical zones as it goes past Castelo , S. Vicente de Fora , Feira da Ladra , Graça , Martim Moniz.
If you want wondering early Lisbon, get on the tram 28. Examine the steep and bending streets, dot the places you want to know better and after doing the tour come back to Rua da Conceição. Go a little up the street, enter the Igreja da Madalena. It was built at the square with the same name. Observe the Manueline stile portico, go in. Have a high regard for the Cristo do Perdão who has an arm longer than the other in orther to saving the lost repented, examine the whole magnitude.
When you are stepping out of the church, carry on about 150 meters. Look at Igreja de Sto António, where the saint was born in 1195. The minster is a true symphony in marble. Next to the church, you'll find the museum. The Museu Antoniano is devoted to the Sto António's cult. There, are to be found the liturgical households, bibliography (books regarding the saint) and the iconographical explanation (images concerning determined matters): paintings, sculptures, engravings, and ceramics. Lg. Sto António da Sé – tel. 218860447.
Go now into the Sé Catedral, 30 meters up.
The Sé, dates back from the foundation of the nationality. Structurally is a romanic monument. It stands on the foundation of an Arab mosque. It has been restored several times. The sturdy frontage with the archivolts and small columns portal has garnished capitals and a big window that frames the rose window. Survey the styles mixing: Romanic, Gothic, Classic, and Baroque works. Though it can appear as being incredible, the attractiveness is not lost in the confusion. You must look attentively at the central nave with its triforium (contracted gallery), balconies, Bartolomeu Joanes chapel, D. Dinis gothic cloister, D. Afonso IV niche, the tombs and the treasure which guards the holy art objects.
Between the Sé and the Castelo, on the left, stands a Royal Palace, the Limoeiro , turned into prison, lodging nowadays, the Magistracy services. On the left you'll see the Pátio do Carrasco exemplar which conserves all its 16th century draft: the windows chamfered contour, the staircase, with straight verge, addorsed to the wall, a rebounded first floor which rests on a column with octahedral base, shaft and capital. Some meters before stands the TEATRO ROMANO. Rua de S. Mamede , by Caldas.
However, your goal is the castle.
You have to stop by Santa Luzia : Surrounding the church you have got two belvederes over Tejo and over Alfama houses scenery. One of them lies in Santa Luzia's little garden and the other in front of the Portas do Sol, sat on the old Arab wall.
At Portas do Sol you have the Museu de Artes Decorativas Portuguesas da Fundação Ricardo Espírito Santo Silva
Please draw attention to the pieces fitting: the wealthy furniture concerning the 17th and 18th centuries, the painting, the jewelry, the china, tapestry, textiles and ceramics from the 16th to 19th century. This museum has yet the attribute of working as Escola Suerior de Artes Decorativas and Instituto de Artes e Ofícios. Largo das Portas do Sol , 2 – tel. 21 888 1991.
Some steps ahead you'll find the Museu das Marionetas, worldwide coming marionettes collection. Lg. Rodrigues de Freitas , 19 – A – 1º Esq. tel. 218865794.
Whether you walked always straight, you'd reach Graça. The Igreja da Graça , with a Manueline style arch, is shaped with a single nave and eight chapels. We must stress the painting and Dutch tiles, as well as the Senhor dos Passos chapel and the Main-Chapel. The rococo art prevails (characterised by a great ornaments wealth, inlays curved and tangled lines profusion). The belvedere over the city and the castle stay next. Tight to the church stands the cloister with the same name, which, beyond the clock tower, the arcades, the cistern, owns so far a very interesting glazed tile. collection. Further, 400 meters on the left, stands the shed shaped Igreja do Monte and the curious Caldeira de Pedra which appeases, the women who sit down on it and are in process of giving birth to a child, parturitian pains. Not to lost, you have a crib atributed to Machado de Castro, an ivory Indo-Portuguese Crucifix, the carved retables and rococo period Dutch tiles too. About 800 meters ahead stands the beautiful Igreja da Penha de França with a splendorous Miradouro over the city and you can satisfy your curiosity over the renowned Lagarto da Penha that is, after all, a painted alligator on the Church vestry. This is a consequence, on the end of the 16th century, of an António Simões' vote, as he had survived the Alcácer Kibir desaster and a snake that a lisard managed to drive away.
But your goal is the Castle. If you want, go past Lóios, Chão da feira in order to enter the Castle. If you don't feel like, go up one of the streets on your left and there is no doubt. All is indicated and it is there over 100 meters. In case of qualm, you'll ask around.
ll of them, Phoenicians, Carthaginians and Romans have chosen this place as refuge, defense and atack point. Strabo (a Greek historian, 58 B.C.) names it Ulisseam.
The Romans have settled in around for more than 500 years hear, named the village Felicitas Julia and granted it municipality statute what meant that its citizens enjoyed the title of Roman citizens with the inherent privileges that came up of it.
Later settled hear in Goths and Suevi. The Visiogth come by, in turn, and stayed for two centuries and a half.
The Arabs, connoisseur of the Latin clime softness, good waters and people quietness, decided to drive off the Visigoths from the throne and settle in in 716. They changed its name from Olisipo to Lixbuna. They stayed till 1147 when the first Portuguese King, still before Pope's acknowledgment but already profiting it, decided to achieve the conquest of a portion more of Portugal body.
In the Castelo was to be found the Alcáçova or Citadela with its towers surrounding the Royal Palace. One of the towers fulfilled the function of Arquivo Nacional, therefore called Torre do Tombo (created in 1375 by the king D. Fernando ). At the time of the earthquake of 1755, the whole has been completely destroyed. The Torre do Tombo has, happily, little suffered but, even so, all documents have been transferred to S. Bento. Today they are to be found in an archive constructed for that purpose, in the Cidade Universitária zone, not very far from Campo Grande.
Nevertheless, we are in the Castelo. Whether you'll have a look over the town that stretches around, you'll conclude that is petty, pleasant, laced and cosy.
The Castelo inner quarter recalls the early fortified town remnant. It is worthy of a visit as well as the igreja de Santa Cruz whose construction dates back to the year of the conquest.
If you want, go down along the Chão da Feira, past the Pátio D.Fradique, go through the largo do Menino Deus where some houses of the 15th century persist in their standing. Go in the Menino de Deus church that stands 15 meters on your left. The church is octagonal, is plenty of marbles and pictures of famous painters as Vieira Lusitano, André Gonçalves e Manuel Ribeiro. Seize the opportunity of visiting the castle in order to, 400 meters eastwards, come around the Mosteiro de S. Vicente de Fora, at first, the Church with its main chapel covered with marble and, in the limelight, the Baroque altar. The statuary is impressive and the organ, a carved-work, is a fine piece of workmanship. Next you'll do a carefully visit to the monastery. Examine the structure, the cistern, the entrance hall, the ceilings, the fabulous whole of azulejos that meander pretty nearly all the spaces of the building, the vestry, the Bragança House pantheon where are to stress the tombs of D. Carlos I and D. Luís Filipe. Go up the bell-tower. You'll enjoy a dazzling scene.
As you get out, on your right, go past the Campo de Santa Clara in order to go to the Igreja de Santa Engrácia, at the present time Panteão Nacional. It is a pleasing baroque exemplar. There are to be found poets, navigators and presidents: Camões, Vasco da Gama, Sidónio Pais, etc. The building, round, is impressive by its stateliness.
If you'll program your visit for a Tuesday or Saturday, when you go past Campo de Santa Clara you'll find out the renowned Feira da Ladra where you can find everything. The goods are negotiated as if it was an Arabian market. Its a mode of mental exercise and trade shrewdness.
The Arabs or Moors lived here more than 600 years and they deep-rooted so far that the Bairros de Alfama e Mouraria still preserve its features. It was in Alfama, in 1288, that the king D. Dinis created the so-called Estudo Geral, university germ, with the Escolas Gerais annexed and university students residences.
Now, go down past the Igreja de Santo Estêvão side. The church is already an octagonal form of art and interesting marbles little jewel. Watch the landscape at the Miradouro. Carry on down the escadinhas de Santo Estêvão; at the end turn left , go deep through the Bairro de Alfama and prepare yourself to look for all the very very narrow alleys on your right and left. Examine de intricate and the intricacy of the constructions.
Hear is living the past, the tradition and the healthy localism. Alfama enter the future without modifying the ambient and the way of life: clothing hanging down of the windows or buildings balconies, the fado vadio in the streets or in little restaurants, pubs or bars, the saleswomen pregões , the fish or greens market at the doors, Santo António thrones and the roasted sardines during the summer months, people chatting pausingly in the streets without heed to anybody passes by or stops. The street is the office where one brings up all what happens and Alfama the quarter where the people ingenuousness and sympathy does not collide with the progress or the visitors importance.
On 12 June, the popular celebrations draw the whole Lisbon to Alfama. It is a stream of people and sardines. All goes through with the Santo's protection who on 13 insists on visiting all chapels and scours all the quarter escorted by the person in charge in the autarky and many thousands of Lisbonians.
Walk on in direction of rua da Regueira , stepping rightwards. If you march along the left side you'll appear at Rua dos Remédios and by Nossa Senhora dos Remédios chapel whose beautiful Manueline portico loges, cosy, the dove, Espírito Santo symbol. Do not get out this way. Go through the opposite side. Turn left at the little square towards Rua de S. Miguel. Whether the church with this name is open, go in. The golden high altar carving is impressing. If not sit down on the staircase and relax
Go past the church till praça de S. Rafael. Here is a piece of the Moorish wall, look at the very very narrow beco das Barrelas which goes round all the structure, carry on alongside the rua da judiaria 20 meters, detect another interesting piece of wall with gothic windows, where is a little homage to the poet Antonio Botto, go ahead along R. do Terreiro do Trigo , always on your right and 150 meters further you'll find the Arco de Jesus ; go up the little staircase, turn right and reach the Igreja de S. João da Praça. Go throughout the square until you get a yellow house, in front of you, with a veranda on all house width and balcony staircase. You are walking along R. da Adiça. Supposing you went slowly up it, you would be in seven minutes at Santa Luzia belvedere and by Castelo door. But we have already come from there. It's only to see through that Lisbon is a little and soft cake to be covered without effort and with delight. But it's time to let the arguments go. You go alongside the R. Adiça, the Largo S. Rafael and enter the Rua de S. Pedro, where there is a daily mercado de peixe when this one has just been carried from the lota . Carry on. You You are going to disembogue at the Chafariz de Dentro, early horses spring to where men and animals came in order to quench their thirst. Some 300 meters farther is established the Museu Militar. The military history and techniques are here copiously documented together with war and hunt guns collections and yet huge transport cars used for stones transportation for city monuments buildings. The building itself it's a true beauty monument. Lg. de Santa Apolónia – tel.218882131.
Some steps forward you have another very very interesting museum, the Museu da Água. It consists of four nucleus: Aqueduto das Águas Livres, the Mãe de Água das Amoreiras, the Reservatório de Água da Patriarcal and the Estação Elevatória dos Barbadinhos. The museum tells us the EPAL story and Lisbon water supply story.
R. Alviela, 12 tel. 218135522.
But we are at Chafariz de Dentro. Opposite stands the Casa da Guitarra e do Fado , tel. 218823470.
The fado, in its atmosphere, characters and sounds are offered hear in an interesting mode, by means of the audio-visual. You can profit and put your feet up while hearing fados and guitar-concerts.
em sempre um quê de pecado
E algo também divino
Amor que passou é ... fado
O de amanhã é destino"
(Mascarenhas Barreto)
Another of wanderer author:
Os teus beijos são loucos
De beijar e morrer
E os momentos são poucos,
P'ra t'amar e viver
Vivo sonho e loucura
Nos beijos de paixão
É fado, é ternura
È amor do coração.
Tu és a minha alma
Eu não sei mais quem sou
Vivo na rua da Palma
Mas por ti ela voou.
Conserva-me prisioneiro
Nunca me deixes afastar
O teu amor foi o primeiro
Que eu consegui amar.
All this stroll seems enormous. It is not, it is painless. After your break, when you get out, turn left straight to Praça do Comércio, go along Rua Terreiro do Trigo named so on account of the storehouses to shelter this and other cereals. It worked as a public barn. Here , in the Terreiro do Trigo bystreet and behind the Banco Português do Atlântico and in the site of the BCP – Nova Rede stood the warm baths: mineral thermal-water springs, rich in azotes, magnesium, calcium sulphate, calcium carbonate, sodium, potassium and silica that de urban progress polluted and the municipality was obliged to close. The Arabs called Alfama al-hama because of its thermal waters. The square remains with the name Alcaçarias (tanks to wool and tanning wash).
The secret of these waters and the galleries where they flow reaches the bottom of the castle. The galleries should be examined at once in order to one grow aware of its consolidation condition. Just in front of Terreiro do Trigo bystreet you have the Alfândega building. You leave, go past Arco do Rosário that connects Rua da Judiaria where you have already been, walk a little more and you'll see the Chafariz d'el Rei on your right, a creation of the 13th century with numerous modifications through the ages.
It was a very very crowded and pure water spring. The water sprang warm, went through saltpetre and sulphur minerals and cooled off very quickly in the open air. It supplied not only the population but also the fleets which leaved the Tejo under way to the lands over the other side of the sea. It has six water-outlets. In 17th century, on account of the unremitting beating scenes in account of the choice of the water – outlets, was determined, by municipal by-law that the 1st would be utilized by coloured men: Negroes, Mulattoes, Indian men, the 2nd by galley men, the 3rd and 4th by Negro women, Mulattoes and Indian women, the 5th and 6th by white women and lassies.
In the beginning of the 20th century and even until 1960, the Galician (Spanish from Galice) have won fortunes with this water, that apart from their endeavour, it cost nothing. They sold it in the houses which hadn't canalised water yet. Today, some of them and a lot of their descendants, are well-off business men, really respected for their earnest and work capacity.
Between the Chafariz D'El Rei and the Chafariz de Dentro sat the warm waters that we have talked about. Today this water pours directly in the river Tejo . The houses, in this neighbourhood, sat on deep wells, and not rarely the water explodes bubbling and floods the surrounding streets. Lisbon sails side by side with the great transatlantic liners with age wisdom and pleasure. It never runs at full speed. Calm, love and joie de vivre are Lisbonian characteristics.
150 metres ahead, at Campo das Cebolas, you'll find the Casa dos Bicos, built up in 1523 by the bastard son of Afonso de Albuquerque, the Orient Portuguese Empire founder. The earthquake of 1755 has destroyed his higher floors restored in 1981 for the European Art Exposition.
After the examination of this 7th century queer exemplar carry on alongside Rua da Alfândega, scrutinize on the Church of the Conceição Velha, the Manueline portico, the Nossa Senhora da Misericórdia image, the queen D. Leonor (the founder of the misericórdias and D. João II's wife), the king D. Manuel, the Pope Leo X and you'll bear out for that this whole makes the transition between the gothic and the renaissance styles in a so natural way that amazes ourselves both by its beauty and its seeming simplicity of conception.
Next, you arrive to Praça do Comércio. Here, you are going to find the celebrated Café Martinho, renowned as long as for being advanced in years (it was borne in 1782) and yet and mainly because Fernando Pessoa, 1888-1935, the poet who astonished Portuguese, Brazilian and the world which reads him, owing to his thinking geneality and newness, only full acknowledged after his death in 1935, drunk there his coffee and inseparable brandy. But this is the Portuguese genius fate. Matching with him were Camões, Bocage, D. João da Câmara, Duarte Pacheco Pereira and many others who has died in the most merciless misery and today are Portugal glory.
Cheerless destiny of those who the world has not in its pocket.
From Praça do Comércio, you have buses for everywhere. Get on one of them to your hotel or domicile, calm down as at night one of the numerous suggested settings in other sites can fall on your pick up.
He Glória lift (inaugurated in 1885) sits, as I have already aforementioned, next to the Palácio Foz in Restauradores. Get on and arrive in less of four minutes to Bairro Alto.
Please don't go hasty since you are going to start off a lot of confusion.
Begin on your right, just beside, with S. Pedro de Alcântara belvedere and carry on until you'll find here any 15th century houses with gables ended in point and narrow façades.
Please don't go hasty since you are going to do a lot of confusion.
Begin on your right, just beside, with S. Pedro de Alcântara belvedere and carry on until the railing. Look at the city; "touch" the Castelo, Mouraria , Baixa , all is just there. Let run the eyes and dream and astonish yourself. Forget life problems, relearn to live. Follow me that, though old, I love and recycle knowledge further.
Carry on next along Rua S. Pedro de Alcântara, enter the Jardim Botânico da Faculdade de Ciências, Rua da Escola Politécnica (300 metres ahead, without leaving the side where you are walking), the Garden is integrated in the Museu Nacional de História Natural and it is a precious reserve of exotic species: I point out the cycads, fossil group of dinosaurs period, the cacti, the pulpy plants, the bonsai, the ginkgo. They are more than a 1000 plants which are here gathered since 1858, in this earlier Colégio dos Nobres field. Profit and glance the Museu da Ciência. Physics, astronomy, computing and text sciences possess here a very broad and profusely supported by documents range field. Whether the planetary is open, you must not loose it. R. da Escola Politécnica, 56 tel. 213921808.
Alongside this zone go by the buses 15,58,100 and the trams 24 and 25. But Lisbon is so easy to handle that people makes only use of the means of transport to go up the hills or then by those who are in a hurry or those whose tracks are very extended and must profit them to go to emplo yment.
Turn around, get back along the other side of the street, go past the Jardim França Borges, also known as Jardim do Príncipe Real; in the subsoil, by the lake you'll find the Reservatório de Água da Patriarcal; (1864); its shape is octagonal with 31 pillars owing 9,25 meters high and 880 m³ capacity.
Suppose you went down two hundred meters and reached the Museu Geológco, you would see here Tertiary vertebrates collections, reptiles and plants collections, Palaeolithic archaeological pieces and eruptive and metamorphic rocks.
R. Academia das Ciências , 19 tel. 213463915.
The nearby Convento dos Cardeais is a true imagery dainty. The saints sparkle in magnificence.
Tel. 21 342 75 25
R. do Século , 123
But walk it alongside Rua D.Pedro V. Go in the antiquaries. Get back to elevador da Glória. Don't stop, walk on in order to penetrate deep through Bairro Alto but, before entering the streets where the fado dwells, go in Igreja de S. Roque (1555), Largo Trindade Coelho – tel. 213235380/1.
The Church is a wonder, not only owing to the whole of chapels which integrate it but predominantly for its S. João Baptista chapel.
Lisbon as the eight marvel in the world is the considered opinion of Tirso (1571 - 1648) de Molina, one of the greatest Spanish poets and dramatists and this chapel did not exist yet ... Hear please: "El burlador de Sevilha", 11th scene, act one. I don' delay you more than 10 seconds for corroboration of what I am saying.
Rey – Es buena tierra, Lisboa?
D. Gonz. – La mayor ciudad de España:
Y si mandas que diga lo que he visto,
De lo exterior célebre, en un punto
En tu presencia te pondré un retrato.
Rey – Yo gustaré de oillo, dadme silla.
D. Gonz – Es Lisboa una octava maravilla.
The scene continues and Tirso de Molina makes a fascinating description of Lisbon to king Filipe. Portugal was, by right, under the, in Alcácer Kibir missing, Portuguese king's Spanish relatives.
The Igreja de S. Roque has an single nave with four by four grouped galleries over the eight side-chapels, besides the main chapel, of classic structure and little altars towards the transept as well as the main chapel of classic structure too, built in 1628 according to the retable Jesuit model in matched groups of Corinthian pillars in two stages architectonic overlapping. In the superior part has a private room to the Bless Sacrament exposure, normally unseen by means of a picture changeable for each of the liturgical periods.
The light, falling upon the huge profusion of golden carving, glazed tiles, and marbles, raises an artificial volumetric system, giving this space an rare standpoint.
Watch, all eyes, the Chapels:
The Capela de S. Francisco Xavier was built in 1623. A 17th century image of the patron saint stands in the middle of it. The lateral pictures stand for the Pope Paulo III who
sends the first Jesus Company Jesuits to Portugal and the king D. João III saying good-bye to S. Francisco Xavier when he leaved to India in 1541.
Holy Family's Chapel arises since the 17th century. Its decoration is classic, following the main Chapel pattern. Jesus amid the doctors. On the lateral zones, represent the Kings Adoration and the Shepherds Adoration. The Capela de Nossa Senhora da Doutrina, of the same century of the precedent, is covered with golden carving "estilo joanino", being the panelling and altar decorated with marble incrustations.
The of popular feature Capela de S. Roque , decorated with golden carving on a white bottom, is devoted to the church patron who is encircled by S. Sebastião and S.Tiago. The lateral illustration represents the Angel's apparition to S. Roque. The Dutch tiles are from 1584 and match naturalistic and iconographic elements with reference to S. Roque.
The Capela do Santíssimo is encircled by forged iron railings. These 16th century iron railings belonged to Capela de S. Roque. The former was built in 1636, although its decoration reaches the 18th century. This Chapel shelters the Sacred Sacrament, but the central panel praises Nossa Senhora da Assunção.
The Capela de S. João Baptista is an accurate masterpiece. The king D. João V, 1706 – 1750, ordered it in Rome and it is built between 1743 and 1750. It is characterized by a rockery neoclassicism. Its composition includes precious materials as golden bronzes and several marble kinds. The angels and medallions which beautify the ceiling are in Carrara marbles. The lateral pictures and the chapel floor are in mosaic. The chapel has arrived enriched with spectacular cult pieces: priestly garments, liturgical implements, paintings, jewellery, laces and books, which make up the musicological core aggregated to the church itself and are a priceless art and dream compilation.
The Capela de Nossa Senhora da Piedade privileges the Calvary as a theme, and painted angels, on plaster, arrange its base.
The Capela de Santo António, of classical conception alike to the main Chapel, was restored in the 19th century.
The vestry possesses precious and 19th century big jacaranda arks with ivory filets. The walls are padded with Portuguese school paintings with ornamental overlay friezes. The ceiling, decorated in frescos, is a semicircular vault divided into great panels. It dates from the 17th century and has as central topic the Virgin Litany.
The Igreja de S. Roque is yet stressed for the labyrinthine whole of the two outbuildings: the beauty and rationality of the unexpected is fashioned by the architectonical structures, which dazzle for the functionality of the building.
The Museu de S. Roque is installed in this Church. Beyond the plastic arts, with emphasis upon on the 16th, 17th and 18th paintings, includes Baroque jewellery pieces and great wealth and beauty priestly garments.
Lg. Trindade Coelho – Teles. 213235380 / 213235000
Some meters further, towards the westside, sits the Masonic Museum: Clothing, objects and writings connected with the Masonry in Portugal.
Rua Grémio Lusitano, 25 tel. 213424506
By it stands the Santa Casa da Misericórdia.
After leaving the church you have three choices: Whether you go along the left side of the street, then Rua da Trindade as far as Ruínas do Carmo and Santa Justa lift, or alongside the Rua da Misericórdia , go down to The Largo Camões, with the epic's statue on the right side and the poet's Chiado on the left side. Along these 300 meters you'll find quite a lot of second-hand booksellers, or you penetrate deep into Bairro Alto, watch the houses, the streets, hear the people and identify the fado houses. You can do a good leap to the Museu Arqueológico do Carmo, that, besides the gothic church and noteworthy archaeological spoil, is yet the Portuguese Archaeologists Association seat. Lg. do Carmo tel. 13460473.
Go down one of the narrow streets, not as narrow as in Alfama or Mouraria, enter next the calçada do Combro. You'll find there a lift more, of Bica , which can take you down to Rua de S. Paulo, just before the most renowned Pharmacy in Lisbon, the Farmácia Ultramarina, as there has worked one of the most well-known and revered by thousands of Portuguese, owing to his benevolence and erudition, doctor of the last century Dr Sousa Martins. If you go down by lift, as long as the street that lies about 400 meters ahead of Cais do Sodré Railway Station, and even you go past the pharmacy only to feel the atmosphere, the proprietor is very polite and it is never upset with the visitors hustle and bustle; after that visit or visits in the surroundings, return in the same way. Again in Calçada do Combro, you have the striking igreja dos Paulistas and you can still see, near opposite, following the Rua Marechal Saldanha, the Miradouro de Santa Catarina, from where you'll enjoy an relaxing sight over Tejo and you can drink a coffee in the there standing bar. You have yet at this place the Museu da Farmácia: The Pharmacy through History. Early Pharmacies. Marechal Saldanha, 1 tel. 21 340 39 15
You'll do another walk to get back, along your right, you reach the Largo Camões, walk on ahead, 40 meters more and you are standing at Chiado. Take a leap to the Museu do Chiado in order to appreciate sculpture and painting. You'll find there the Portuguese art of 19th and 20th centuries. R. Serpa Pinto, 4-6 tel. 213432148/49. Going back to the square, you have two churches: Loreto e Encarnação . Here you have one of the most renowned cafés in Lisbon, the Brasileira that poets and politicians and playwrights chose as privileged point for not always mild chats. Beside stands a good quality bookstore, the Sá da Costa and a little ahead, you have another centennial: the Bertrand. Carry on going down Rua Garrett to the end of the Rua do Carmo and, besides admiring very fascinating houses as Ourivesaria Aliança, or gloves shop Ulisses, you are going to find the livrarias Portugal and Aillaud, as well as innumerable shops mentioned somewhere else.
Whether you continue going down you'll see you are reaching Rossio and a little up you'll find Restauradores, the place where this trip has begun, nothing tiring at all and which serves as cultural delight and to give movement to the legs.
Supposing you are standing at Praça do Comércio, at a leap, go until the municipality square (1875).
There are guided visits to the City Hall, in the afternoon, every first Saturdays of every month. Tel. 21 322 73 39.
In the City Hall Square, you have a beautiful 17th century Pillory, symbol of the municipal authority. The convicts were chained there and exposed to the public shame. Walk on, observe shops and restaurants. You 'll reach Cais do Sodré. Here you have boats for the "other side," for Cacilhas and trains for Estoril; Cascais, bus, and the tram 15 for Belém and Algés.
I suggest you get on the tramcar 15 and get off at Rocha's Wharf. On your right you have two beautiful buildings; one is the Óbidos count Palace, headquarters of the Cruz Vermelha, the other is the Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga or of the Janelas Verdes . Go up the staircase, rest a little in the garden, admire the movement over the river. Go in the Museum. It is a beautiful repository of Portuguese and foreign art from the 12th to the 19th century: painting, sacred art, sculpture, jewellery, furniture, textile, tapestry. We must point out S. Vicente's panels and the Belém Custody.
It is a true art, beauty and dream lesson: the arts are there represented in its higher and refined degree of elegance, knowledge and inspiration. Don't lose this opportunity to know what of good and beautiful the human being knows how to create and develop. It is an indispensable museum for whom wants to increase his culture and aesthetic taste. R. das Janelas Verdes tel. 213912800.
You'll know that a little further stands the the Museu de Cera illustrating several characters including Portugal history.
Armazém 2, Doca de Alcântara tel. 213979095. Forget, for the time being.
Return to the tram N.º 15 and proceed for Belém. If you want, you can take a leap to the Museu of Palácio Nacional da Ajuda yet. Besides significant decorative art colections, all the palace breathes splendour, beauty, and singular framing. Calçada da Ajuda tels. 213637095 / 3620264
It is the more transports representative museum of the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. From the Real Chairs, the Two-Wheeled Chaises, the Carriages, the Coaches, some of them with paintings and extraordinary ornamentations, it has a set of means of transportation and their equipments that will make you sigh for the earlier times, since you belonged to the high aristocracy, to the diplomatic body or the high clergy, otherwise you must be pleased with donkey's trips, or horse, or oxen car or mulish pulled coach.
Due to the beauty, quality and elegance of the whole group, the museum is an unmatched case all over the world.
Praça Afonso de Albuquerque (Belém) tel. 213610850
When leaving seize the opportunity of giving a peep to the Palácio de Belém, of the Republic President 's residence, royal residence till 1910.
Between the Palace and the Monastery stands the flavour "cathedral": the Belém Pastries House. Go and eat one. You will never forget this "monument."
The Mosteiro dos Jerónimos (1552) is a hymn to the imagination and a majestic symbol of Portugal and Lisbon might, Capital of the World, when its boats, after having been the first to navigate over the seas that nobody had courage to face, they ended for discovering two thirds of the unknown world. Then, they settle down, in remote regions, from east to west, with a very reduced people number. This is only explained by the Portuguese friendly nature and his mixing capacity through marriages with the discovered peoples and, sometimes, rare, conquered.
The best example is the Brazilian people. The sweet, friendly, and affectionate nature of the Brazilians can only be explained by this love, intelligence and softness mixture, that tied, through the melody of the verb and for the eternity, the new to the old continent.
Portugal was the largest naval and commercial power in that age.
The Mosteiro dos Jerónimos is a beautiful architectural book with Gothic motifs. Artists of great imagination and knowledge worked in it: Boitac, João e Diogo de Castilho, Nicolau Chanterenne, Diogo Torralva and João de Rouen.
The south door points out with a figurative work of uncommon beauty.
There, are represented D. Henrique , the ideologist of the marine epic poem, S. Jerónimo's life scenes, the twelve apostles, the 4 church doctors, the Virgen Mary, all framed by beautiful ornamentations.
The west door makes the transition between the Goth and the Renascence: it presents the stable, the Magi and the Announcement. In the lateral niches, king D. Manuel, that ordered the monastery building, queen D. Maria, S. Jerónimo and S. João Baptista . On the Porch, S. Vicente , the Infante Santo , the four Evangelists, and the apostles.
The interior astonishes for the proportion of the naves, the vault and the height of the pillars, excellently cultivated. Its frail, comely aspect dazzles who looks them.
The vault is multinervate just as a colossal palm tree. The transept seems to be overhanging by the sunbeams. Three naves form the Church, in Latin cross.
The high choir with the extraordinary rows of chairs into the wall, for which worked Miguel Angelo, and the Gothic chapel of the apse are true praise songs to the beauty and the art. The main chapel is flanked by a triumphal arch where must be admired two blinding Manueline pulpits. The sacristy is another piece you must not lose. The cloisters are of surprising beauty and charm.
The Chapter Room Window is an astonishment. The cloisters are a near unimaginable ornaments lace in the stone labour.
Linked to the monastery you have the Navy Museum founded by king D. Luís in 1863.
Besides several typical boats, it presents the real brig of 1778 (beginning D. Maria It's reign), a galliot, the hydroplane of South Atlantic Ocean first crossing, nautical letters, artillery pieces.
From the models of the time of the discoveries ships, the great sailing boats of the 18th century, the ones of mixed propulsion of the 19th century, navy ships, galliots and many others. The museum is a constant surprise. Praça do Império tel. 213620010.
In the navy dock. can be visited the D. Fernando and Glória frigate, authentic 19th century sailing boat. Tel. 21 321 75 08.
In the sequence of the Navy Museum stands the Gulbenkian Planetary, which is a delicious trip to the stars world.
You find hear too the Museu Nacional de Arqueologia that, besides the archaeological collection regarding the prehistory, the Romanization, Egyptian antiquities and Portuguese archaeology, stands out an excellent collection of old jewellery found in excavations. Praça do Império tel. 213620000 / 22.
In 1993 was raised up, close to Mosteiro dos Jerónimos , the Centro Cultural de Belém . Tel. 21 361 24 00. It is an imaginative and interesting architectonic assemblage with streets, squares and commercial activities. It works as permanent cultural space; there take place spectacles, conferences, and exhibitions.
Here you'll find the Design Museum.
The art in the time beyond the time and the imagination.
Centro Cultural de Belém – tel. 21 36124 00.
This area is prolific in cultural spaces. Close to here, you'll find the Museu Nacional de Etnologia .
Av. Ilha da Madeira (Restelo) tel. 213015264
Head your steps towards the river; any meters ahead you are going to find the extraordinarily interesting Torre de Belém ; D. Manuel built it between 1515 and 1521. It is bounded by water. Observe the smartness and the beauty of the total. The Manueline tones down in the Roman - Gothic, overflows into the watch towers, the battlements, the cannon holes, columns, the full body of the erect nymph, having a bath in the beach and completely involved by an enormous hawser. She is a symbol of the Portuguese nautical glories that the artist Francisco Arruda knew how to give form, charm, and dream.
If you will want to know what is the nostalgia and materialize her, you have the longing Tower here. She represents the tears, the hopes, the afflictions, the frights of the separation, the happiness of the return, and the dream of the distant lands. We left with the uncertainty and the hope, we returned with the longing . They are like this, the Portuguese. They fall in love with whom treats them well and they recall, longing , the delight they found and left. This is the nostlalgia . The Torre de Belém its ex-libris.
Go past the Padrão dos Descobrimentos (1960). Just as the name indicates is an evocative monument of the discoveries with a beautiful Rose Compass, a South Africa present. From the top of the monument, the view on Lisbon and the Tejo is a dream, fantasy, and reality way.
Somewhat close is the Museu de Arte Popular . It presents "The traditional arts and folklore of the several areas of the country."
It is installed in one of the buildings that were part of the 1940 Portuguese World Exhibition. Av. Brasília tel. 213011675.
You can see, standing in the area, the Museu de Electricidade too. It shows the whole material belonging to the old electric central of Lisbon. It is installed in the Central Tejo building.
Av. Brasília tel. 213631646
In the return you'll get off at Praça do Comércio .
The buses No. 18, 42, 104, 105 take you to the Museu Nacional do Azulejo . It is located in the Convento da Madre de Deus , instituted in 1509 by the queen D. Leonor, D. João II's widow, 1481 – 1495. The Convento da Madre de Deus , where the museum is put up, is an entire harmony beauty and charm whole. We must enhance, in amount and quality, the Dutch tiles.
The main chapel was, in the reign of D. João III , 1521-1557, raised in the upper floor owing to the floods caused by the spring tides of the river. It is a beautiful Baroque copy with paintings of the 16th century.
We must detach the Manueline portal, the gold curving in abundance with the pulpit in joanina curving. The Dutch tiles, André Gonçalves' paintings, the holy water sink, the superb exotic Brazil wood arcaz . The canvas framed by 17th century curving. It is a monumental collection of glazed tiles that dazzles, not only for the amount, but, primarily, for the quality. The vestry and the chapel are true hymns to the beauty. If you want to rest you have a pleasant restaurant with outlook to a winter courtyard that, in Lisbon, has all the time the savour to summer. R. Da Madre de Deus , tel. 21814774/99
lose to Marquês de Pombal and almost in front of the Hotel Sheraton and Maternidade Alfredo Costa, with Metro Picoas as support, stands one of the most interesting museums, Dr. Anastácio Gonçalves, not only for the house that lodges it but for the collection that composes it; valuable and fascinating furniture, porcelains of the Song, Ming, and Wanli dynasties, clocks collections, rugs, coins, medals, bronzes, 19th century Portuguese painting. Everything in an interesting house build by the painter José Malhoa. It has a small café – restaurant. Av. 5 de Outubro , 6 tel. 213540823.
Step then in the area of S. Sebastião da Pedreira. Here stands the Church of the same name. In case of juridical support need and intending to invest in Portugal you'll have good lawyers as for example Dr. Manuel Machado and Associates, tel. 21 383 97 30 and so settle down in the best way, in this country, that will receive you with open arms.
A little more ahead, the Fundação Gulbenkian and the Centro de Arte Moderna.
You ought not lose the visit. The museum owns a fabulous Greco-Roman group art collections, Egyptian art, Far East art, European art, ornamental arts and nucleus Lallique. In a different place, but not very distant, you'll find the Centro de Arte Moderna, José de Azeredo Perdigão that includes 20th century Portuguese art and pop British Art. Av. De Berna , 45 (it has other entrances) tels. 21 7935131 / 21 7950236. If you want a lunch break there and walk in the gardens, you can do it.
Go now in the direction of Benfica. Along the way you'll find one of the best well organized Jardins Zoológcos do Mundo in the world, tel. 21 723 29 20; 2000 kinds of animals, the best Dauphins troop in Europe and many other diversions for children and adults.
Some dozens of meters ahead you'll find the Palácio Beau Séjour , Estrada de Benfica , 368. Here works the Estudos Olissiponenses Cabinet (GEO) , in other words, you can know everything about the city. But the palace and the surrounding garden are small jewels where one longs for resting, mull over and study. Virtually in front, in Quinta dos Loureiros , Bairro Grandella , stays the Biblioteca Museu República e Resistência , installed in a neo-classic façade building and finished off by Masonic symbology. Small repository devoted to the First Republic and Resistance to the Estado Novo. Esrada de Benfica , 419 Tels. 217742402 / 217901127.
Carry on later to the Palácio Marquês da Fronteira (17th century), Largo S. Domingos de Benfica , where the beauty of the gardens and the contents of the palace, with Indo - Portuguese furniture, pictures and tapestries, is something you must not lose.
Now detect a different Lisbon. Start in the direction of Campo Grande. Just at the north top, you are going to find the racetrack, next to the City Museum that gives, with great detail, an account of Lisbon history in its different ages and evolution in the geographical, archaeological, and ethnographic fields. You'll find a true repository of the city history since the prehistoric period. Palácio Pimenta – Campo Grande , 245 tel. 217571725.
Opposite, on the other side of the avenue, you have another museum. Museu Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro. Very different from the preceding ones. The life and the museum patron's work are a hymn to the imagination, the inspiration, and caricature, sometimes simple, others imposing of a society that keeps on hardhearted about human understanding. A very attention-grabbing museum that shelters a superb ceramic set with its characteristic hipper-naturalism, the drawings, the paintings, and master Bordalo Pinheiro's publications. Campo Grande, 382 tel. 217590816.
Take advantage of the place to move forward a little more; make it by bus, No. 1, 3 or 4, you have it close to Bordalo Pinheiro museum; get off three stops ahead and visit the museus do Traje e do Teatro , this in the Palácio das Angejas ; they are close each other. In the Museu Nacional do Teatro , the presented pieces belong to the Theatre and spectacle people and, for that reason, correlated with their art and life. The artistic manifestations are frequent here. Palácio do Monteiro-Mor – Estrada do Lumiar , 10 tel. 217567410. The Museu Nacional do Traje is installed in the Monteiro-Mor palace, which is a reconstruction of the 18th century with tile ashlar-masonry and fresco-painted rooms (in wall painting gender, covered with fresh mortar, with the colours diluted in whitewash water). Several documents and objects concerning the clothes history are a support to an alive museum where are taken weaving courses and there are permanent exhibitions of " Weaving and Manual Stamping Techniques". Palácio do Monteiro-Mor – Largo Júlio de Castilho tel. 217590318.
Return again to Campo Grande. Take always advantage of the buses. You have on a side the garden and the lake of the same name and on the other the Cidade Universitária , the Torre do Tombo , the Biblioteca Nacional .
In Entre Campos , the beautiful monument to the Guerra Peninsular , with a sculptural group where stands out the nine illustrations that surround the Homeland.
You must know that in the cross street, Av. do Brasil, stands the celebrated Laboraório de Engenharia Civil , famous for the proficiency that its technicians have been demonstrating along the years, and the Hospital Psquiátrico Júlio de Matos .
In Av. da República you have at your disposal the Feira Popular , tel. 21 793 44 35, with huge quantities of diversions and a vast group of restaurants.
In Campo Pequeno, observe the graceful form of the Praça de Touros (1890) with its turrets of cupolas similar to those found on the mosques, windows in Arab stamp, and a Bullfighting Museum. The bullfights take place Sundays and Thursdays, since Easter Sunday until the middle of autumn. The involving garden, besides the well looked after flowerbeds, has imposing trees, with jacarandas, black poplars, plane trees. Close to the square stands the Biblioteca Municipal installed in the Palácio as Galveias , magnificent 17th century structure where are standing out Bordalo Pinheiro's glazed tiles , the kings' busts, the renascence niches and the built-in marbles.
Just beside stands the Caixa Geral de Depósitos where Culturgest is to be found and which is intended for the Theatre, the music, the art gallery and exhibitions room. Going up the Avenida da República again, you'll arrive to Saldanha with the duke's of the same name statue.
Here, take advantage of resting and recalling all you have seen, at a piano music sound in Saldanha Atrium.
et on the tram 25 or 28. You have yet the buses Nos. 9 - 20 - 22 - 27 - 38, look over the plan and the houses around. Take benefit to pop in the close street Coelho da Rocha 16. Visit the Centro Cultural Fernando Pessoa. The poet is waiting for you at home. It will show you his writings, his heteronyms horoscopes, the work table, his life. It can happen to be surprised with some conference, poems perusal or any other cultural activity.
Go back to Basílica da Estrela. Look at the temple that dates from 1790, observe the façade of columns topped by the statues of the Faith, Adoration, Freedom and Gratitude. Flanking the set, two bell towers. On the cupola, the dome from where is enjoyed an interesting sight over Lisbon. The temple, with only one nave and lateral chapels, is decorated with Pompeu Botoni and Alexandrine Pedro paintings, houses the founder grave, queen D. Maria I . Tel. 21 396 09 15.
Now take advantage to distend the legs muscles and take a deep breath of the pure air of the only capital in the world still without pollution. Enter the garden in front of you. Relax your body and eyes. The lakes and the bushes invite you to meditation. You will find here the coco-tree, the orchid-tree, jacarandas, dragon-trees, banana-trees and a diversified group of birds that, while you are resting, will delight you with their lovely and nothing noisy trills.
Go down now towards Rato. At the bottom, you'll find the imposing Convento das Trinas , of mannerist portals as well as its precious main chapel of the same contour, the Baroque altar and the Italian - Flemish paintings of the same time. The Holy Trinity nuns have directed the convent. The start of the construction go up to the 17th century (1614) and it was for seclusion of "noble ancestry women".
Go on with the walk, turn left, you'll find the Mãe de Água terminal station for the
waters that fed Lisbon since the middle of the 18th century. Visit it; observe the magnificence and the simplicity of a complicated construction with walls of 5,14 meters wide and a basin with the capacity for 5.500 cubical meters.
Going up the Amoreiras street, you'll find, addorsed to one of the columns of the aqueduct, the Capela de Nossa Senhora de Monserrate , with a pediment and a cross of tiles of the end of the 18th century. With interest, in the interior, has the main chapel with a counter lays on dogs similar to the rustic balconies and the valuable tiles of Rato. Carry on always ahead on the you left side, stop only when the buildings are barring your passage, go up to avenue Marquês da Fronteira, turn left immediately. Three hundred meters ahead you will find in the little farm sidewalk the Aqueduto das Águas Livres that is a splendour and elegance wonder. It comes from Belas. It has more than 59 kilometres and there where it is to be found has an empty space of 65,25 meters height. It is the largest stone arch in empty space known all over the world. Only in this Alcântara valley, the Aqueduct possesses 35 arches, 21 of them with perfect turn and 14 ogivals.
After admiring this song in stone through what the Baroque walked, get on now into a bus and go to rest and meditate in what you saw until arriving the Lisbonian night hour. Have fun.
fter soaking in the perfume of millennial Lisbon, dive in the Parque das Nações and observe Lisbon renewal in the walk for the third millennium.
Here, Lisbon stretches in the future. It receives in its arms the cosiness, the prosperity, and the happiness of all those that living the future comforts know how to preserve Lisbon past from the "other eras."
The Parque das Nações becomes the largest road center of the country. Here, the Buses, the Metro and the trains meet in the interesting Gare do Oriente.
The visit to the Parque das Nações is compulsory for all those who want to see the future and walk in it.
Visit the Oceanário, 21891 70 02 and the Pavilhão do Conhecimento , tel. 21 891 98 98 and you will see if I am right or not.
rue holy temple of the Romanic, Sintra is a place that transforms all of the visitors in kings, princes and princesses, all living the beauty and the seduction of a time present in the buildings and in the involving memory.
It was conquered in 1147 by D. Afonso Henriques, first king of Portugal, and it seems that it was yesterday yet. Everything is the very same thing, in other words, with the little additions and progress laces.
In the heart of Sintra rises, since the Middle Ages, the Palácio Nacional with two imposing chimneys that remember the time past, the inhabitants' ostentatatious life, dreaming over the paths of the suspended gardens, through Diana's courtyards, the Bath and the Lion, or, in the interior, the room of the swans, the room of the Coats of arms, the room of the magpies, the Manuelina wing, the yard of Mecca or compunctious at the Gothic chapel at the time when a king, D. Afonso VI (it reigned from 1556 to 1667) lost the throne, and his wife in favour of his brother and lost the freedom being prisoner (from 1667 to 1683) in this golden prison where is to be found the most impressive Mudejar tiles collection in the world.
Sintra is the discovery: the Castelo dos Mouros , the Palácio da Pena , true hymn to the medieval revivalism and the romantic dream of a past where the stillness and the quiet love was the common coveting. The Arab door, the furniture, the frescos, and the paintings give idea of the life in that time. The line belongs to the architects Possidónio Silva and baron Von Eschwege. D. Fernando de Saxe Coburg-Gotha, queen D. Maria II's husband, buil it on the ruins of an old monastery of what remains an interesting chapel.
Besides the whole museum that is Sintra in its ensemble, from Monserrate to Palácio dos Seteais , Palácio do Ramalhão , you can still visit the Casa museu Ferreira de Castro or the Colecção Berardo , in the old casino and enigmatic world of the occult in the Quinta da Regaleira where the indoctrinating well and celestial worlds Terrace will transport you into the world of the interrogations.
Sintra is Patrimony of the Humanity.
If you'll choose to go to Sintra by train, the railway station is Rossio. The trip lasts about 50 minutes and, soon, in the next station, Campolide, don't let pass watching some arches of the Aqueduto das Águas Livres .
More information: Tel.: 219231157
ueluz is your palace (17th century). The visitor goes to Queluz in order to visit this jewel of the crown (now of the Republic). It is a hymn to the dream. From the gardens, where the god of the sea, Neptune, pontificates before the façade of the ritual, the big Channel, the splendorous statuary, the tiles and the fountains, to the building.
Who already has travelled over the Baroque places: S. Vicente , Santa Engrácia , the fachada Brasileira , the Teatro Ginásio , the Aqueduto das Águas Livres , has here in Palácio de Queluz the true illusion of an enlarged space beyond the real size of the building.
The interior dazzles for the wealth and for the taste: from the Throne room, D. Quixote's room, the paintings and the rounded ceiling, the Robillon pavilion, the Lions staircase, the golden carving, the mirrors, the crystal candelabrums, all in the right place and everything without time. Dazzling the centuries.
If you'll take the train in Rossio station, get out in Queluz-Belas.
t is the high aristocratic simplicity carried to the utmost. Everything is calm, clean,
organized and free from unnecessary violations. The life didn't stop. The fishermen are still living there as they did since the 12th century. Everything is processed with arrogance. The beauty and the amenity of the climate influences the amenity among the people.
In Cascais, the small houses of very Portuguese flavour are mixed with original small palaces and the set caresses the bay, enters it, or mix up with it without useless aggressions. Earl Castro Guimarães' House is one of those examples. Today, library and Museum is worthy of a visit.
The Citadel houses the Nossa Senhora da Vitória small chapel with 18th century glazed tiles and interesting Baroque carving.
The sacred art lover visitor has, in a short space, the Convento dos Capuchinhos , the Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Assunção the Igreja de Nossa senhora dos Navegantes , the Igreja da Misericórdia and the Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Guia.
On the way to the most West point of Europe, meets the Boca do Inferno . Hear, the sea and the earth hug each other violently. A little ahead, a beach of fine sand but turbulent sea: the Praia do Guincho .
Supposing you are going to travel by train, you must make for Cais do Sodré station.
Further information: Tel. 214868204
rm-in-arm with Cascais, Estoril benefits of the same climate and of the same limpidity of the sky and the waters. It is also the shelter of who wants to work without the turbulence of the great cities although it possesses all of the diversions and pastimes you can desire: Golf courses, Racetrack, Tennis, Sail, Swimming, and Casino. You have only to choose.
Estoril is still salutary waters, and a ranch of beaches: S. João , S. Pedro and Monte Estoril . Everything here unites for the pleasure and for the rest and health of the body. For those who, besides the spiritual pleasure, privilege also the pleasure of the culture, a Igreja de Santo António , with its images, the golden cut and Dutch tiles, is favourable to a thoughtful meditation.
If you'll travel by train, you must go to Cais do Sodré station .
Further information: tel. 214463813
afra is its monastery, although Santo André's church, with its Romanic and affected to the Gothic style porch, deserves a visit.
The Convento de Mafra was raised in praise of God and to the men's perspiration; about 52000 men have been, in maximum, working there and its edification lasted 13 years. It was built over a surface of 40000 square meters, it has 5200 doors and windows, 880 rooms, 300 cells and two 70 meters high towers. Its carillons are among the most famous in the world: they have 93 bells; 46 in the north tower and 47 in the south tower. The largest get to weigh 10000 kilos. They were the pride of the court whenever they played compositions whose sonority and beauty impressed everybody. The bells of the hours are other weight monuments; 12000 kilos each and the clapper stays at the derisive 293 kilos; and I'm forgetting the six fabulous organs. Everything proportional to that magnificence and beauty monster where the statuary, the painting, the religious ornaments don't engage a place of smaller importance.
What dazzles me is the library: 3500 unusual volumes where the knowledge is hidden of the glance of many that do not arrive there. The nearby enclosure of exuberant fauna and flora, is the place where the body runs after the spirit have grown satiated and dazzled with so much magnificence and simplicity. King D. João V (1706 - 1750) built for the future and this one is not still enough long to give merit to such great labour.
Everything is of everyone. Dive into the culture and absorb the pure air of a healthy soil and monument.
We are all citizens of the same world. To understand that it is the only thing which is missing out. Portugal can well be the beginning of love.
More information: tel. 261812023
n the left river border of Tejo, a very old and prosperous populations bloom.
You can travel by boat or bus No. 52 - 53.
Travel to Cacilhas and admiring by boat the Lisbon that stretches on the borders of the Tejo is an unforgettable vision.
The trip little more has that a symbolic price and who passes in Lisbon should not lose the opportunity of this trip of less than 10 minutes in the Tejo crossing.
In Cacilhas, you'll have at your service countless transports to the nearby beaches that are to reach in a few minutes.
In the Bom Sucesso church, examine the Dutch tiles of the ends of the 18th century.
The restaurants at the Tejo edge or in the streets that go up to Almada are a different choice for whom wants to enjoy the involving flavours of the lands that look at Lisboa .
lmada and Cacilhas are linked, so that they are practically mixing each other but, Almada grew massively as benefits of the connection across the river and through the bridge built in 1966. Cacilhas doesn't have through where to flee. It lives of the reputation of enjoying the greatest Lisbon scene and wharf of departures and arrivals. Even the transport boats have coveted its the name. They are the Cacilheiros .
Almada, besides the Misericórdia church, 16th century, and its Santiago church, where it is said being buried Fernão Mendes Pinto, 1509-1583, the "Peregrinação" adventurer and writer whose facts by him lived seemed unbelievable. Today we are sure they have been factual. However, their fellow - citizens judging that some of those narratives were pure invention, made fun of him playing with the name, when doing the pun: Fernão are you lying? – Yes.
It is the Monument to Cristo-Rei that raises the attentions for Almada, otherwise the small and nice Cacilhas would be always the point of reference of all the ones that visit the capital and intend to go to the other side. The monument was raised by a vote done by the Portuguese Bishopric, in case of Portugal didn't enter in World War II.
he gold that sprouted at the fertile mine of Adiça till the 19th century became 15 fertile quilometres of sand and pure waters in Costa da Caparica. It is towards here that every year, dozens of thousands of holiday-makers go to enjoy the well-being where unite pleasure for the air of the forest, the taste of the white sand and a sea as far as the eye can see and of pleasures.
Through hear "would we follow the map" whether the book didn't was Lisboa and its borders.
Further information: tel. 212900071
close the possible survey circuit with Montijo. To travel till Montijo means to enjoy of a walk a little longer for, more meditative: we can review the departure of the sailors to the discovery of the infinite and where the view of Lisbon and where the bridges sway over the river is other monuments to rediscover.
Montijo was world of fishermen and salt-workmen; today it became a prosperous city where the cork factories, the preparation of meats, the rations, and the fertilizers must be stressed.
It was point of compulsory passage for the South, having been put there in 1533, by Correio-Mor-Luís Afonso , the headquarters of the South Post.
Its foundation is very old, as it is testified by means of the rendered services to the kingdom and republic. The Mosteiro de S. Francisco ruins date from 1475. St. Sebastian's or Mercy church dates from 1533. The parish church comes from the 16th century. The main chapel is Manueline and a good part of it is panelled with18th century glazed tiles.
Take advantage of the trip for there enjoying a lunch of one of the specialities: Caldeirada à Pescador , the Enguias Fritas com Açorda , the Lombinhos de Porco com Açorda or Entrecosto com Migas .
Extra information: tel. 212310962
(por ordem alfabética )
Alfa Lisboa hotel – Av . C. Bordalo Pinheiro – Tel. 217262121
Alif – Campo Pequeno, 51 – Tel. 217952464
Altis – R. Castilho , 11 – Tel. 213142496
Altis Park Hotel – Av. Eng. Arantes e Oliveira, 9 Tel. 21843 42 00
Amazónia – Trav. Fábrica dos Pontes , 12 – Tel. 21 387 70 06
Americano – R. 1.º de Dezembro, 73 – Tel. 213474979
As Janelas Verdes, R. Janelas verdes, 47 – Tel. 21 396
A. S. Lisboa – Av. Almirante Reis, 188 – Tel. 21 842 93 60
Avenida Palace – R. 1.º de Dezembro, 123 – Tel. 213460151
Avenida Alameda – Av. Sidónio Pais, 4 – Tel. 21 353 21 86
Barcelona – R. Laura Alves, 10 – Tel. 21 795 42 70
Berna – Av. Sidónio Serpa, 13, Tel – 21 781 43 00
Borges – R. Garret, 108 - tel. 213461951
Botânico – R. Mãe de Água, 16 – 20 – Tel. 21 342 03 92
Britânia – R. Rodrigues Sampaio, 17 – Tel. 21 315 50 16
Casa S. Mamede – R. Escola Politécnica 159 – Tel. 2963166
Capitol – R. Eça de Queiroz, 24 – Tel. 21 353 68 11
Continental – R. Laura Alves, 9 – Tel. 217935005
Diplomático – R. Castilho, 74 – Tel. 21 383 90 20
Da Lapa – R. do Pau da Bandeira, 4 – Tel. 213950005
Da Torre – R. dos Jerónimos, 8 Belém – Tel. 21 363 62 62
D. Afonso Henriques – R. Cristóvão Falcão, 8 – Tel. 216146574
Dom Carlos – Av. Duque de Loulé, 121 – Tel. 21351 25 90
D. Manuel I – Av. Duque D'Ávila, 1890 – Tel. 213576160
Dom Pedro – Av. Eng. Duarte Pacheco – Tel. 213896600
Dom Rodrigo – R. Rodrigo da Fonseca, Tel. 21386 38 00
Eduardo VII – Av. Fontes P. de Melo, 5 – Tel. 21356 88 00
Embaixador – Av. Duque de Loulé, Tel. 21 795 11 57
Excelsior – R. Rodrigo Sampaio, 172 – Tel. 213537151
Executive Inn, - Av. Conde Valbom, 56 - Tel. 21 795 11 57
Fénix – Pç. Marquês de Pombal , 8 – Tel. 21 386 21 21
Flamingo – R. Castilho, 4 – Tel. 21 386 21 91
Flórida – R. Duque de Palmela, 32 – Tel. 21 357 61 45
Holiday Inn - Av. Dr. A. J. De Almeida, 28 - Tel. 21793 5222
Holiday Inn Continental - R. Laura Alves, 9 - Tel. 21 793 5005
Íbis Saldanha – Av. Casal Ribeiro, – 23 Tel. – 21 319 16 90
Íbis Malhoa – Av. José Malhoa, Lt. H – Tel. – 21 723 57 00
Impala – R. Filipe Folque, 49 -Tel. - 213148914
International – R. da Betesga, 3 – Tel. - 213466401
Jorge V – R. Mouzinho da Silveira, 3 – Tel. – 21356 25 25
Lapa Palace – R. Pau da Bandeira, 4 – Tel. - 213949494
Lisboa – R. Barata Salgueiro, 5 – Tel. - 213554131
Lisboa Penta – Av. dos Combatentes Tel. - 217264554
Lisboa Plaza – Travessa do Salitre , 7 – Tel. – 21 321 82 18
Lisboa Regency Chiado – R. Nova do Almada, 114 – Tel. – 21 325 61 00
Lisboa Tejo – Poço do Borratém, 4 – Tel. – 21 886 61 82
Lutécia – Av. Frei Miguel Contreiras, 52 – tel. 21 8403121
Madrid – R. Conde Redondo, 24 – Tel. – 21 319 17 60
Marquês de Pombal – Av. da Liberdade, 243 – Tel.21 3197900
Marquês de Sá – Av. Miguel Bombarda, 130 Tel. – 21 791 10 14
Mélia Confort – Av. Duque de Loulé, 45 Tel. - 213532108
Meliá Confort Oriente – Pq. das Nações Tel. – 21 893 00 00
Méridien – R. Castilho, 149 Tel. - 213830900
Metrópole – Pç. D. Pedro IV , 30 Tel. – 21 321 90 30
Metropolitan L. Hotel – R. Soeiro P. Gomes, 2 Tel. – 21 798 25 00
Miraparque – Av. Sidónio Pais, 12 – Tel. 21 352 42 86
Mundial – R. Tel. - R. D. Duarte, 4 Tel. – 21 884 20 00
Nacional – R. Castilho, 34 Tel. – 21 355 44 33
Nazareth – Av. António Augusto de Aguiar, 42Tel. – 21 354 20 16
Novotel Lisboa – Av. José Malhoa, Lt 1642 Tel. – 21 726 60 22
Orion Eden – Pç. Restauradores , 18 Tel. – 21 321 66 00
Presidente – R. Alexandre Herculano, 13 – Tel. - 213173570
Príncipe – Av. Duque D'Ávila, 201 – Tel. – 21 353 61 51
Príncipe Real – R. da Alegria, 53 – Tel. - 213460116
Portugal – R. João das Regras, 4 – Tel. - 218877581
Quality Lisboa – Campo Grande, 7 – Tel. – 21795 75 55
Radison – Av. Mar. Craveiro Lopes, 390 – Tel. – 21758 67 87
Real Parque – Av. Luís Bívar, 67 - Tel. – 21 319 90 00
Real Residência – R. Ramalho Ortigão, 41 – Tel. – 21 382 29 00
Reno – Av. Duque D'Ávila, 169 – Tel. – 21 313 50 00
Rex – R. Castilho, 169 – Tel. – 21 388 21 61
Ritz – R. Rodrigo da Fonseca, 88 – Tel. – 21 383 20 20
Roma – Av. de Roma, 33 – 1700 Lisboa – Tel. – 21796 77 61
Sheraton – R. Latino Coelho, 1 – Tel. – 21357 57 57
Sofitel – Av. da Liberdade, 123 – 125 – Tel. – 21 322 83 00
Suíço Atlântico – R. da Glória, 3 – Tel. - 214621713
Tivoli – Av. da Liberdade, 185 – Tel. – 21 31989 00
Tivoli Jardim – R. Júlio César Machado, 7 – Tel. - 213539971
Veneza - Av. da Liberdade, 189 – Tel. - 21352 26 18
Vip – R. Fernão Lopes, 25 – Tel. - 213521923
Zurique - R. Ivone Siva, 18 - Tel. - 21 781 40 00
York House - R. Janelas Verdes, 32 - Tel. – 21 396 24 35
(for alphabetical order)
América – R. Tomás Ribeiro, 47 – Tel. – 21 352 11 57
Astória – R.Braamcamp, 10 – Tel. – 213860491
Avenida Alameda – – R. Av. Sidónio Pais, 4 – Tel. – 213532186
Caravela – R. Ferreira Lapa, 38 – Tel. – 21 353 90 11
Delta – R. Ilha do Pico, 3 – Tel. – 21 352 13 00
Dinastia – R. D. João V, 7 – Tel. –21 388 54 20
Dom João –– R. José Estêvão, 43 – Tel. – 21 314 41 71
Dos Anjos – R.Andrade, 16 – Tel. – 21 355 54 89
Dublin – R. de Santa Marta, 45 – Tel. – 21 355 54 89
Estrela de Arganil – Av. Almirante Reis, 88, 1.º Tl.218123259
Flor dos Cavaleiros – R. dos Cavaleiros, 58 – Tel. – 21 8872286
Florescente – R. Portas de Santo Antão, 99 – Tel. – 21342 66 09
Fonte Luminosa – Al. D. Afonso Henriques, 70 – 6 – Tl.21 342 66 09
Gerês – Caçada do Garcia , 6 – 1º. – Tel. – 21 881 04 97
Glória – Trav. da Glória , 22 – A – Tel. – 213460557
Horizonte – Av. Antº. Augusto de Aguiar, 42 – Tel. – 213539526
Imperador – Av. 5 de Outubro, 55 – Tel. - 213524884
Infante – Av. Almirante Reis, 4 – Tel. – 21 885 32 46
Insulana – R. da Assunção, 52 – Tel. – 21 342 31 31
Lar – Pç. Sá Carneiro, 4 – Tel. 21 849 31 50
Luena – R. Pascoal de Melo, 9 – Tel. – 21 355 82 46
Nova Silva – R. Vítor Cordon, 11 – Tel. – 213424371
O Paradouro – Av. Almirante Reis, 106 – Tel. - 21 815 32 56
Restauradores – Pç. dos Restauradores , 13-4º. – Tl. – 213466106
Santa Catarina – R. Dr. Luís de Almeida e Albuquerque, 6 – Tel. - 213466106
Santa Rita – Av. Ant. A. de Aguiar, 21-5º. – Tel. - 213547109
Senhora do Monte – Calçada do Monte , 39 – Tel.- 21 886 60 02
Parque Verde – Pq. Florestal de Monsanto – Tel. – 21760 20 61
Pátria – Av. Duque d'Ávila, 42 – Tel. – 21 3150620
Pax – R. José Estêvão, 20 – Tel. – 213561861
13 da Sorte – R. do Salitre, 13 – Tel – 213531851
(for alphabetical order)
Alcobia – R. Poço do Borratém, 15 – Tel. – 21 886 5171
Almirante Reis – Av. Almirante Reis, 98 – Tel. – 21 813 80 60
Arco do Bandeira – R. dos Sapateiros, 226 – 4º. Tl. – 213423478
Areeiro – Pç. Francisco de Sá Carneiro, 3 – 2º. – Tel. – 21848 70 02
Brasília – R. Alexandre Herculano, 29, 2º. – Tel. – 21 352 79 23
Cidre – Trav. Nova de S. Domingos, 9 – 4º. – Tel. – 213426757
Coimbra e Madrid – Pç da Figueira, 3 – Tel. – 21 342 17 60
Duas Nações – R. da Vitória, 41 – Tel. – 21 346 07 10
Duque – Calçada do Duque, 53 – Tel. – 21 346 34 44
Estrela – R. dos Bacalhoeiros, 8 – 1º. – Tel. – 21 886 95 06
Estrela de Tomar – Poço do Borratém, 13 – Tel. – 218884849
Globo – R. Teixeira, 37 – Tel. – 21 346 22 79
Ibérica – Pç da Figueira, 10 – 2º. – Tel. – 21 886 57 81
Imperial – Pç . dos Restauradores, 78 – Tel. – 21 342 01 66
Iris – R. da Glória, 2A – Tel. – 21 342 21 57
João da Praça – R. João da Praça, 97 – Tel. – 21 886 25 91
Luar – R. das Gáveas, 101 – Tel. – 21 346 09 49
Londres – Praça D. Pedro IV – Tel. – 21 346 22 03
Josefina – Av. Almirante Reis, 52 – Tel. – 21 815 24 93
Madeirense – R. da Glória a, 22 – Tel. – 21 342 58 59
Ninho de Águias – R. Costa do Castelo, 74 – Tel. – 21 886 70 08
Norte – R. dos Douradores, 159 – Tel. – 21 887 89 41
Sevilha – Pç da Alegria, 11 – Tel. – 21 346 95 79
Santo Tirso – Rossio, 18 – 3º. – Tel. – 21 347 01 63
Varandas – R. dos Bacalhoeiros, 8 – 2º. – Tel. – 21 887 05 19
(for alphabetical order)
The price of the meals, in Lisbon, is very lower than the one practiced in other European capitals. What, sometimes, turns them higher than the usual is the first course composed of what we name the entrances , the desserts, or the wines. It is in these delicacies that one should be careful if intend to have a quality meal but at a low price.
A Aldeia – Av. Columbano Bordalo Pinheiro – Tel. – 21 726 21 21
A Baiúca – Rua da Barroca, 86 – Tel. – 21 342 13 86
A Baiuca – R. de S. Miguel, 20 – Tel. – 21 886 72 84
A Brilhante – Portas de Santo Antão, 105 – Tel. – 21 346 03 46
A Caçoila – Alameda Roentgn, 7 (Qta dos Inglesinhos) – Tel. – 21 716 57 00
A Calçada – Calçada da Ajuda, 107 – Tel. – 21 363 26 78
Adega da Condessa – R. da Condessa, 52 – Tel. – 213463207
Adega da Tia Matilde – R. da Beneficência, 77 – Tel. – 21 797 21 72
Adega do Atum – R. dos Bacalhoeiros, 8 C – Tel.- 21 887 03 19
Adega do Ribatejo – R. Diário de Notícias, 23 – Tel. - 21 3466 83 43
Adega Tagarro –R. Luís Soriano, 21 – Tel.- 21 346 46 20
Adega Triunfo – R. Dos Bacalhoeiros, 129 – Tel. - 21 886 98 40
Alcântara Café –R. Maria Luísa Holstain, 15 – Tel. - 21 362 1226
Além-Montes – Trav. de Santa Marta, 4-A – Tel. - 21 315 77 43
Alfacinha –R. dos Remédios, 181 – Tel. - 21 886 49 22
Al Mariado – R. S. João da Praça, 103 – Tel. 21 886 16 87
Alpendre – R. Augusto Rosa, 32 – 34 – Tel. 21886 24 21
Amigo António – R. S. João da Praça, 76/82 – Tel. 21886 65 37
A Morgadinha de Alfama – R. da Regueira, – Tel. 21 886 54 24
Âncora – R. dos Caminhos de Ferro, 48 – Tel. 21 887 30 57
Antigo Retiro Quebra-Bilhas – Campo Grande, 312 – Tel. 21 759 00 93
A. Pedro e Isaura – Trav . do Oleiro, 13 – Tel. 21 396 69 45 – (Fados)
Arco da Sé – R. S. João da Praça, 128 –Tel. – 21 887 26 69
Arco Iris – R. S. João da Praça, 17 A –Tel. – 91 993 07 58 – (Fados
As Zebras do Combro – Clç. do Combro, 51 –Tel. – 21 346 21 10
Ano Novo – R. dos Correeiros, 109 –Tel. – 21 342 66 70
Atum 245 – Av. Da Liberdade, 245, Lj . 9 –Tel. – 213522077
À Vossa Mercê – Trav. das Mercês, 16 –Tel. – 213467345
A Travessa – Trav. das Inglesinhas, 28–Tel. – 213902034
Bachus - Largo da Trindade, 9 –Tel. – 21 342 28 28
Bambino d'Oro – R. Frei Carlos, 11 A – 1600 –Tel. – 217959293
Barca dos Corvos – Campo das Cebolas, 15 –Tel. – 21 887 25 35
Barracão de Alfama – R. de S. Pedro, 16 –Tel. – 21 886 63 59
Bem Me quer – R. de S. Miguel 23/25 –Tel. – 21 887 65 35
Bessa – R. dos Douradores, 206 – 210 –Tel. – 21887 38 32
Bica do Sapato – Av. Infante D. Henrique, Armazém B Cais da Pedra –Tel. – 21 881 03 20
Bota Alta – Travessa da Queimada, 35 - –Tel. – 21342 39 59
Brasuca – R. João Pereira da Rosa, 7 –Tel. – 21 342 85 42
Café – Café R. de Cascais, 57 –Tel. – 21361 03 10
Café da Lapa – R. S. João da Mata, 30 –Tel. – 21396 26 83
Café da Ponte – Doca de Santo Amaro, Armazém 18 –Te. – 21 395 66 69
Café de S. Bento – R. de S. Bento, 1212 –Tel. – 21 395 29 11
Café Inn – Av. de Brasília, 311 –Tel. – 21 362 62 48
Café Jardim – Doca Jardim do Tabaco –Tel. – 21 882 42 41
Café Martinho da Arcada – Pç. do Comércio –Tel. – 21 886 62 13
Café Paraíso – R. João de Oliveira Miguens, 42 –Tel. – 21 395 59 77
Cafreal – R. Portas de Sto. Antão, 71 –Tel. – 21 346 84 47
Cais d'Alfama – Lg. Chafariz de Dentro, 24 –Tel. – 21 8873274
Cais da Ribeira – Cais do Sodré, Armazém A –Tel. – 21 342 36 11
Cais de Belém – R. Vieira Portuense, 64 –Tel. – 21 362 1537
Cana Verde - R. Jardim do Tabaco, 134 a 140 –Tel. – 21 886 77 59
Canas – R. de Alcântara, 14 A –Tel. – 21 363 63 60
Casa do Leão – Castelo de S. Jorge –Tel. – 21 887 59 62
Castelo Mourisco – R. Stª. Cruz do Castelo, 3A –Tel. – 21 8867852
Celta – R. Gomes Freire, 148 –Tel. – 21 357 30 69
Celta & Iberos – Doca de Sto. Amaro Armz 7 –Tel. – 213976037
Central das Beiras – R. Terreiro do Trigo, 36 – Tel. 218867669
Central do Jardim do Tabaco – R. Jardim do Tabaco, 118 a 122 –Tel. – 21 886 72 63
Cervejaria Alemã – R. do Alecrim, 23 –Tel. – 21 342 29 16
Cervejaria Chiado – R. da Misericórdia, 114 –Tel. – 21 347 87 60
Cervejaria Portugal – R. da Palma, 206 Cervejaria - Tel. 21 396 25 44
Cervejaria Portugália – Av. Almirante Reis, 117 –Tel. – 21 314 00 02
Cervejaria Ribadouro – Av. da Liberdade, 155 –Tel. – 21 354 94 11
Cervejaria Solmar – R. das Portas de Sto. Antão, 106 –Tel. – 21 324 33 71
Cervejaria Trindade – R. da Trindade, 20 - C –Tel. – 21 342 35 06
Casa da Comida – Travessa das Amoreiras,1 –Tel. – 213885376
Casa Jervis – R. de S. Bento, 107 –Tel. – 21 395 74 34
Casa México – Av. D. Carlos I, 140 –Tel. – 21 396 55 00
Casa Nostra – Trav. do Poço da Cidade, 60 – Tel. 21 342 59 31
Café Império, Av. Almirante Reis, 205 – Tl. – 21 847 6052
Cesteiro – R. dos Correeiros, 223-225 – Tel. – 21 342 87 31
Chaparral – R. dos Arameiros, 9 – Lisboa – Tel. – 21 887 02 83
Chimarrão – Prç. do Chile, 8 - A – Tel. – 21 847 65 67
Chimarrão – Campo Pequeno, 79 – Tel. – 21 793 97 64
Chimarrão – Av. de Roma, 90 – D – Tel. – 21 840 07 84
Chocomel – R. do Comércio, 14 – Tel. – 21 887 79 95
Churrasco – R. Portas de Sto. Antão 83 – Tel. – 21 342 30 59
Churrasqueira Sto. António – R. dos Bacalhoeiros, 133 – Tel. – 21 887 08 77
Club T – Ed. Espelho D'Água - Av. Brasília – Tel. – 21 301 66 52
Cide – R. Caminhos-de-Ferro, 98/98 A – Tel. – 21 886 13 26
Clara – Campo dos Mártires da Pátria, 49 – Tel. – 21 885 30 53
Clube Empresários – António Clara – Av. da República, 38 – Tel. – 21 796 63 80
Cocheira Alentejana – Trav. do Poço da Cidade, 19 – Tel. – 21 346 48 68
Coelho da Rocha – R. Coelho da Rocha, 104 – Tel. – 21 3900831
Comida de Urso – R. do Monte Olivete, 63 – Tel. – 21 395 15 83
Comodoro – Pç. D. João da Câmara, 20 – Tel. – 21 346 49 46
Consenso – R. Academia das Ciências, 1 – Tel. – 21 343 13 13
Conventual – Praça das Flores, 45 – Tel. – 21 390 91 96
Cozinheira do Alfaiate – Beco do Melo – Tel. – 21 887 80 04
D'Avis – R. do Grilo, 96 – 98 – Tel. – 21 968 13 54
Delhi Palace – R. da Padaria, 18 – Tel. – 21 888 42 03
Doca de Santo – Doca de Sto. Amaro – Tel. – 21 396 35 35
Doca 6 – Doca de Sto. Amaro, Armazém 6 – Tel. – 21 95 79 05
Dois Arcos – R. dos Douradores, 163 – Tel. – 21 887 96 89
Dom Garfo – R. da Lapa, 36 – Tel. – 21 395 09 40
Dom Sopas – R. da Madalena, 48 – Tel. – 21 886 62 53
Da Madalena – R. da Madalena, 62 – Tel. – 21 886 99 72
Derbi – R. Portas de Sto. Antão, 125 – Tel. – 21 346 70 89
Dona Papa – R. da Madalena – Tel. – 21 886 89 67
Dragão de Alfama – R. Guilherme Braga, 8 – Tel. – 21 886 67 37
El Gordo – R. De S. Boaventura, 16-B – Tel. – 21 886 77 37
Ena Pai – R. dos Correeiros, 180 – Tel. – 21 46 44 29
Espalha Brasas – Doca de Sto. Amaro Armz 12 – Tel. – 21 396 20 59
Espelho d'Água – Avenida de Brasília, – 1200 Lisboa – Tel. – 21 301 73 73
Estrela da Sé – Lg. Stº. António da Sé, 4 – Tel. – 21 887 04 55
Estrela do Minho – R. dos Bacalhoeiros, 137 – Tel. – 21 886 96 26
Fidalgo – R. da Barroca, 27,31 – Tel. – 21 342 29 00
Farah's Tandoori – R. de Santana à Lapa, 73 B – Tel. – 21 390 92 19
Farinelli – Rocha Conde de Óbidos, Armazém 114 – Tel. – 21 390 01 11
Flor da Sé – Lg. de Santo António, 10 – Tel. – 21 887 57 42
Flor dos Arcos – Lg. do Chafariz de Dentro, 11/12 – Tel. – 21 886 73 55
Floresta do Mirante – R. do Mirante, 53 A – Tel. – 218134908
Flu-Fla – R. Sto. António, 1 – Tel. – 21 887 62 23
Forno Velho – R. do Salitre, 42 – Tel. – 21 353 37 06
Frei Papinhas – R. D.Francisco Manuel de Melo, 32 A – – Tel. – 21 385 87 57
Galera – R. dos Bacalhoeiros, 24 D – Tel. – 21 87 24 89
Grill D. Fernando – R. Castilho, 11 – Tel. – 21 314 24 96
Grill Passarola – Av. dos Combatentes – Tel. – 21 726 40 54
Jardim do Marisco – Doca do Jardim do Tabaco – Tel. – 21 882 42 42
Já Sei – Avenida Brasília, 202 – Tel. – 21 301 91 62
João do Grão – R. dos Correeiros, 220 – Tel. – 21 342 47 57
Joshua's Shoarma Grill – Jardim do Tabaco – Tel. – 21 460 09 34
Kashmir – R. Dr. Barros Gama, 15-B – Tel. – 21 849 41 13
La Brasserie de L'Entrecôte – R. do Alecrim, 119 342 83 43
Lanterna Verde – R. S. João da Praça, 45 – Tel. – 21 888 45 09 – (Fados)
La Valentina – R. dos Bacalhoeiros, 4 A – Tel. – 21 886 98 60
La Trattoria – R. da Artilharia Um, 79 – – Tel. – 21 385 30 43
Lautasco – Beco do Azinhal, 7 – Tel. – 21 886 01 73
Lua Dourada – R. dos Armeiros, 21 – Tel. – 21 887 48 48
Lugre – R. dos Bacalhoeiros, 26A – Tel. – 21 887 08 54
Maçã Verde – R. Caminhos-de-ferro, 84 – Tel. – 21 886 87 80
Malandrice – R. João Freitas Branco, 40 – Tel. – 21 726 56 54
Mão de Ferro – R. da Padaria, 12 e 14 – Tel. – 21 886 94 51
Marisqueira Cais do Sodré – R. da Cintura, Armazém A – Tel. – 21 342 21 05
Marisqueira Popular – R. dos Correeiros, 207 – Tel. – 21 342 11 62
Marítima das Colunas – Lg. Chafariz de Dentro, 16 e 17 – Tel. – 21 886 48 57
Martinho da Arcada – Praça do Comércio – Tel. – 21 886 62 13
Matola do Rio – Trav. do Almargem, 4 – A 888 26 34
Massima Culpa – R. da Atalaia, 35 – Tel. – 21 342 01 21
Mercado de Sta. Clara – Campo de Sta. Clara – Tel. – 21 887 39 86
Mercado do Peixe – Estrada de Pedro Teixeira – Tel. – 213636942
Mesón del Asador – Doca Jardim do Tabaco – Tel. – 21 887 71 56
Minhoto – Trav . Terreiro do Trigo, 8/8 A – Tel. – 218865491
Mirante – R. do Mirante, 45 – Tel. – 21 414 34 54
Moderna – R. dos Correeiros, 230 – Tel. – 21 342 85 80
Monsanto – R. dos Condes de Monsanto, 1 A – Tel. – 21 887 20 63
Morgadinha da Estefânia – R. D. Estefânia, 95 – Tel. – 21 354 23 51
Muito Bom – Av. Santos Dumont, 63 – Tel. – 21 7976965
Nariz de Vinho Tinto – R. do Conde, 75 – Tel. – 21 395 30 35
Natrj – Av. Da Igreja, 65 – Tel. – 21 797 38 88
Nau S. Gabriel – Praça Ilha do Faial, 6 – Tel. – 21 353 33 62
Nova Europa – Estrada de Benfica, 287 – Tel. – 21 774 17 76
Novo Bonsai – R. da Rosa, 248 – Tel. – 213462515
O Aviz das A – Amoreiras Shop, lj 2058 – Tel. – 213851888
O Beco – R. de S. Miguel, 87 – Tel. – 21 887 49 14 (Fados)
O Bem Prado – R. Gilberto Rola, 2 – Tel. – 21 393 01 24
O Bomdia – R. da Misericórdia, 78 – Tel. – 21 354 13 39
O Cabacinha – Lg do Limoeiro, 9 – Tel. – 21 888 46 70
O Cacilheiro – Cais da Rocha do Conde de Óbidos – Tel. – 21 397 96 39
O Cantinho do Museu – R. Caminhos de Ferro, 136 – Tel. – 21 886 91 34
O "118" – R. da Cruz de Sta. Apolónia, – Tel. – 21 812 91 09
O Cofre – R. dos Bacalhoeiros, 2C e D – Tel. – 21 886 89 35
OFazFigura – R. do Paraíso, 15 B – Tel. – 21 86 89 81
O Fernando – R. dos Bacalhoeiros, 103 – Tel. – 21 887 87 55
O Fumeiro – R. da Conceição da Glória, 25 – Tel. – 21 347 42 03
O Funil – Av. Elias Garcia, 82 – A – Tel. – 21 796 60 77
O Guedes – Terminal Contentores Alcântara, 80 – Cais da Rocha – Tel. – 21 395 56 49
O Lugre - – R. dos Bacalhoeiros, 26 – Tel. – 21 – Tel. – 21 887 08 54
O Madeirense – Amoreiras Shop Center – Tel. – 21 381 31 47
O Muni – R. dos Correeiros, 177 – Tel. – 21 342 89 82
Nau S. Gabriel – Pç. Ilha do Faial, 6 – Tel. – 21 353 33 62
O Nobre – R. das Mercês, 71 A – Tel. – 21 363 38 27
O Nosso Lar – R. dos Remédios, 83 – Tel. – 21 886 93 72
O Novo da Conceição Velha – R. da Alfândega, 98 – Tel. – 21 887 29 93
Número 1 – R. D. Francisco Manuel de Melo, 44 – Tel. – 21 383 14 71
O Paraíso da Calçada – Calçada do Forte, 26 – Tel. – 21 886 86 09
O Pereira de Alfama – R. Guilherme Braga, 22 – Tel. – 21 887 72 99 (Fados)
O Polícia – Av. Conde Valbom, 125 – Tel. – 21 796 35 05
Pabe – R. Duque de Palmela, 27 – Tel. – 21 353 56 75
Painel de Alcântara – R. do Arco, 7/13 Alcântara – Tel. – 21 396 59 20
Palmeirinha do Bar – R. da Conceição, 32 – Tel. – 21 87 91 54
Pap'Açorda – R. da Atalaia, 5 – Tel. – 21 346 48 11
Papagaio da Serfina – Pq. Recreativo da Serafina – Tel. – 21 774 28 88
Parreirinha de Alfama – Beco do Espírito Santo, 1 – Tel. – 21 886 82 09 (Fados)
Parreirinha de S. Vicente – Cç. de S. Vicente, 54 – Tel. – 21 886 88 93
Parreirinha do Rato – Lg. do Rato, 11 – Tel. – 21 385 64 36
Páteo do Colombo – C. Colombo , Lj. 20081 – Tel. – 21 711 11 51
Páteo 13 – Calçada de Sto. Estêvão, 13 – Tel. – 218882325
Patrono – Lg. Chafariz de Dentro, 20 – Tel. – 21 886 88 87
Pirilampo – R. dos Sapateiros, 170 - – Tel. – 21 346 16 12
Pizza Pazza – R. Portas de Sto. Antão, 42 – Tel. – 213424188
Praça da Sé – Trav. do Almargem , 4 – Tel. – 218869069 (Fados)
1º DE JANERO – R. S. João da Praça, 13 – Tel. – 21886278
Pastelaria Mexicana – Av. Guerra Junqueiro, 30 – Tel. – 21 848 61 17
Pastelaria Suiça – Pç. D. Pedro IV, 100 – Tel. – 21 342 40 90
Panorâmico – R. Castilho, 169 – Tel. – 213882161
Parreirinha do Rato – Lg. do Rato, 11 – Tel. – 213856436
Pasta Caffé – Doca Sto. Amaro, Armazém 11 – Tel. – 21 397 96 08
Páteo Alfacinha – R. do Guarda Jóias,44 – Tel. – 21 364 21 71
Pessoa – R. dos Douradores, 190 – Tel. – 213874250
Porcão - Cintura do Porto de Lisoa – Santos – Tel. – 21 397 53 58
Príncipe do Calhariz – Calçada do Combro, 28 – Tl. – 213420971
1º de Maio – R. da Atalaia, 8 – Tel. – 21 342 68 40
Quinta dos Frades – R. Luís de Freitas Branco, 5-D – Tel. – 21 759 89 80
Rama Yana – R. Marcos de Portugal, 2 – Tel. – 21 395 04 75
"Retiro del Castilho" – R. da Padaria, 34 – Tel. – 21 887 26 49
Rodrigues e Valinho – R. de S. João da Praça , 33 – Tel. – 21 886 96 85
Rosa dos Mares – R. de Belém, 110 – Tel. – 21 364 92 75
Roseiral – Jardim Zoológico – Tel. – 21 726 02 59
Saddle Room – Prç . José Fontana, 17 C – Tel. – 21 3523157
Salsa Latina – Gare Marítima de Alcântara – Tel. – 21 395 05 05
Santa Luzia – Miradouro de Santa Luzia – Tel. – 21 886 39 68
Santo António – R. dos Bacalhoeiros, 133 – Tel. – 21 887 08 77
Santo António de Alfama – Beco de S. Miguel, 7 – Tel. – 218881328
Sandokan – R. dos Caminhos de Ferro, 90 B 7 – Tel. – 218864372
S. Caetano – R. S. Caetano, 27 – Tel. – 21 397 47 92
São Jerónimo – R. dos Jerónimos, 12 – Tel. – 213648796
S. Miguel D'Alfama – R. S. Miguel, 9-15 – Tel. – 218869170
Ser – Veja – Ria – Av. João XXI, 80-C – Tel. – 796 19 90
7 Mares – Doca de Santo Amaro – Armazém 3 – Tel. – 21 395 11 24
Sinal Vermelho – R. das Gáveas, 89 – Tel. – 21 346 12 52
Solar dos Nunes – R. dos Lusíadas, 68 - – Tel. – 213647359
Solar dos Bicos – R. dos Bacalhoeiros, 8 A – Tel. – 218869447
Solar do Vez – Campo das Cebolas, 48 – Tel. – 218870794
Sol e Mar – R. da Alfândega, 92 – Tel. – 218873503
Spazio Evazione – Av. Brasília – Tel. – 21 362 42 32
Sr. Peixe – Parque das Nações - Tel – 21 3888406
Sua Excelência – R. do Conde, 34 – Tel. – 21 3903614
Tágide – Lg Academia das Belas Artes, 18 – Tel. – 21 342 07 20
Tapadinha – Calçada da Tapadinha, 41 – A – Tel. – 21 3640482
Tasquinha da Adelaide – R. do Patrocínio, 70 – Tel. – 213962239
Tavares Rico – R. da Misericórdia, 35 – Tel. – 21 342 11 12
Taverna Imperial – Pç . dos Restauradores, 16 – Tel. – 21 346 94 91
Taberna do Julião – Lg. Do Peneireiro – 5 – 5 A – Tel. – 218872271
Taverna D'el Rei - Lg. Do Chafariz de Dentro, 14 – Tel. – 218876754
Taverna do Embuçado – Beco dos Curtumes, 10 – Tel. – 218865088 (Fados)
Taverna do Obélix – R. António Saúde, 3 – Tel. – 21 778 58 79
Telepizza – R. Portas de Sto. Antão, 41 – Tel. – 0808200031
Tertúlia do Tejo – Doca de Sto. Amaro, Pav. 4 – Tel. – 21 395 55 52
Tolan – R. dos Remédios, 134/136 – Tel. – 218872234
Trevo da Madalena, 64 – Tel. – 218869972
Tunel d'Alfama – R. dos Remédios, 132 – Tel. – 218865545
Tun Fon – Av. Fontes Pereira de Melo, 6-C - – Tel. – 213577685
Ultramar – R. de S. Julião, 74 – Tel. – 21 887 96 46
Unidos do Minho –R. dos Correeiros, 215 – Tel. – 213421597
Varanda de Lisboa –Rua Dom Duarte, 4 – Tel. – 218863101
Verdemar – R. Portas de Sto Antão, 142 – Tel. – 21 346 44 01
Versailles – Av. República, 15 A – Tel. – 213546340
Vila Graça – R. Damasceno Monteiro, 0 –B – Tel. – 218870830
Via Latina – Doca do Bom Sucesso – Tel. – 21 301 71 18
Vossamercê – R. dos Correeiros, 216 – Tel. – 213466572
XL – Calçada da Estrela, 57 – Tel. – 21 395 61 18
York House – A Confraria – R. J Verdes, 32-1º. – Tel. – 213962435
Zé do Ferro – Calçada da Pampulha, 31 – Tel. – 213960015
Zonadoca – Doca de Sto. Amaro – Armazém 7 A – Tel. – 21 397 20 10
Zeno – Doca de Sto. Amaro – Armazém 15 – Tel. – 21397 39 48
Suppose you continue unhappy after this lot of fanned restaurants out, and prefer to do your own meal, nothing better than to apply to the Cozinhomania, R. 4 de Infantaria , 35 and prepare your own plate attended by accredited cook. Don't forget to call before as there are a lot of people craving for an entrance in the culinary secrets. Here is the telephone number: 213860820
(for alphabetical order)
A Choupana – Av. Marginal – 5579 – S. João do Estoril – Tel. 21 468 30 99
Albatroz – R. Frederico Arouca, 100 – Cascais – Tel. 21 483 28 21
Eduardos – Largo das Grutas, 3 – Cascais – Tel. 21 483 19 01
Hotel Estoril Sol Grill – Parque Palmela – Cascais – Tel. 21 483 22 73
João Padeiro – R. Visconde da Luz, 12 – Cascais – Tel. 21 483 02 32
Mónaco – Avenida Marginal – Caxias – Paço de Arcos – Tel. 21 443 23 39
O Pereira – R. da Bela Vista, 92 – Tel. 21 483 12 15
O Pipas – Rua das Flores, 18 – Tel. 21 486 45 01
O Pescador – R. das Flores, 10 B – Cascais – Tel. 21 483 20 54
Porto de Santa Maria – Praia do Guincho – Cascais – Tel. 21 487 02 40
(for alphabetical order)
Adraga – Praia da Adraga – Almoçageme – Tel. 219280028
Alcobaça - R. das Padarias, 7 – Sintra – 219231651
Apeadeiro – Av. Miguel Bombarda, 3 – Sintra – Tel. 21 923 18 04
A Tasca do Manel – Lg . Dr. Vergílio Horta, 5 - Sintra – Tel. 21 923 02 15
Barrete Saloio – R. Luís de Camões, 28 – Bucelas Tel. 219644004
Caneira – Av. Gl. Barnabé A. Ferreira – Negrais – Pêro Pinheiro – Tel. 219670905
Cantinho da Paparoca – R. da Biquinha, 5 – Sintra – Tel. 96 2635474
Casa da Avó – R. Visconde de Monserrate, 46 – Sintra – Tel. 21 923 12 80
Cintália – Lg. Afonso de Albuquerque, 2 – Tel. 21 924 22 99
Cozinha Velha – Palácio Nacional de Queluz – Queluz – Tel. 214356158
L'Oxirás – Av. Adriano Júlio Coelho – Sintra – Tel. 219241672
O Tunel – R. João de Deus, 86 – Tel. 21 923 13 86
Parreirinha – R. João de Deus, 45 – Sintra – Tel. 21 923 12 07
Pátio do Garrett – R. Maria Eugénia Reis F. Navarro, 7 – Sintra – Tel. 21 92 433 80
Tacho Real – R. da Ferraria, 4 – Sintra – Tel. 21 923 52 77
Xintara – R. Visconde de Monserrate, 48/50 – Sintra – Tel. 21 924 42 71
(for alphabetical order)
Aldeia Gallega – R. Conde Paçô Vieira – Tel. 21 232 21 25
A Casa do Pescador – R. Agost. Fortes, 22 – Tel. 21 231 21 24
Atasca – R. da Cruz – Tel. 21 2302968
A Forja – R. José Joaquim Marques, 155 – Tel. 21 2132 27
A fragata – Av. João XXIII – Tel. 21 231 33 74
A Lota do Peixe – R. Dr. António Oliv. Feio, 15 – Tl. 21 232 09 10
A Nossa Adega – R. Joaquim Marques, 132 – Tel. 21 230 34 95
A Pontinha – Av. Dos Pescadores, 40 – Tel. 21 230 15 31
Bela Pizza – R. do Baixo Alentejo, 13 – Tel. 21 231 52 03
Bom Sucesso – Av. Dos Pescadores, 95 – Tel. 21 231 39 09
Delfos – R. das Papoilas, 344 – Tel. 21 230 16 17
Dom Jorge – R. D. Jorge Mestre Santiago, 6 – Tel. 21 231 21 84
Estrela do Norte – R. Miguel Bombarda, 15 – Tel. 21 231 15 20
Gilson – Praceta da Cidade de Braga, 101 – Tel. 21 231 52 56
Happy Burger – R. das Papoilas, 366 – Tel. 21 231 04 75
Ilhéu – R. Sacadura Cabral, 59 – Tel. 21 231 47 36
Imperial – R. José Joaquim Marques, 114 – Tel. 21 231 03 88
Marítimo – R. Cidade de Évora, 78 – Tel. 21 231 70 80
Montiagri - Av. de Olivença – Tel. 21 231 35 84
Nascer do Sol – Av. Corregedor Rod. Dias, 1 – Tel. 21 231 17 88
O Catraio – R. Manuel Neves N. de Almeida – Tel. 21 231 05 68
Octávius – R. do Hospital – Tel. 21 230 28 50
O Grilo – R. José Joaquim de Almeida – Tel. 21 231 25 96
O Lavrador – R. Eça de Queiróz – Tel. 21 231 32 02
O Marquês – R. José Ferreira Pio, 26 B – Tel. 21 230 29 04
O Pescador - Av. dos Pescadores, 132 – Tel. 21 230 29 61
O Taipinhas – R. das Taipas, 10 C – Tel. 21 231 76 61
O Veleiro – Traseiras da R. Sacadura Cabral, 3 – Tel. 21 23222577
Paraiso – Av. dos Pescadores, 56 - – Tel. 21 230 03 58
Sempre em Festa –R. Almirante C. dos Reis, 128 – Tel. 21 231 20 82
Tá na Hora – R. Miguel Pais, 57 – Tel. 21 232 08 03
Tasca da Avenida – Av. dos Pescadores, 67 – Tel. 21231 26 79
Tas'coela – R. Gago Coutinho, 113 – Tel. 21 231 13 40
Ti Maria e Lucas – R. Miguel Bombarda, 10 – Tel. 21 232 1971
Victor – Largo da Caldeira, 5 – Tel. 21 232 13 88
Lisbon is a reliquary of millennial culture with organisms sowed through the city and always giving fruits all over the year. Here you'll find: The museums, the libraries, the theatres, the movies, the gardens, the belvederes and the academies.
In case of doubts you can make a call.
Write the book keeping us company.
To contemplate Lisbon from a towering point is to contemplate the temple of the love.
I remind you some of the points:
Alto da Serafina - Parque Florestal de Monsanto - Bus 24
Graça - Largo da Graça - Tram 28
Ascensor de Sta. Justa - R. de Santa Justa - Metro Baixa-Chiado
Penha de França - Largo da Penha de França - Bus 107
Santa Luzia - Lgo das Portas do Sol - Tram 28 and Bus 37
Santa Catarina -Alto de Santa Catarina - Tram 28 and Ascensor da Bica
R. S. Pedro de Alcântara - Bus 58, 100; Tram 24, Elevador da Glória
Senhora do Monte - R. da Senhora do Monte à Graça - Tram 28
Parque Eduardo VII - Pç. Marquês de Pombal - Buses:1-2-11-12-18-20-21-22-23-27-31-32-36-38-41-42-44-45-46-48-49-51-53-75-83-90-91-101; Tram 24; Metro: Rotunda and Parque
Jardim da Estrela (Guerra Junqueiro) - Largo da Estrela - Buses: 9-20-22-27-38; Trams: 24-25
Jardim Zoológico - Estrada de Benfica - Buses: 15-16-16 C-26-31-31A-41-46-54-55-58-63-68; Metro: Sete Rios
Jardim do Príncipe Real (França Borges) - Praça do Príncipe Real - Buses: 15-58-100; Trams: 24-25
Jardim Botânico da Faculdade de Ciências - R. da Escola Politécnica - Buses: 15-58-100
Jardim da Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian - Av. de Berna - Buses: 16-18-26-31-41-42-46-51-56 - Tram: 24; Metro: S. Sebastião-Palhavã
Jardim Braamcamp Freire - Campo Mártires da Pátria - Buses: 23-03-100; Elevador : Lavra
Jardim do Castelo de S. Jorge - Castelo de S. Jorge - Bus 37; Trams 12-28
Jardim Henrique Lopes de Mendonça - Pç. José Fontana - Buses: 20-22-27-30-32-53. Metro
Jardim Alfredo Keil - Praça da Alegria - Buses: 1-2-9-11-15-21-31-32-36-39-41-44-45-46-58-90-100; Trams: 24-25 - Metro : Avenida
Jardim Afonso de Albuquerque - Pç. Afonso de Albuquerque - Buses:14-27-28-29-43-49-51 - Tram: 15
Jardim Botânico da Ajuda - Calçada da Ajuda - Buses: 14-27-29-32-42-60.
Jardim Boto Machado - Campo de Santa Clara - Buses: 12-35-107 - Tram: 28
Jardim do Campo Grande - Campo Grande - Buses: 12-35-107
Quinta das Conchas - Alameda das Linhas de Torres - Buses: 1-7-7A-17B-36
Mata de Alvalade -Av. Almirante Gago Coutinho - Buses: 5-8-10-19-21-22-31-44-45-50-55-57-68-83-103.
Mata da Madre de Deus -Largo da Madre de Deus -Buses: 42-59
Parque Florestal de Monsanto - Serra de Monsanto -Buses: 11-14-23-24-29-43-48.
Of the 74 or 75 more significant green spaces, I leave you a dozen and a half, a part of the whole they represent. Take advantage of them and breathe long and soundly.
Casa dos Bicos - R. dos Bacalhoeiros - Buses: 9-25-25A-28-35-39-39A-46-59-90-104-105-107.
Igreja da Conceição Velha - R. da Alfândega - Buses: 1-2-7-9-11-13-14-25-25A-28-32-35-39-39A-40-43-44-45-46-59-60-80-81-83-90-100-104-105-107; Trams: 15-17-18.
Convento do Carmo - Largo do Carmo - Buses: 15-100 - Trams: 24-25-28 Elevador: Santa Justa
Sé Patriarcal - Largo da Sé - Bus: 37 – Tram – 28
Castelo de S.Jorge - R. de Sta Cruz do Castelo - Bus: 37 - Trams – 12-28
Igreja de S. Vicente de Fora - Largo de S. Vicente - Bus:12 -Tram:28
Igreja de Sta. Engrácia -Campo de Santa Clara - Buses: 12-35-107
Igreja de S. Roque - Lg. Trindade Coelho - Buses: 15-100-24-25 - Elevador da Glória
Basílica da Estrela - Pç . da Estrela - Buses: 9-20-22-27-38; Trams: 25-28.
Aqueduto das Águas Livres - Calçada da Quintinha - Buses: 2-13-56.
Mosteiro dos Jerónimos - Pç. do Império Buses:27-28-29-43-49-51 - Tram: 15
Centro Cultural de Belém - Buses:27-28-29-43-49-51 - Tram: 15
Padrão dos Descobrimentos - Av. Brasília -Buses: 27-28-29-43-49-51; Tram 15
Torre de Belém - Torre de S.Vicente de Belém - Buses: 29-43
Palácio da Ajuda -Largo da Ajuda - Autocarros: 14-32-42-60 -Tram: 18
Palácio dos Marqueses de Fronteira - Lg . S. Domingos de Benfica - Buses: 16-16C-46-54-58-63-68.
Palácio de S. Bento - Pç. de S. Bento -Buses: 6-13-27-49-100 - Tram: 28
In Lisbon there is no lack of libraries. They are more than eighty, not including some twenty Itinerant, with twenty Files, and forty Documentation centres more.
Nobody can complain about want for information. In Lisbon only is ignorant who wants to be it.
There is no quarter without one of these houses where, gratuitously, you can enrich the knowledge and to make the spirit dream.
I leave you, as an example, the cream of the libraries:
Arquivos Nacionais – Torre do Tombo - Tel. 21 793 72 12
Alameda da Universidade
Biblioteca Nacional -Tel. 21 789 20 00 - Campo Grande, 83
Biblioteca Municipal Central - Tel. 21 797 13 26 - Palácio das Galveias
A lot of museums are free on Sundays between 10 and 14 hours and others during the whole day. You'll find there, for sale, copies of old pieces at inviting prices.
The main ones were integrated in the text and in the circuits, but I leave you a roll and general summary for fast consultation.
Museu Antoniano - Iconography, bibliography and liturgical furnitures –
Tel. 21 757 17 25
Museu Arpad Szenes / Vieira da Silva - The two painters' production - Tel. 21 388 00 44
Pç. das Amoreiras, 56
Museu da Água da EPAL - Patrimony and history of the Lisbon water supply.
Tel. 21 815 36 21 - R. do Alviela, 12
Museu Dr. Anastácio Gonçalves :
19th century Portuguese painting, china, furniture, jewellery store, tapestry, glasses, bronzes, medal, coins.
Tel. 21354 08 23 – Av. 5 de Outubro, 6
Museu Calouste Gulbenkian :
Egyptian art, Greco-Roman, Far East art, of the east Islamic, European, Ornamental art.
- Tel. 21 782 30 00 - Av. de Berna, 45
Museu da Carris : Trams, buses, pictures and varied documentation about the life of
this, very organized, carrier - Tel. 21 361 30 00 – R. 1º. de Maio, 101
Museu da cidade:
The history and the evolution of the city of Lisbon Tel. 21 757 17 25 – Campo Grande, 245
Museu da Farmácia - Tel. 21 340 06 85 - R. Marechal Saldanha
Museu da Liga dos Combatentes : Matter connected with the Great War: masks, helmets, weaponry - Tel. 21 346 82 45 – R. João pereira da Rosa, 18
Museu da Marinha
Several models of ships and respective equipment. – Tel. 21 362 00 10 – Pç. do Império
Museu da Música
Interesting representative instruments of the western instrumental panorama.
Tel. 771 09 90 – R. João Freitas Branco
Museu da Rádio
Very old receivers, stricken in years clocks, that diffused the hourly signs, acetates and magnetic tools in thread and ribbon. – Tel. 21395 07 62 – R. do Quelhas, 21.
Museu das Comunicações - Permanent exhibitions of the Stamps National Collection and of the Communicating Worlds. Communications History and the new technologies.
Tel. 21 393 50 00 – R. do Instituto Industrial, 16
Museu de Cera - Characters and facts of the History of Portugal – Tl. 21 397 9095
Doca de Alcântara – Armazém 2
Museu de Ciência : Science progress through the ages - Tel. 21 392 18 08 -R. da Escola Politécnica
Museu de Electricidade : Old material of the electric headquarters of Lisbon – Tel. 21 363 16 46 – Av. Brasília.
Museu do Chiado : The expression of the Portuguese art in the 19th and 20th centuries: Romantism, Naturalism, Modernism, Neo - Realism, Surrealism, Abstraccionism, with a nucleus of French art. – Tel. 21 343 21 48 – R. Serpa Pinto, 4
Museu do Centro Centífico e Cultural de Macau - Colections from the Neolithic to the actuality. Tel. 21 361 92 56 - R. da Junqueira, 30
Museu do Design - Glasses, jewelry store, furniture, utilitarian objects
– Tel. 21 361 24 00
Museu-Escola of the Fundação Ricardo do Espírito Santo Portuguese Ornamental Arts: Furnituure, textile, jewellery, painting, ceramic and porcelain of the 16th to the 19th century - Tel. 21 888 19 91 – Lg. Portas do Sol, 2
Museu Geológico - Tertiary vertebrates, fossils of plants and reptiles, metamorphic eruptive rocks, archaeological pieces of the Palaeolithic. - Tel. 21 346 39 15 – R. Academia das Ciências.
Museu João de Deus – Stuff collection that belonged to the poet João de Deus. - Tel. 21 396 81 65 – Av. Álvares Cabral, 69
Museu Maçónico - Tel. 21 342 45 06 – R. do Grémio Lusitano, 25
Museu Mestre João da Silva – Sculpture, jewelry store, numismatic, medals. – Tel. 21 396 13 96. – R. Tenente Raul Cascais, 11
Museu Militar - Facts of the History of Portugal Collections, with many temporary exhibitions. Tel. 21 884 25 69 – Lg . do Museu de Artilharia.
Museu da Musica - Musical value instruments with interest. – 21 771 09 90 – R. João de Freitas Branco.
Museu Nacinal de Arte Antiga : Portuguese and foreign art collections between the 12 th and 19 th century. – 21 391 28 00 – R. das Janelas Verdes.
Museu Nacional do Azulejo - Exceptional centre since the 15th century till our days. - Tel. 21 814 77 47.
Museu Nacional do Teatro - pieces related with linked characters to the life art.
Museu Nacional do Traje - Clothes, textile, accessories, dolls, toys. Tel. 21 759 03 18 –
Lg. Latino Coelho
Museu Nacional dos Coches - Old carriages largest and most majestic collection all over the world and respective equipments.
Call before the visit.
Academia das Ciências de Lisboa - R. Academia das Ciências, 19 – Tel. 21 342 24 42.
Academia Portuguesa de História - Lg. da Rosa, 5 – Tel. 21 882 03 00
Palácio da Mitra – R. do Açúcar – Tel. 21 868 57 11
Areeiro – Av. De Roma. – Tel. – 21 848 67 94
Ateneu - R. Portas de Sto. Antão, 110 – Tel. 343 09 47
Campo Grande – Tel. 217957945
Olivais – Av. Dr. Francisco Luís Gomes – Tel. 21 851 46 30
Penha de França , 2 Calçada Poço dos Mouros – Tel. 21 812 50 00
Parque Eduardo VII – Tel. 213860540
Elevador da Glória - Links the Restauradores Square to Bairro Alto.
Elevador da Lavra – Links the Anunciada Square to the Mártires da Pátria Square. It is situated opposite to the Glória lift.
Elevador de Sta. Justa – Links the Santa Justa street to the Carmo Monastery.
Bica Lift – Links S. Paulo street to Bairro Alto.
Tel. 21 288 40 25
Farmácias de serviço : Tel.118
Bombeiros : Tel. 21 342 22 22
Polícia – Tel. 21 346 61 41
URGÊNCIAS (ambulâncias, bombeiros, polícia) – Tel. 112
SOS criança – Tel. 21 793 16 17
Socorro a náufragos – Tel. 21 442 75 42
Aeroporto – Tel. 21 849 43 23
Comboios – General information – Tel. 21 888 40 25
Cota Câmbios ( Everyday open besides Sunday) – Rossio 41 – Tl. 21 322 04 80
Metro – Tel. 21 350 01 15
Câmara Municipal – Tel. 21 798 80 00
Direcção Geral de Turismo – Av. António Augusto de Aguiar, 86 – Tel. 213575015
Defesa do Consumidor – Tel. 21 357 39 08
Loja do Cidadão – Tl. 808 241 107 – Tl. 21 86201 95 – Tl. 21 322 59 99
Instituto de Emprego e Formação Profissional – Tel. 21 722 70 00 – Av. José Malhoa,
Enatur – Tel. 218489070 / 218442000
Direcção Geral dos Edifícios e Monumentos Nacionais – Tel. 21 881 70 00 – Pç.
do Comércio, Ala Oriental
Casa Pia – Tel. 21 362 00 66 – Av. do Restelo, 1
Santa Casa da Misericórdia – Tel. 21 323 50 00 – Lg. Trindade Coelho
Câmara de Comércio e Indústria Portuguesa – Tel. 213427179 – R. Portas de Santo
Antão, 89
Ordem dos Advogados – Lg. S. Domingos, 14, 1º. – Tel. 218863614
In Lisbon there are countless chemist's. In case of being closed, night or day, they have in the door the indication of the pharmacy which is in service. In what concerns hospitals, you can appeal:
S. José - Tel. - 21 884 10 00
Santa Maria – Tel.21 790 1200
Estefânia - Tel. – 21312 66 00
Pulido Valente - Tel. – 217548000
Santa Marta - Tel. – 21 359 40 00
Hospital Britânico , R. Saraiva de Carvalho, 49 – Tel. – 213955067 /- Tel. – 21 3976329
Secretariado Nacional de Reabilitação – R. Conde de Valbom, 63 – Tel. – 21- 217936517 Fax. 217965182
R. Eugénio Salvador, Lt. R – 4 Lj A – Tel. – 21 716 29 69
CAT - TAIPAS – Taipas, 20 – Tel. – 213240870
CAT - XABREGAS – Xabregas, 62 - – Tel. – 218610470
CAT - RESTELO – Av. do Restelo, 36 – Tel. – 213030600 Fax. 213424094
Whether you'll forget or lose some personal object, try the luck in Prç. Cidade Salazar, Lote 180 r/c - Olivais Sul. Tel. 218535403.
Lost objects in the Underground Railway: tel. 21 342 77 07 Metro Marquês de Pombal.
The police have a personal department to assist tourists' complaints.
Governo Civil de Lisboa – R. Capelo, 13 (ao Chiado)
Tel.21 314 31 12 / 2171552 68
Aeroporto de Lisboa - Tel. 21 841 37 00
T A P – Air Portugal – 218416990
Air France – Tel. 21 7900202
Alitalia – Tel. 213536141
British Airways – Nº verde
Iberia – Tel. – 213558119
KLM – Tel. – 218476354
LADA – Tel. – 217932701
Lufthansa – Tel. – 213573852
Sabena – Tel. – 213465572
SAS – Tel. – 213473061
Sata – Tel. – 213539511
Swissair – Tel. – 213471111
TWA – Tel. – 213147141
VARIG – Tel. – 213539153
ACP (avarias ) – Tl. – 219425095
BRISA (Autoestradas ) – Tel. – 214448500
ANTRAL (Taxis) – General information: 21 357 39 08
Autocoope – Tel. – 21793 27 56
Centtures – Tel. – 21 483 60 30
Rádio Táxis - – Tel. – 21 811 90 00
Retalis – Tel. – 218155061
Táxis Lisboa – Tel. – 21 356 38 31
Teletáxis – Tel. – 21 811 10 00
Unidos de Lisboa – Tel. – 218147353
Alamo – Tel. 21 793 27 56
Auto Jardim– Tel. 218462916
Avis rent-a-car– Tel. 21346 26 76
Budget – Tel. 21 994 24 02
Eurodollar – Tel. 219405240
Eurocar – Tel. 21 940 77 90
Guerin – Tel. 213882724
Hertz – Tel. 213557301
Paneuropa – Tel. 21 356 34 01
Tupi – Tel. 217971377
Alfa Romeu – Tel. 21 915 81 00
B.M.W. – Tel. 21 940 76 50
Citröen – Tel. 21 353 41 31
Daihatsu – Tel. 21 387 81 31
Fiat – Tel. 21 388 51 51
Honda – Tel. 21 915 00 54
Hyuandai – Tel. 21 854 11 33
Lãncia – Tel. 21 388 51 51
Mercedes – Tel. 21 915 10 10
Nissan – Tel. 21 854 11 33
Opel – Tel. 21 440 75 00
Peugeot – Tel. 21 416 66 11
Porsche – Tel. 21 352 32 71
Renault – Tel. 21 836 10 00
Rover – Tel. 21 940 60 00
Saab – Tel. 21 956 49 00
Seat – Tel. 21 445 56 60
Subaru – Tel. 21 854 11 33
Suzuki – Tel. 21 956 49 00
Toyota – Tel. 21 940 76 00
Volvo – Tel. 21 353 95 91
Gesrent – Tel. 213852722
Abreu – Tel. 21 415 63 40
Cityrama – Tel. 21 3558569
Grayline – Tel. 213522594
Miltours – Tel. 21 392 03 69
Portugal Tours – Tl. 213160399
Transtejo – Tel. 218875058 / 89
Express Buses Network - Buses for the whole country and abroad - Tel. 21 354 54
39 - Av. Casal Ribeiro, 18 (Arco Cego) Metro
Renex – Rede de Expressos para Norte e Sul – Tel. 218874864
Belos – Vila Fresca, Azeitão – Tel. 217264415
Barraqueiros – Campo Grande, 5 – Tel. 217951447
Praiamar Expresso – Campo Grande, 30 – Tel. 217974600
Stagecoach – R. Capitão Rey Vilar, 383, Avide – Tel. 21 483 20 55
Santa Apolónia – (trips for the center and north of Portugal) – Tel. 21 888 40 25
Barreiro (trips towards south: Alentejo, Algarve) - Tel. 212073028
Cais do Sodré (trips on the Estoril railway, Cascais) – Tel. 21 347 01 81
Rossio (trips on the Sintra railway) – Tel. 21 343 37 47
Transtejo - Tel. 21 882 03 48 – Fax – 21 882 03 65
Almeida Navarro – R. da Palma, 256 (Almirante Reis)
Miranda e Ferrão – Av. António Serpa, 22 (Campo Pequeno)
MOBIL – Av. Almirante Gago Coutinho (Areeiro)
PRAÇA DO COMÉRCIO – It is open from Monday to Friday from 8.30 a. m. to 18.30 p. m. Here you can receive your mail since it is sent with the mention POSTA RESTANTE , Central dos Correios , Praça do Comércio 1100 Lisboa.
International Informations - Praça dos Restauradores, 177
Airport – Tel. 21 843 50 50
In the Park of the Nations, in the Pavilion of the Knowledge, you'll have free Internet, but if you do not intend to move that side you'll have at your disposal the Ciber paid.
Ciber Chiado – Largo do Picadeiro, 10 s/l Tl. 213466722
Ciber 25 – Teatro Taborda, Costa do Castelo, 75 Tl. 21 886 57 86
Espaço Ágora – R. Cintura, armazém. Tel. 21 394 01 70
Forum Picoas – Av. Fontes Pereira de Melo – Tel.213522292
Net Lisboa Café – R. Pe. Francisco, 24 , 24 Tel. 21397 18 24
Planet Megastore – Av. da República, 41B Tel. 21792 8 100
The great majority of the telephonic cabins works with telephonic cards or multibanco cards. There are cabins of coins too but that is not advisable for the foreigner due to the great number of coins to be used. You can rent a portable telephone: Tels. 213870808 or 218464033; You have the Oni, tel. 800221050, Jazztell, tel. 800301030, Interoute, tel. 213191900, Novis, Tel. 808211010, card. Go banana and Portugal Telecom, tel. 215002000 cards yet.
Associação Portuguesa de Tradutores – R. de Ceuta 4b, Garagem 5 – Linda – a – Velha Tel. 214198255
Rota das Letras - translater - Publishers - R. dos Bacalhoeiros, 24 – 1º. Esq. Tel. 2188221288 Fax 218821291
Armazéns do Chiado - The culture has discount with a small card. – R. do Crucifixo, 103 – Tl. 21 322 18 00
Diário de Notícias - Av. da Liberdade, 266 – Tel. 21 318 75 00
Correio da Manhã - Av. João Crisóstomo, 72 – Tel. 21 318 52 00
Público – R. Agostinho Neto, Lt 6 – Tel. 21 750 10 00
Expresso - R. Duque de Palmela, 37 – Tel. – Tel. 21 311 40 00
Independente - R. António Pedro, 111 – 2º. – Tel. 21 311 85 01
Semanário - Sacadura Cabral, 26 – Tel. 21 415 79 00
A Bola - Tv . da Queimada, 23-2º. – Tel. 21 346 39 81
O Jogo - R. Tenente Espanca, 35 – 5º. – Tel. 21 795 21 17
Record - Tv. dos Inglesinhos, 3 –1º – Tel. 21 321 49 00
RÁDIO RENASCENÇA – R. E. Capelo, 5 – 2º. – Tel. 21 323 92 00
R.D.P . – Av. Eng. Duarte Pacheco, 5 – Tel. 21 388 42 34
Rádio Capital – Av. Óscar M. Torres, 11, 3º.~
R.T.P. – Av. 5 de Outubro, 197 - – Tel. 21 794 60 00
S. I . C. - Estrada Outorela 2795 – Carnaxide – Tel. 21 417 95 50
Lisbon Sport Club – Tel.21 431 00 77
Club de Campo de Aroeira – Tel. 21 297 13 14
Quinta da Beloura – Tel. 21 924 00 21
Monsanto Camping Municipal Park: Tel. 21 76 231 05. Bus 43
Portuguese Federation of Camping and Caravanning – General information. Tel. 21 812 69 00. Fax. 21 762 31 00.
Bus 43, 50
R. Andrade Corvo, 46 Tel. 213532696 – Metro : Picoas
Associação de Pouadas de Juventude - General information and booking.
Tel. 21 313 88 20 – fax 21 352 86 21, Av . Duque d'Ávila, 137.
Av. Sta. Joana Princesa, 10 – Tel. 21 844 20 01
Abep – Praça dos Restauradores – Tel.21347 58 24
Carpediam – Tel. 21303 13 70
Discoteca Bimotor – Amoreiras Shopping , loja 2044 - Tel.213831133
Fnac – Centro Comercial Colombo
Roma Megastore – Av. da República, 62 – Tel. – Tel. 21 346 03 09
Ticket Line – Centro Comercial Vasco da Gama – Tl. 218919898
Valentim de Carvalho – R. do Carmo, 28 – Tel. 21324 15 70
Virgin Megastore – Pç. dos Restauradores, 17 – Tl. 213460309
ABERTO – Pç de Espanha – Tel. 21 797 09 69
CORNUCÓPIA – Ten Raul Cascais – Tel. 21 396 15 15
DONA MARIA II – Pç D. Pedro IV – Tel. 21 347 22 46
MARIA MATOS – Av. Frei Miguel Contreiras, 52 – Tel. 21 849 70 07
POLITEAMA – R. Portas de Sto. Antão, 109 – Tel. 21 343 03 27
SÃO CARLOS – R. Serpa Pinto, 9 – Tel. 21 346 84 08
SÃO LUÍS – R. António Maria Cardoso, 40 – Tel. 21 346 12 60
TRINDADE – R, Nova da Trindade – Tel. 21 342 32 00
VILLARET – Av. Fontes Pereira de Melo, 30 – Tel. 213538586
ALVALADE – Av. de Roma, 100 – Tl.21 849 76 821
AMOREIRAS – Av. Engº. Duarte Pacheco – Tel. 213831275
CINEMATECA PORTUGUESA – R. Barata Salgueiro – Tel. 21 354 60 85
EUROPA – R. Francisco Metrass, 28 – Tel. 21 396 00 70
LONDRES – Av. Roma, 7 – Tel. 21 840 13 13
MONUMENTAL – Av. Praia da Vitória, 71– Tel. 21 353 18 56
NIMAS –Av. 5 de Outubro, 42 – Tel. 21 357 43 62
QUARTETO – R. Flores de Lima, 16 – Tel. 21 797 13 78
SÃO JORGE –Av. da Liberdade, 175 – Tel. 21 357 91 44
Adega Machado – R. do Norte, 91– Tel. 21 322 46 40
Adega Mesquita – R. do Diário de Notícias, 107 – Tel. 21 321 92 80
Adega do Ribatejo – R. Diário de Notícias, 23– Tel. 213468343
Arcadas do Faia – R. da Barroca, 54 – Tel. 213426742
A Severa – R. das Gáveas, 51 – Tel. 21 342 83 14
A Taverna D'el Rei – Lg. Do Chafariz de Dentro, 14 – 15 – Tel. 21 887 67 54
Clube do Fado – R. S. João da Praça 92 – 94 – Tel. 218852704
Cristal - Travessa da Queimada, 9 – Tel. 213426787
Fado Nó Nó – R. do Norte, 47– Tel. 213429989
Faia – R. da Barroca, 54-56– Tel. 21 343 67 42
Forte Dom Rodrigo – R. de Birre, 961 – Tel. 21 487 13 73
Lisboa à Noite – R. das Gáveas, 69 – Tel. 21 346 02 22
Luso – Travessa da Queimada,10 – Tel. 21 342 22 81
Nonô – R. do Norte, 47 – 49 – Tel. 21 886 79 22
O Canto do Camões – Tv. da Espera, 38 – Tel. 21 346 54 64
O Forcado - R. da Rosa, 221 – Tel. 21 346 85 79
Parreirinha de Alfama – Beco do Espírito Santo, 1 – Tel. 21 886 82 09
Os Ferreiras – R. S. Lázaro, 150 – Tel. 21885 08 51
Solar do Fado – R. Cç. da Memória, 57 A – Tel. 21 346 44 51
Sr. Vinho – R. do Meio-à-Lapa, 18 – Tel. 21 397 26 81
Taverna do Embuçado - Beco dos Curtumes, 10 – Tl. 21 8865088
Timpanas – R. Gilberto Rola, 24 – Tel. 21 390 66 55
Voz do Operário – R. Voz do Operário, 13 – Tel. 21 886 21 55
The House of the Fado and the Portuguese Guitar is a Museum where you can hear the different fado types and see or remember its first times. – Largo do Chafariz de Dentro, 1 Tel. 218823470.
Absoluto – R. D. Luís, 15 – Tel. 21 395 50 09
Ad Lib – R. Barata Salgueiro, 28 – 7º. – Tel. 21 365 17 17
Alcântara Mar – R. da Cozinha Económica, 11 – Te. 21 363 64 32
A Lontra – R. de S. Bento, 155 – Tel. 21 369 10 83
Blues Café – R. da Cintura do Porto de Lisboa, Armazém H – Tel. 21 395 70 85
Benzina – Trv. De Teixeira Júnior, 6 – Tel. 21 363 39 59
Cais S – R. Doca de Sto. Amaro, Armazém 1 – Tel. 21 395 81 10
Dock's Club – R. da Cintura do Porto de Lisboa, Armazém H – Tel. 21 395 08 56
Frágil – R. da Atalaia, 126 – Tel. 21 396 95 78
Gartejo – R. João de Oliveira Miguens, 38 – Tel. 21 395 59 77
Incógnito – R. do Poiais de S. Bento, 37 – Tel. 21 390 87 55
Indochina – R. Cintura do porto de Lisboa
Kapital – R. 24 de Julho, 68 – Tel. 21 395 71 01
Kings and Queens – R. da Cintura do Porto de Lisboa – Tel. 21 397 76 99
Kremlin – Escadinhas da Praia, 5 – Tel. 21 390 87 68
Plateau – Escadinhas da Praia, 3 – Tel. 21 396 51 16
Portas Largas – R. da Atalaia, 105 346 63 69
Três Pastorinhos – R. da Barroca, 111 – Tel. 21 346 43 01
Ultramar – Rocha do Conde de Óbidos – Tel. 21 396 18 86
A Capela – R. da Atalaia, 45
Arroz Doce – R. da Atalaia, 45 – Tel. 21 346 26 01
Bar 106 – R. de S. Marçal, 106 342 73 73
Bar da Graça – Tv. da Parreira, 43 –Tel. 21 836 37 44
Bar do Rio – R. Armazém 7 – Tel. 21 346 72 79
Brica Bar – R. Cecílio de Sousa, 84 342 89 71 G
British Bar – R. Bernardo Costa, 52 – Tel. 21 342 23 67
Café Central – Av. 24 de Julho, 112 – Tel. 21395 61 11
Café Diário – R. Diário de Notícias, 3 – Tel. 21 343 24 34
Café Suave – R. Diário de Notícias, 6 – Tel. 21 347 11 44
Casa de Loucos – R. da Barroca, 30 – Tel. 21 342 71 49
Cerca Moura – Lg. Das Portas do Sol, 4 – Tel. 21 887 48 59
Cervejinhas – Av. 24 de Julho, 90 – Tel. 21 360 80 50
Chapitô– R. Costa do Castelo, 7 – Tel. 21 887 28 25
Décibel – Av. 24 de Julho, 116 –– Tel. 21 396 17 29
Doca 6 – Armazém 6 – Santo Amaro – Tel. 21 397 99 04
D. Pedro V – R. D. Pedro V, 14 342 78 42
Finalmente – R. da Palmeira, 38 – Tel. 21 347 26 52
Foxtrot – Tv. de Santa Teresa, 28 – Tel. 21 395 26 97
Fremitus – R. Da Atalaia, 78 34336 32
Gringo's Café – Av. 24 de Julho, 116 – Tel. 21396 09 11
Hennessy's Irish Pub – R. Cais do Sodré, 38 343 10 64
Lux – R. Gustavo Matos Sequeira, 42 882 08 90
M.A.J.O.N.G. – R. da Atalaia, 3 342 10 39
Memorial – R. Gustavo de Matos Sequeira, 42 – Tel. 21 396 88 91
Nova– R. da Rosa, 261– Tel. 21 346 28 34
O Esboço – R. do Vigário, 10 887 78 93
Opera – R. Trv. Das Mónicas, 65 – Tel. 21 886 23 18
Pavilhão Chinês – R. D. Pedro V, 89 – Tel. 21 34247 29
Paulinha – Av. 24 de Julho, 82 – Tel. 21 396 47 83
Primas – R. da Atalaia, 154– Tel. 21 342 59 25
Procópio – Escadinhas de S. Francisco, 21 A – Tel. 213852851
República das Bananas– R. da Madalena, 106
Santo Amaro Café – R. Armazém 9 – Tel. 21 397 99 04
Snob Bar – R. do Século, 8 – Tel. 21 346 37 23
Soul Factory Bar – R.das Salgadeiras
Sudoeste – R. da Barroca, 129 – Tel. 21 346 16 72
Tatoo – R. de S. Marçal, 15 – Tel. 21 397 10 59 G
T Club – Av. Brasília – Tel. 2301 66 53.
Trumps – R. da Imprensa Nacional, 104 – Tel. 213971059 G
Web C@fé – R. do Diário de Notícias, 126 – Tel. 21 342 11 81
Work in Progress – R. da Bica Duarte Belo, 47 – Tel. 21 886 6532
Xafarix – Av. D. Carlos I, 59 – Tel. 21 396 74 67
Álcool Puro – Av. D. Carlos, 59 – Tel. – 21 396 74 67
Anos 60 – Lg. Do Terreirinho, 21 887 34 44
Até Qu'Enfim – R. das Janelas verdes, 2 – Tel. – 21 396 39 59
Banana Power – R. de Cascais, 51-2º – Tel. – 21 363 18 15
B'leza – Lg. Conde Barão, 50 – Tel. – 21 396 37 35
Café Be Bop – R. Luz Soriano, 18 – Tel. – 21 342 16 26
Café Targus – R. Diário de Notícias, 40 – Tel. – 21 347 64 03
Casa do Brasil – R. S. Pedrode Alcântara, 63 – 1º Dt. - Tel. - 213471580
Havana – Doca de Sto. Amaro, Armazém 5 – Tel. – 21 397 98 93
Hot Club de Portugal – Pç da Alegria, 59 – Tel. – 21 346 73 69
Jamaica – R. do Carvalho – R. do Remolares – Tel. – 21 342 18 59
Ó Glíns Irish Pub – R. dos Remolares, 8 – Tel. – 21 342 18 99
Ritz Club – R. da Glória, 57 – Tel. – 21 346 59 98
Rock City – R. Cintura do Porto de Lisboa, Armazém 225 – Tel. – 21 342 86 40
Salsa Latina – Gare Marítima de Alcântara – Tel. – 21 395 05 50
Speakeasy – R. Cais da Rocha do Conde de Óbidos – Tel. – 21 3864257
Tertúlia – R. do Diário de Notícias, 60 – Tel. – 21 346 27 04
(for alphabetical order)
Alvalade – Pç. de Alvalade – Tel. 217955224
Amoreiras – Av. Engº. Duarte Pacheco – Amoreiras – Tel. 213810200
Atrium Saldanha – Pç. Duque de Saldanha,1 – Tel. 213192150
Colombo – Av. Lusíade – Tel. 217160250
Espaço Chiado – R. da Misericórdia, 12/20 – Tel. 213472560
Galerias Monumentais – Praça Duque de Saldanha – Tel. 213150531
Galerias Saldanha – Av. Fontes Pereira de Melo, 42 E – Tel. 213510100
Grandes Armazéns do Chiado – R. do Carmo – R. Nova do Almada
Imaviz – Av. Fontes Pereira de Melo, 35 – Tel. 213555530
Libersil – Av. da Liberdade, 38 – Tel. 21 3467746
Vasco da Gama – Parque das Nações – Tel. 218955245 Fax 8955252
Only the gods know the secret of the nectar and the Douro men receive inspiration to produce the best wine of the world.
We don't want to deprive you of that drink where the glamour and the flavour of Portugal is going in a simple bottle.
Houses where you can find a good Port wine and other to the most several prices:
Casa Macário – R. Augusta, 272 – Tel. 21 342 09 00
Coisa do Arco do Vinho – (Centro Cultural de Belém) –– Tel. 21 364 20 31
Casa Pereira – R. Garrett, 38 – Tel. 21 342 66 94
Espírito do Vinho – R. Borges Carneiro, 38 – Tel. 21 887 20 31
Ferreira & Silva, Lda. – R. S. João da Praça, – Tel. 21 886 95 49
Manuel Tavares – R. da Betesga, 1 – Tel. 21 342 42 09
Napoleão – R. dos Fanqueiros, 70 – Tel. 21 887 20 42
Napoleão – R. da Misericórdia, 121 – Tel. 21 342 71 82
Napoleão – Av. de Roma, 8 – Tel. 21 848 12 40
Napoleão – R. Engº. Vieira da Silva, 14 – Tel. 21 314 16 04
Napoleão – R. Luís Augusto Palmeirm, 2-D – Tel. 218403679
Napoleão – R. Cavaleiro de Oliveira, 13 – Tel. 218403679
Solar do Vinho do Porto – R. de S. Pedro de Alcântara, 45 – Tel. 21 342 33 07
Before going to a Diplomatic Representation, telephone.
África do Sul – Av. Luís Bívar, 10 – Tel. 213535041
Alemanha – Campo dos Mártires da Pátria, 38 – Tel. 213523961
Angola – Av. da República, 68 – Tel. 7967041 - Fax - 213158805
Argélia – Av. Duarte Pco. Pereira, 58 – Tel. 213016356 – Fax - 3010393
Argentina – Av. João Crisóstomo, 8 – Tel. 217977311 / 217959225
Austrália – Tel. 2113510750 (13-14 p. m.)
Áustria – R. das Amoreiras, 70 – Tel. 213874161
Bélgica – Praça Marquês de Pombal, 14 – Tel. 213549263
Brasil – Estrada das Laranjeiras, 144 – Tel. 2172677777 / 213473565
Cabo Verde – Av. do Restelo, 33 – Tel. 21 301 52 71 – Fax – 301 53 08
Canadá – Edifício MCB, Av. da Liberdade, 144 – Tel. 213474892
China – R. António Saldanha, 42 – Tel. 213011947 / 213021733
Checa – R. Pero de Alenquer – Tel. 213010487 – Fax - 3010629
Coreia – Av. Miguel Bombarda, 36 – 7º. – Tel. 217937200
Croácia –R. D. Lourenço de Almeida, 24 – Tel. 2130221033 / 2130221053
Dinamarca –R. Castilho, 14 C – Tel. 213545099
Egipto – Av. D. Vasco da Gama, 8 – Tel. 213018301 – Fax - 213017909
Eslovénia – Av. da Liberdade, 49 – 6º. – Tel. 213423301 – Fax 213423305
Espanha - R. do Salitre, 1 – Tel. 213472381 / 213472792
Finlândia – R. Miguel Lupi, 12 – Tel. 213473501
França – R. Santos – o – Velho, 5 – Tel. 21608121 / 213956056
Grécia – R. Alto do Duque, 13 - – Tel. 213016991
Guiné Bissau – A Alcolema, 17 – Tel. 213030440 – Fax - 213030450
Holanda – Avª Infante Santo, 43-5º. – Tel. 213961161
Índia – R. Pero da Covilhã, 16 – Tel. 213017291 – Fax -213017291
Irlanda – R. da Imprensa à Estrela,1 – Tel. 213961569
Israel – R. António Enes, 16 – Tel. 213570251
Itália – Largo do Conde de Pombeiro, 16 – Tel. 213546144 / 213520862
Japão – R. Mouzinho da Silveira, 11 – Tel. 213523485
Juguslávia –Av. das Descobertas, 12 – Tel. 213015311
Líbia – Av. das Descobertas, 24 – Tel. 213016301 – Fax - 213012378
Luxemburgo – R. das Janelas Verdes, 43 – Tel. 213962781
México –R. Castilho, 50 – 4º. Esq. – Tel. 213860792 / 217977594
Moçambique – Av. de Berna, 7 – Tel. 217971994 – Fax - 217932720
Noruega – Av. Dom Vasco da Gama, 1 (Belém) – Tel. 213015344
Nova Zelândia – Tel. 213574134
Paquistão – Av. da República, 20 – 1º. – Tel. 213538446
Reino Unido – R. de S. Domingos à Lapa, 37 – Tel. 213961191 / 213954082
Roménia – R. S. Caetano, 5 – Tel. 213972648
Suécia – R. Miguel Lupi, 12 – Tel. 213955224
Suíça – Trv. Do Patrocínio, 1 – Tel. 213973121
Tailândia – A Alcoema, 12 – Tel. 213014848 / 2130115051
Turquia – Av. das Descobertas, 22 – Tel. 213028910
URSS – R. Visconde de Santarém, 59 - – Tel. 218460512 / 218461521
USA – Av. das Forças Armadas - – Tel. 217266600 / 217265562
Venezuela – – Tel. 213871567 / 213861648
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Top of the foregoing map of the page 138
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O Metro
The Metro has 4 lines: the "Azul – Gaivota" , " connects the Baixa to Pontinha.
The "Amarela - Girassol" goes from Rato to Campo Grande.
The "Verde - Caravela " links Campo Grande to Cais do Sodré. The "Vermelha" " connects Alameda to the East Station and the Parque das Nações .
Do you want a bok?
Telefone: 249 881 397
Fax: 249 891 128
Carta: Cunha Simões
Apartado 128
2384-909 Alcanena
● ● ● ● ● ●
●Telefone: 249 881 397
●Fax: 249 891 128
●Letter:Cunha Simões
●Apartado 128
●2384-909 Alcanena
●Whenever you’ll intendto contact the author, do it by